
Using mootools request.html to load id element from external page

Hello, My question is similiar to this question I unfortunately am not familiar with mootools at all but am being forced to use it as a number of other components on the website rely on this framework. I am trying t...

What happened to MooTouch?

In March/April of this year there was some talk about a new mobile framework based on MooTools, MooTouch. It looked like a great and very promising alternative to jQTouch. The framework was developed by Jacky Nguyen (see his LinkedIn profile) who has apparently joined Sencha last July. He is not mentioned anywhere on the Sencha website ...

Mootools cross domain, YQL proxy

Hello, I've been trying to make ajax cross domain scripting with YQL as proxy. It works great, but can i somehow change the data format? Im trying to extend the JSONP class like this: And im getting data as text/html, but would like it to be as xm...

What's the equivalent of getSelected() (mootools 1.1)

In mootools 1.2, getting selected options in a multi select is easy using getSelected: // code 1 $('my_select').getSelected().each(function(opt) { // stuff }); Is there an equivalent of that in mootools 1.1 or do I have to use getChildren() and check whether it has been selected? What I have at the moment: // code 2 // get all ...

getting json from google query - mootools 1.1

Hi-- I'm a bit stumped on what should be a really simple question. I'm trying to use the Google calculator URL to return a converted currency via ajax, but I can't ever get the data back due to the "same domain" issue I assume. Here's the code: window.addEvent('domready', function() { $('currency_select').addEvent('cha...

Mootools add a class to 'a' href="something"

The situation is that I want to add a class 'display-none' to li eliment which has a child eliment 'a' <li class="mostread"> <a href="/intranet/Admin/Error-Pages/404.html" class="mostread">404</a> </li> i.e., if li class mostread has child element a href="/intranet/Admin/Error-Pages/404.html" and class mostread then add class 'di...

MooTools onLoad SmoothScrolling (Lim Chee Aun Method)

From the post Lim Chee Un made here: window.addEvent(‘domready’, function() { new SmoothScroll({ duration:700 }, window); var el = window.location.hash.substring(1); // the hash if(el) { window.scrollTo(0,0); var scroll = new Fx.Scroll(window, { wait: false, duration: 700, transition: ...

Changing Mootools 1.2 code, to work with 1.1 ?

Hi, I'm working in a joomla page. Joomla uses moo1.1, there's a new update 1.5.20, where we can actually upgrade mootools to 1.2. Unfortunately, many extensions still try to load 1.1 functions. So, I would like to know what changes can I make to make the following code work with Moo1.1:

Mootools: Delayed spinning icon while ajax request

I'm using mootools. There's a page with ajax tabs. On click, the new tab gets loaded using the mootools Request.HTML command. Because there will be some very timeconsuming SQL Queries in the background, I'm displaying a spinning icon until the page has loaded (see code). 122 $('detailContent').set('html', '<img src="common/img/a...

mootool event delay on specifed timing

hi, anyone come across a code that only fire event when the mouse enter the element for certain time ? but won't fire event if only hover or passed thru the element quickly.. ...

what's a good form-checking library with conditional validation?

I had been using jsvalidate, but it doesn't fit my requirement of conditional validation for what I want to do; I want to make a couple of fields required only if a select is previously marked as yes. I have been looking into mootools's formcheck, it seems a bit fancier and nicer than jquery's validation plugin, but I don't know if it w...

Recreate Simple Flash Animation using Javascript

I came a across a really sharp intro effect I'd like to try and create in jQuery, mootools or prototype: (Just the spin in effect) So in a sense, I want to spin in the main content div of the page. Any suggestions to get started or are there base plug-ins that have help achieve this intro effect outside of fl...

Using MochaUI windows tabs for MUI.Panels?

When using MochaUI to open a new floating container (from the demo menu File>Tests>any), a new tab appears in the "Dock" bar, and when one click this tab the floating window minize/restore. What I'd like to use is to use those tabs but having the containers (maximized) into a panel. For example, I click File>Open>Something_1111, and a ...

How can I catch the back button event?

Is it possible to catch the JavaScript event when a user hits the back button in the browser or if history.back() is triggered? Best solution would be with mootools. I know there is window.onbeforeunload but this is triggered also when a form is submitted or a link is clicked... ...

MooTools: Attaching event to multiple elements

I've got a jQuery routine I need to convert to MooTools, but I can't get it to work. Here's my jQuery version: $(".google-analytics-link").click(function () { var href = $(this).attr("href"); pageTracker._link(href); location.href = href; return false; }); Here's my MooTools translation: $$(".google-analytics-link").a...

How best to import an Object (obtained from a JSON decode) into a MooTools Class?

Hello, I have a class called User defined using MooTools Class. This class contains a getter called fullName (which manipulates firstName and lastName). var User = new Class({ initialize:function(firstName, lastName){ this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; }, fullName:function(){ return this.firstName + ' ' + th...

JavaScript syntax doubt? (mootools)

EDIT: This got way too complicated, I will migrate this question to another question and put up my new code there! Please ignore the code on this because it is logically flawed. (Please vote to close the question as it makes no sense) Hi, I am initializing the following loops in my code. The code is written using mootools. CANVAS.init...

How can I customize FancyUpload to upload multiple files, each with its own data (e.g. caption, title)?

I'll be answering this question I want to allow my users to upload multiple files in one go and want to use FancyUpload to do it. I can get a basic version of FancyUpload working but I now need to allow users to specify some metadata for each file such as a caption or title. Unfortunately, I've run into a couple of problems. First, I n...

How to create MooTools class of a variable name

Consider this code: var Someclass = new Class(); var Anotherclass = new Class(); var classes = ['Someclass', 'Anotherclass']; and I want to create mootools class with a dynamic name. Of course i can do it by eval: eval('var obj = new ' + classes[0] + '(params);'); but I do not think it is a good solution. How to do this in a "prope...

Exit / External Link splash page / page load

Hi, I've seen on sites before, when you click a link there is a fade to a loading page/splash page and then the new page fades in. Unfortunately, I can't remember where I saw this, otherwise I would just disect theirs. Anyone know of a jquery, mootools, ajax script to do this? Thanks! ...