
MOSS 2007 - Using Connectable WebPart - Consumer has TextBox

I have 2 webparts which are connected, where the provider sends a string to the consumer. However it fails to work if I put any TextBox controls in the consumer webpart. (works fine if I use a Label or Literal control. The idea is that the consumer is to be composed of form controls like TextBoxes. e.g. the codeproject sample at http...

Integrating Interwoven Teamsite into SharePoint for Content Management

I'm working on a roadmap to re-architect our corporate intranet, and I'm stuck on a hard decision around content management. We own licences for Interwoven TeamSite, and we use it to manage our content for our externally-facing internet site, our main intranet, and a couple of big internal knowledge exchanges. It's looking likely that ...

Deploy sharepoint site

Hi all, I have created simple application in windows sharepoint services. Now I want to deploy that solution. For that I have taken backup of my site and FTP that backup to remote server. I have create Blank Webapplication on my remote server. What I want to do is now simply restore this backup on blank webapplication on remote server. ...

Configuring RSS feed in MOSS

I am trying to configure RSS feed for a pages library in MOSS. The requirement is fairly simple, it includes: display the page title display the page description (short summary) filter the feed by the content type I have done the following: enable RSS feed in site collection enable and configure the RSS feed on the list to display ...

How to show Failed status in Sharepoint Timer Job

I want my timer job to display failed status on certain condition. Should I just throw an exception or what? ...

Default selected Item in Connected web part

Hi All, I have a web part connected to another (provide a row to). It shows the radio button that when clicked correctly provides the data to the second web part. Can I have this radio button selected by default so that it automatically provides the filter data as soon as the page is loaded? Thanks in advance Sachin ...

SharePoint web part storage with multiple instances of web part on same page

I have a custom web part I've built, that I'm attempting to place three instances of on a single page. What I've noticed is that when I have a single instance on the page, the custom properties save and work appropriately. When I then add two more instances of the same custom web part to the page, the following web parts do not save th...

Infopath web form - Submit and switch view

I have an infopath form that I use as part of a MOSS workflow. The form has multiple views, and a Save button on each one. What I want to do as part of the Save button's rules, is submit the information and switch to the next view. I added two rules to the button, one to submit data and another to switch view, but when I re-enter the f...

Can I have a custom document workspace for documents in a document library?

Is it possible to have a custom document workspace for documents created in a specific document library? I don't need every document library to have this custom workspace, just a single document library. For example, assume there is a "Movies" document library. I'd like to have a customized document workspace for any documents created...

How can I edit a web part's .css file on the fly in MOSS 2007?

I have a web part that is installed using a feature. This web part has a css file that is deployed and I need to tweak it, but can't find it anywhere. I suspect it might be in the SQL Server DB. So how can I find it, edit it and see changes on the fly? Thanks. ...

Sharepoint custom list, dynamic field?

Hey guys, just wondering if their is a simple way to create an Item in a custom list but i need that item to be dynamic. The user can click add more to get another field that would hold the same type of data an unlimited amount of time. If i could even just add an excel spreadsheet type of field that would work also. But excel wouldnt n...

WSS - WSRP producer

I am trying to use the WSRP producer with WSS. Is this possible or do I need MOSS? How can i pass the user credentials to SharePoint Server? Please see my log ...

Programmatically Add Site Template (.stp) to SharePoint

Hi, I would like to programmatically add a custom site template (.stp file) to a MOSS team site collection as part of my build process. Can anyone point me towards the best way to do this? Thanks, MagicAndi. ...

Create Feature to Upload Site Template File (.stp) in MOSS

Hi, Following on from this question, I have created a feature to upload an site template file as part of an automated build of a SharePoint site. However, while the feature deploys the .stp file correctly to the hive, and the solution appears in the CAS | Operations | Solution Management page, the site template does not appear in the s...

SharePoint 64bit or 32bit

Is it ok to have 32bit dev and test environments with SharePoint? The reason that I am asking is because in my experience most productive large scale MOSS implementations are 64bit. I work for a company now who have very little experience with SharePoint, and I would like to give them the best advice possible, that is to try and keep t...

Sharepoint: How to add audience filter to custom control?

In MOSS 2007 I want to add a custom control to the global link section of a master page and have it only visible to a particular audience. The audience are the members of an active directory group who have logged in via SSL and need to be given a link which will log them out. How can I filter a custom control so that only these users w...

Features not being deleted after removing the solution

Hello All, I have removed the wsp from the Operations-Solution Management. Still in the site collection features I see the Feature I have removed. Please help me in deleting it from the Site Features too. ...

Sharepoint hide items in menu

Is there a way to hide: "Edit Item" / "Manage Permissions" / etc in a Sharepoint List? I want to avoid to modify CORE.JS, maybe a JQuery hack/tweak? Ive researching but I see nothing clear. ...

Determine the SharePoint Sites and Webs That A Specified User Can Access Programmatically?

Hi, I need to determine the sites and webs that a specified user can access in a SharePoint web application via the SharePoint API. Note the specified user is different from the current user that is calling the code. I initially was thinking of making use of the PortalSiteMapProvider, but it does not offer an option to change the user...

Cascaded ListBoxes using SPFieldMultiChoice - issue defaults to default Content type

I wound up modifying the source from a publically posted POC:, which is a custom field definition for cascading drop downs. The modifications were to allow parent-child list boxes where a user can multiselect for filtering and selecting the values to be written back to a SharePoin...