
Workflow Replicator Until Condition issue

I have implemented my workflow, I could not set the until condition for the replicator acivity, if any one task has been rejected. How do i break the replicator activity execution, if any one of the tasks is rejected. Please help me. Thanks. ...

SharePoint 2007 - Audience.

We have scheduled to execute the Audience (all) compilation job and found that it is failed to complete with the below error: 'The audience cannot be compiled while another job in progress' if we compile the audience manually, it is working perfectly without any issues. Could be due to someother Timer jobs scheduled at that time? or W...

Maximum Upload size?

The Maximum Upload size is '50MB' for a web-application, will it be the same for the site-collections underneath of that web-application? ...

TFS and team project portal question

The team explorer for my project looks like this: mytfsserver\mycollection -- Project 1 solution -- Project 2 solution -- Project 3 solution When I right click on one of the solutions and do a "Show Project Portal", I see the following hierarchy: mycollection - WSS site Project 1 site with dashboard (appears to be a MOSS site) Projec...

Which parts of Sharepoint do I need to understand to build a publicly facing website?

I am building a publicly facing website that does the following. Users log in. And then view a list of their customers. They click on a customer to view their past purchases, order them, change them etc. This is not a shopping site by the way. It is a simple look up tool. Note that none of the data accessed by the website is in anything...

Find the name and size of the uploaded document using Fiddler?

Will I be able to identify the name and size of a document that I am trying to upload into a SharePoint 2007 document library using Fiddler2 tool? ...

SharePoint Licensing

Hi - we are thinking of using SharePoint to host a web app for which we will allow internal staff and licensed external customers to access a website built on SharePoint. I am thinking that for each authenticated user (logged in) we would need an OS CAL & a SharePoint CAL & we would need a processor license for SQL Server - Is this corr...

SharePoint Document management Example

Hi All, I Need an example that will illustrate SharePoint Document management process in details. Any link,Case study for SharePoint document management will be appriciable. Thanks Sachin... ...

Feature Activation

We want to activate the existing future for more than 100+ site-collections, what would be the right choice? can we achieve this through Powershell? ...

How to debug Sharepoint solution/feature through Visual studio ?

Recently I tried to install a webpart through wspbuilder utility to the Sharepoint Site. I have created, built and deployed a project to the 12 hive. After that installed the solution through Cental Administration Site and activated in the site collection. I just wonder how can I debug the complex feature/solution ? Because both proce...

A code using SharePoint classes doesn't run on systems not having SharePoint installed

I have a window application which uses SP classes to create a site. I works fine on a system having Windows Server 2003 R2 with sharepoint installed. But it doesn't work on a system having XP installed and SharePoint not installed. The fact is that both of these systems are on a intranet. So I assumed that the NON-SP system would be a...

Exporting wiki to a word document - WSS

Is there a way to export a wiki page to a MS word document in WSS? Ideally, I would like to add a link on every WIKI page when clicked would export the content to a Word document. Any free plugins to do this? Any help is appreciated ...

Use SharePoint Search to crawl Project Server project metadata?

Our environment consists of Project Server 2007 and MOSS 2007. We have around 750 projects and lots of "Enterprise Custom Fields" set up to track all of the metadata associated with a project. Our main requirement is to be able to search/filter/group/sort all of these projects by metadata in SharePoint. Our current process involves sync...

scoping document for Sharepoint.

How to prepare the scoping document for the Sharepoint ? Any good tips and links to the example documents will be appreciated. Thanks ...

SharePoint Governance

I have been search about SharePoint Governance for past few days, the more I search, more confused I am getting about this Topic. Could anyone just explain in brief? What you know about it or are you using/implementing it? ...

SharePoint workflow user

I have created a SharePoint workflow in visual studio , I have extended this workflow from the default SharePoint approval workflow as discribed here ( ) The workflow is running properly. Is there a way I can get the workflow to run in the context of the user instead of th system account? ...

Data in custom attribute not returned in UserProfile object in MOSS

I've created two new custom attributes in the UserProfile. When the service we wrote returns data about a specific user by using the UserProfile object, sometimes the data isn't returned, even though if we look at the user in SSP it look populated. Some users work; this is the first user we set up with data. I'm not sure if sometime i...

BDC Security Issues

We are planning to use BDC to read and probably write to a SQL Server content database on external server. I have heard that there are many security issues that you may run into or should be aware of before setting up BDC. has anyone faced or knows any security issues with BDC. Thanks. ...

Sharepoint Announcements List

Is it possible to create a announcements list so that when there is no announcements, it will display a "default" announcement ? ...

Feature element repeatedly added with every feature activation/deactivation

This is a very minor behavior when compared with the entire scope, but it is one that I'd like to put a stop to. I have created a very, very simple SharePoint Feature. It has two elements in its manifest: an aspx webpart page, and an elements xml. I'll paraphrase my elements xml, which just adds a module, below. <Elements xmlns="http:...