
How to create Site Directory in MOSS 2007

Can anyone please let me know how we can create a Site Directory? Also please let me know the Scope of a Site Directory? Also what does a Master Site Directory mean? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. ...

Sharepoint Document Unique Identifier while crawling using SiteData Webservice

Does anybody know how I can map the "UniqueID" property to a managed property so I can display it in the advanced search results? This property is not visible when I try to create a new managed property using Metadata Property Mappings link in shared services administration. Using the SiteData or Lists web service I can see the "ows_Uni...

InfoPath - MOSS User Information List as Data Connection - Exclude groups

I have an InfoPath form where I want to place a drop down list to select a user from a MOSS server. I added a Data Connection in InfoPath to the User Information List list in my MOSS server. It works well, but the values I get are: DOMAIN\administrator SharePoint Owners SharePoint Visitors SharePoint Members NT AUTHORITY\local service...

SharePoint Forms Authentication Provider Name Prefix on Username

I have setup a SharePoint site with forms authentication and My Sites. The users username displays correctly on the main site collection, however whent he user creates a My Site the user is always referred to as : for example it might be: sqlMembershipProvider:testuser This can be seen in this image:

SPNavigation - Displaying User Defined Navigation

I'm trying to build a secondary navigation on a front end site, and I can't get past an issue. In the code below, the output displays something similar to: water -----water -----pollination -----dormancy pollination -----water -----pollination -----dormancy dormancy -----water -----pollination -----dormancy // Loop through Root Webs...

Sharepoint search fails when using DataKeynames

We have a Sharepoint site which uses search. We get the following error: Unable to validate data. at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.EncryptOrDecryptData (Boolean fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo) at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deser...

Permission for a SharePoint document using MOSS web services

Hi, We have a need to retrieve user groups which have read permissions for a document. We know the URL of the document. The following Permissions service provides the groups which has access, but it expects either a site URL or a list URL. We have a document URL. Is there any other service which provides permissions of a document. Or alt...

how to extend the "Application Templates" of MOSS

For example, MOSS provides "Inventory Tracking Template" To add workflow capability should we create another custom webpart using the classes? Hope we can add columns to the List Provided. in order to add additional logic (like validation, kicking notification,etc) Visit this link to understand more about the 2nd point: http://www.ex...

Does Excel Services Support Macros?

Does MOSS 2007 Excel Services support macro execution? ...

WiX: Installer for MOSS WSP

I've a question about creating an installer with WiX. In my SharePoint development I have three different features. They are all installed with a separate WSP. One of the WSPs (called A.wsp) contains another WSP (B.wsp) (it's the basic for the program). Every wsp can be installed for it's on. How can I check when uninstalling A.wsp if...

SFTP with SharePoint when live over the internet

We are using MOSS 2007. We are about to make one of our SharePoint sites live over the internet but we wants the file upload/download to be SFTP. Is this possible in SharePoint, if so how can this be done? Must it be done through custom code (Please provide me with an example) or is there a setting somehwere where you can turn uploads a...

How to capture SharePoint events from the UI?

Hi! I would need to capture events that users do on a SharePoint site (or at least Central Administration) - kind of "click on Site Settings" -> " click on Master pages gallery" etc... I guess that's quite easy as a Sharepoint site is in the end a simple web site - but what would be the best approach? Thank you! ...

Add Custom Meta Data to a Team Site Programmatically

Hi, I have been asked to write a custom webpage in a web application integrated into a MOSS 2007 solution to allow users to create a teamsite using a custom template. No problem. However, the user must have the ability to assign custom meta tags to the created team site to allow for specific searches, i.e. to assign country ("USA")...

MOSS Workflow with InfoPath forms - Redirect after submit

I have a MOSS workflow that uses InfoPath forms. After submitting the form, MOSS saves the information and redirects the user to a list of items. Is there a way to control where the user is redirected after the InfoPath form is saved? I'd like to redirect him to another page of my MOSS site. ...

Creating Web Application in SharePoint with multiple Web front ends

How do you go about creating a web application in a Sharepoint server farm that has multiple Web front ends(identical ones for load balancing), especially if you creating it from command line? When you create it on one web server does it get automatically copied to other servers as well? Or do you have to extend the app to other servers?...

SharePoint: SPS vs STS sitetemplate workflow features/functionality

Is there any difference on workflow features / functions in MOSS 2007 between SPS and STS Site Definitions? Example: If I use SPS -> do i have same workflow functionality as STS site definition. Maybe this is silly question but couldn`t find suitable answer... ...

SharePoint Lists as DataSources - How to Manage

Hello All, Its a kind of newbie question: We have a web part with user controls and a SP list as data source. For different kind of sites say team sites, publishing portals etc the path for the respective list would be different. eg: Team Site it would be http://<Server>/Lists/<List Name> and for Publishing portal with Locali...

Can I use a VM for MOSS (SharePoint) 2007 production environment?

I am currently working on a fairly simple company intranet based on MOSS 2007 with around 1400 users, a few blogs and wikis, minimal file sharing and no My Sites (at the moment). We are considering deploying to a VM for the production environment but I have not been able to find much information on doing this. We mostly use VMWare, thou...

How does SharePoint identify a new email to a Discussion Board as belonging to a thread?

Pretty much as the title really, I want to be able to create a new thread from a reply to an old thread, perhaps by adding a "New Thread: " or similar to the title of the message, but of course Sharepoint is using some other characteristics of the message to recognise messages as replies to other messages and I can't find what those are....

Sharepoint find where webpart is in use

Is it possible to analyse on which pages a webpart is in use? I want to remove some webparts from my sharepoint server, but i don't know what's in use and what's not in use? Is there a solution for it? Im current using moss2007 ...