
Tips on using Mootools Swiff object to talk between JS and Flash Movie?

I'm trying to use Mootool's Swiff object to load a flash movie and to start talking with it. I've been following the example here: Which I know is a little out of date (the events option should be callBacks apparently) but should at least be a start. Yet I can't get the...

Painting shapes in Javascript

Is there any good alternative to the html5-element canvas to paint shapes like hexagons using javascript, that works cross-browser (including the horrible IE6)? I have been using jQuery and jQuery maphighlight for this, but it doesn't give me enough possibilities to manipulate the shapes and colors after it's first rendered. Am I missi...

Infragistics + MooTools + MooFlow gallery + IE

Hi everybody. In my current project ( with, customer wants to use Infragistics UltraWebGrid and MooFlow gallery (MooTools). I faced with problem that MooFlow is not working when it's on the same page with UltraWebGrid in IE (v. 7 and 8), in FF it works fine. It seems like Infragistics not allow MooFlow use inherited metho...

Why is jQuery so widely adopted versus other Javascript frameworks?

I manage a group of programmers. I do value my employees opinion but lately we've been divided as to which framework to use on web projects. I personally favor MooTools, but some of my team seems to want to migrate to jQuery because it is more widely adopted. That by itself is not enough for me to allow a migration. I have used both jQ...

What good Feed API (Javascript or exposed via web services) are there?

I've just starting out developing using Feeds, and have so far used Google Feed API to get RSS feeds into my web application. I was wondering what other types of feed api are available for free consumption. Also if you have any great feeds you would recommend (available through RSS or otherwise - including custom feeds), please let m...

event.preventDefault() function not working in IE. Any help?

Following is my javascript(mootools) code: $('orderNowForm').addEvent('submit', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); allFilled = false; $$(".required").each(function(inp){ if (inp.getValue() != ''){ allFilled = true; } }); if (!allFilled){ $$(".errormsg").setStyle('display', '...

Equalize column javascript not working in Chrome

Hi, I'm using this mootools javascript snippet to equalize the height of my columns: window.addEvent('domready', function() { var columns = $$('.equalize'); var max_height = 0; columns.each(function(item) { max_height = Math.max(max_height, item.getSize().y); }); columns.setStyle('height', max_height); }); Prob...

how to execute multiple animations simultaneously in mootools?

I have two divs (say, divs with ids: div1 and div2) whose height I need to expand using Fx.Tween And I want the animations to be simultaneous. '#div1' 's style.height is to be changed from auto to 0. '#div2' 's style.height is to be changed for current height to a new height calculated by a function called calculateHeight() how do I do...

Is checking mousemove a good way to determine whether or not to download assets?

So I've got a web app that is for all intents and purposes a photo viewer. When a thumbnail is clicked, the app requests the image asset, injects it into the DOM as an IMG tag and disposes the other (MooTools Asset.image, inject and dispose). If they click on an image that has already been loaded I just inject it again since dis...

Ajax problem using MooTools/jQuery - p.onStatusChange is not a function

Hello, I get the following error in firebug in Firefox 3 with both MooTools and jQuery: "p.onStatusChange is not a function". I've noticed this error frequently in firebug since one of the latest updates of FF3. However, it has started appearing with code that hasn't been changed in some time and that was not reporting errors previous...

advanced parameter usage

//This is the function that will run every time a new item is added or the //list is sorted. var showNewOrder = function() { //This function means we get serialize() to tell us the text of each //element, instead of its ID, which is the default return. var serializeFunction = function(el) { return el.get('text'); }; //W...

Fade out div over the whole site to (simulate) do a preloader with (Mootools) Jquery.

I made a page, 3 cols, tableless and css formated (as it should be). Sometimes the browser doesn't put anything in its place. So I made a fake preloader in a DIV id="preloader" and a content wrapper in another DIV id="container". First I made the whole wrapper nonexistant (not there, in opposite to visibility, that just "hides"). CSS ...

Best way to find if a DOM object is visible or not, using mootools.

What is the best way to find if a DOM object is visible? Various cases when object is considered not visible: display: none; visibility: hidden; one of the parents has display: none or visibility: hidden Another DOM element is obscuring the queried element (Nice to have, but I can manage without it). Item outside of screen boundaries...

MochaUI: 'A is null' when adding columns

I've just downloaded MochaUI, and I'm playing around trying to build an interface. I've successfully created windows, but I'm having trouble when it comes to layouts with columns. I've included all of the libraries in the same order as the demo, and this is in my init code: window.addEvent('domready', function(){ new MochaUI.Colum...

RESTful Content Negotiation in Rails

I'm looking to implement content negotiation on some resources in a Rails app. I'm using Mootools and will likely be able to tweak the content type accepted by an XMLHTTPRequest to "application/json". Is there any way to pick up on this information in my controller and generate JSON responses instead of XHTML? I'm trying to avoid doin...

Mootools Periodical Problems

I am having trouble getting a class function to run periodically with mootools. It runs one fine, but then I get a function is undefined error. The related code can be seen here: ...

How to get FormCheck jQuery script set up and working.

I am trying to use FormCheck for MooTools to validate a basic contact form I am planning to build. The problem is I can't seem to set up the script to work at all =( If anyone knows about FormCheck or MooTools and can add any pointers they would all be greatly recieved. My page: Thanks Ryan ...

What's the correct way to call MooTools JS code from within Joomla?

I wrote some MooTools code that reads from YouTube's API in JSON and I want to execute it from within a custom component. I've been reading about the js.php file, but I'm unclear on the best approach. I was just going to output js in my component directly, and then i realized that the MooTools library isn't being loaded unless a compone...

What are your favorite Mootools/Prototype native object prototypes?

Us Mootoolers and Prototypers (what few are on this site) usually carry around a handy toolbox of functions we have created (or borrowed) that we implement on native javascript objects to make our lives a little easier. I wanted get a list together of very helpful prototyped functions, but only ones that are implemented on native object...

Conflict between mootools and another (non-framework) script

I'm trying to integrate a javascript called ImageFlow into a Joomla site, but I'm getting an error in Internet Explorer (v8 native and compatibility mode) and it won't display. It works fine in Firefox and other browsers). I believe the error is related to mootools. Error details: Message: Object doesn't support this property or met...