
SmoothMenu javascript help

I am using this javascript menu which i bought on the net called SmoothMenu and it works fine in a standalone page..but when incorporated with a master page that is using other javascript files as well it does not load the javascript which applies the css properties. I am using mootools javascript file "mootools-1.2.1-core-nc.js" and th...

Preloading Images defined in a CSS file

Hi, I am aware of ways I can preload images (and css files) using hidden embedded tags/includes, css styles and javascript but these all rely on the need to embed an extra tag or css rule to load each of these files and for each new image I must remember to add in another preload rule. What I am looking for and can't seem to find anywh...

jQuery $(document).ready(); declaring all the functions in it

Explanation: i have few objects and im declaring them inside $(document).ready(). WHY? because in thous objects i have many jquery methods $(..), obviously they can work outside too, but when i include mootool, then it stop working. i tried noConflict and some other things, nothing works, only if i change the $() to jQuery() or to $j()....

MooTools - Handle none JSON response

I use Request.Queue from more to fire my request one after one when the previous completes. Now I wonder how I should deal with requests that doesn't return json-encoded data (ie when a request fails and the script prints warnings and such). Currently the request.queue fails instead of moving on to the next and I wonder how to catch tha...

MooTools: domready vs load

With which will function(){} fire first? A) window.addEvent('domready', function(){}); B) window.addEvent('load', function(){}); ...

Conflict btw two mootools version files

I have one videobox that acts like a lightbox for displaying video using mootools.js file and I am trying to integrate in my web page a menu using mootools-1.2.1-core-nc.js. Is there any way to make this files work togethere without conflicting??? ...

Searching a Jquery Cycle Pluggin for Mootools

Hi, im looking for something like this: but made in mootools, do you know about one? :) thxs. ...

Slideshow2 Mootools problem in IE

Hi, im trying to implement Slideshow2 but I have problems with IE, as you can see in this test: the Slideshow works ok in FF and Chrome, but is not working on IE7 What im missing? Thxs :) ...

Mootools Delay Issue

I'm ultimately trying to delay the fade out by 5 seconds (page loads, 5 seconds later the fade out happens). But right now the bit of code below throwing a "delay is not a function" error. el.fade('out').get('tween').chain(function(){ el.destroy(); }).delay(5000); ...

iPhone Unlock Slider With Mootools?

I try to make a slider similar to the iPhone unlock Slider, that forwards to a linked site, when complete, and returns to its initial position when the slider wasn't dragged to the end. This is not meant to be a iPhone webapp, i just want to put this to a general website as a effect. So far I've tried those two tests, but i'm stuck on ...

Mootools "Extends" plus "Implements"

Hi, I like to write my code slim and sexy (on the performance and memory side), I am using Mootools and was wondering if I was using it the correct way, also you can help me by telling me how to test my code to find the answers I am looking for my self. //First we create a class like so: var FirstClass = new Class {( 'someFunc': fu...

Prototype / Mootools conflict question

So I have a page that uses both Prototype and Mootools AJAX scripts. There is much more Mootools that Prototype, so I'm wondering if Prototype has a function similar to jQuery's $j = jQuery.noConflict(); that I can use to redefine the $ alias for Prototype? Thanks! ...

Swfobject and MooTools: Dynamic movie height

Greetings. I am developing an animated homepage for a Flash-HTML hybrid website, and for the sake of standards, my solution is proving difficult. I am not a Javascript pro, so any help is appreciated! Here is the run-down: For Flash users, HTML page loads a variable-height AS3 Flash movie that will start at 556 pixels high, and after...

Mootools formcheck -IE7 / IE8

Hi all, I'm having a bit of trouble with the formcheck class for mootools when viewed using IE7 / IE8. The pop ups that are showing in firefox and chrome are not working. I am also using text fields. Does anyone know of a reason why this isn't working? Thanks, Steve ...

is there any script which can stop to show ALT="text" as a tooltip in IE 6 and 7?

is there any script which can stop to show ALT="text" as a tooltip in IE 6 and 7? ...

How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools?

I am newbie。 How to changing my background-image css property using Mootools? ...

Reading return values from PHP with Mootools

I have been trying to retrieve data via AJAX. I can't seem to be able to 'read' what was sent to me by PHP. Here's the code $('create_course').addEvent('submit', function(e){ e.stop(); flash.setStyle('display', 'none'); this.set('send', { onComplete: function(resp){ if ($chk(resp)) { console.log($type(resp...

Mootools support for selector chaining?

Does Mootools support pseudo-selector chaining either natively or with a plugin? In jQuery, for example: $("div:first-child:visible:contains('chocolate chip cookie') > h1") I know this can be accomplished by chaining method calls but I'm really after having all of the selectors within the string. ...

Does Prototype.js support custom pseudo-selectors?

That is, can I define a selector called "shiny" and do ... ? $$('div.shiny') //undesired -- class based $$('div:shiny') //desired -- logic based This is available in MooTools and jQuery. ...

Are Mootools and Google Closure Librarys Compatible?

Anyone have any experience of using Closure js lib and Mootools in the same page? Conflicts or works ok? ...