
SQL Data consuming - SharePoint 2007 Timer job

Which is the most SQL data consuming SharePoint 2007 timer job except the crawling? ...

How to control order of the tabs in the template selection of SharePoint site creation page?

The New SharePoint Site page has a Template Selection section which can contains multiple tabs. For example, Meetings and Collaboration. These are controlled in webtemp.xml using DisplayCategory. While hiding and unhiding different OOTB templates, I somehow ended up switching the order of the tabs so that Meetings show up first. Can't s...

Meaning of the workflow Event Log?

What is the meaning of the below sharepoint 2007 log? Log: The previous instance of the timer job 'Config Refresh', id '{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}' for service '{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}' is still running, so the current instance will be skipped. Consider increasing the interval between jobs. ...

General Recommendation on redesigning existing sharepoint site

I have already made a site in MOSS 2007. There are couple of issues with it so the company has decided to redesign the site. Now what I want is some general recommendations as to the best possible approach for restructuring the site. What should be the first steps to move ahead. Should I start with navigation followed by groups and r...

Solution Package - List Synchronization

How can we use Solution Package (WSP) MOSS 2007 to synchronize lists from one server to another? ...

ViewFormPagesLockDown and excluding specific lists/pages

I am working on a public facing MOSS 2007 site that uses the ViewFormPagesLockDown feature to stop anonymous users from accessing the standard list forms. I don't want to lose the additional security this feature provides, but there are a few lists where anonymous users should have access to the forms. Is there anything I can do in the...

Sharepoint DataFormWebPart

Hi, Within my DataFormWebPart I have a 'DataSourcesString' property which references and queries a list. Depending on what page the DataFormWebPart is displayed on I need to be able to configure the query (parameterise the string 'Dispute Resolution' in the code below) within the 'DataSourcesString'. Does anyone know if there a way t...

Sharepoint: SPFile.OpenBinary() , doesn't open file in binary

I,m try to open SPFile in binary format: SPFolder Folder = web.GetFolder(item.Attachments.UrlPrefix); foreach (SPFile File in Folder.Files) { byte[] CopyFile = File.OpenBinary(); } but the result byte [1]=0, what i'm doing wrong? ...

Upload to Sharepoint using FrontPage RPC

Hi, I am trying to upload documents with their metadata to sharepoint using the RPC method. well it is working fine except some type of files like docx, xlsx.. I don't get any errors or exceptions, they are(docx, xlsx.) uploaded to sharepoint correctly but without the associated metadata. How can i fix this problem? Below is the code i...

Sharepoint - Evaluate Calculated Expression

I am tasked with building a process that will enable the end user to input a valid expression for a calculated column but simply process that instead of adding a new column to the list. The expression would obviously be a valid calculated column expression however I want to seperate the expression from the list. The purpose is the se...

SQL Server - Timed Out Exception.

We are facing the SQL Timed out issue and I found that the Error event ID is either Event 5586 or 3355 (Unable to connect / Network Issue), also could see few other DB related error event ids (3351 & 3760 - Permission issues) reported at different times. what could be the reason? any help would be appreciated.. ...

Need assistance with values for calling AddDiscussionBoardItem on WSS for MOSS

I am writing UI for the SharePoint Message Board functionality using Silverlight and communicating via WSS with JavaScript/CAML. I have the retrieval of Discussions and Messages working fine; however, I am having difficulty posting a reply to a Discussion or Message. The AddDiscussionBoardItem method expects the List name and the Messa...

Issue with SQL Stored procedure.

I could see the below entries in the ULS log 02/08/2010 14:36:46.12 w3wp.exe (0x15F4) 0x18A0 CMS Publishing 8x0a High AppDomainUnloadListener.RegisterSelf() entered lock(this=15368010) 02/08/2010 14:37:25.59 w3wp.exe (0x15F4) 0x1744 Win...

SqlException & Timer Job.

I found the below ULS Log entries, Timer job (OWSTimer.EXE) is causing this however would like to know the name of the Timer-job, how can i achieve this? (without enabling verbose logging) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The...

SharePoint 2007 - Current Timer jobs?

How to find the currently running SharePoint 2007 Timer jobs using STSADM? ...

Setting regional settings in new sharepoint site collection

When I create a new sharepoint site collection, is there some way I can automatically set the regional settings to my local settings as part of the creation process? In particular, I want to set the default date/time format to be non-US. Thanks ...

SharePoint - Unable to complete this operation. Please contact your administrator

When I try and save something to my list in SharePoint I get the following error: Unable to complete this operation. Please contact your administrator. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.PutFile(String bstrUrl, String bstrWebRelativeUrl, Object varFile, PutFileOpt PutFileOpt, String bstrCreatedBy, String bstrM...

Archiving sharepoint site instead of deleting

I have a sharepoint site. This contains site nubmer of sites and sub sites collections in it. There are few sites that are created and are not in use. Now my question is how can I find out these old sites and before going deleting it i need to archive it first. Can any one tell me what is the best possible approach to do it? ...

SharePoint 2007 popup rich text editor displays corporate logo from master page - how can I remove this?

Hi I am currently having problems with attempting to style the HTML rich text editor in our MOSS 2007 site definition. I have specified a corporate logo inline on a custom master page in the body tag as follows: <%@Master language="C#"%> <%@ Register Tagprefix="SharePoint" Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls" Assembly="Microso...

Identify Sharepoint Site

How can we know that a site is a Sharepoint Site? ...