
Sharepoint SPUserField

Is it possible to use the SPUserField in a custom aspx page without the SPUserField being bound to a field (it always asks for FieldName). I basically have a custom page which ultimately creates a list item, i want the user to be able to pick another user from the standard Sharepoint control... ?? Thx ...

reuse of an existing list

is there a way to reuse an existing list in a sibling site on sharepoint? I have an image list on a sub site and I want to be able to access parts(images) of that list from what is effectively a sub site of a sub site. to put it simply, I want to be able to view a list without having to duplicate it and the contents of the list. ...

WSPBuilder cannot find my assembly

I am using WSPBuilder on Visual Studio 2010 to create a feature with a feature receiver assembly for SharePoint 2010. When I try to build the WSP using WSP Builder I get this message in the output window: The assembly MyAssembly.dll is unmanaged. The assembly will be excluded from the WSP package! The defined Project Assembly seems not ...

Creating Custom Field Types with Additional Column Settings

I am trying to create a Custom Field Type which is same as Multiple lines of text field with the following additional: It has one extra text box in the Additional Column Settings section when creating the question When rendering the question, the value in the text box to be displayed before the text box as a link Does anyone k...

How to validate MOSS Installation

How to validate MOSS Installation.. One of my colleague is asking for above. Having MOSS application development experience I understand validation should be requirement specific. And also on where and how I am using it? I know it's enough to have central administration in place to validate at least it is installed. Still I am asking;...

how to add radiobutton for a category in editor part sharepoint

how to add radiobutton for a category in editor part sharepoint?? for dropdownlist, textbox ,checkbox we can use enum,string or int,bool but if i want to add radiobutton,radiobuttonlist or any other control in a particular category then how can add it.?

SharePoint: Adding a Content Type to all Document Libraries

We have hundreds of document libraries, spread all throughout various site collections in a MOSS 2007 SharePoint site. The problem is, that I want to add Content Type to show up in addition to the "New Document" and "New Folder" content types: the "Link to a Document" content type (0x01010A). This new content type should should up for a...

Determine which edition of SharePoint is Installed?

What is the most reliable way to determine which version of SharePoint is installed. Whether it is WSS or MOSS. If MOSS, whether it is standard or enterprise. I want to programmatically detect the exact SharePoint version installed.. PS: I already have posted this question

Need Technical Specification Document Template for MOSS.

Hi All, I am looking for a decent tech spec documentation template for a MOSS implementation. If anyone can share any existing document template then it would really help me. Thanks Bhaskar ...

Document version management

Hi all, I am working in sharepoint site. In this site there is a user requirment where user want see the version numbers maintain by sharepoint in its OOB versioning feature in a document itself. SO as the document ge modified sharepoint maintains the version number for each updation. User want to see that vesion number in that docume...

Moss Search service problem

Hi, when I try to start Moss Osearch service, I've got the following message, Services Could not start the Office SharePoint Server Search service on Local Computer. Error 126: The specified module could not be found I have tried everything, try to add permissions to DCOM config, nothing helps. Can I reinstall this Service? Any i...

Reporting Metadata and Reporting Templates in SharePoint

Hi Can some one help me out by pointing me to some documentation/blogs related to Reporting Metadata and Reporting Templates in SharePoint. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks Carol ...

Display document library setting as a report

Hi all, I have a sharepoint site which contains site and subsite and document libraries in it. Couple of document library has setting to maintain the versioning of the doc along with the comments. Now I have requirment where a client wants to see this settings site wise as, under which site how meny doc libraries are there which hav...

Can SQL Reporting Services 2008 integrate with a SharePoint 2007 installation running SQL Server 2005?

We have a production MOSS 2007 environment installed with SQL Server 2005. Is it possible to configure an instance of Reporting Services 2008 to operate in SharePoint integrated mode with MOSS on SQL Server 2005? ...

imported sharepoint do not use updated templates

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns etc. I have also created a site collection based on my template and have a live homepage up and running. Now I need to update the design of my pages, so I have received an export from the live-homepag...

How to restrict user to attach particular type of files to items in a list

How to restrict user to attach particular type of files to items in a list ? Now i can attach any type of file to an item . But i want to restrict the user to upload only images. If user will upload any other then i want to display an error message . Also how can i restrict the user to upload maximum one file only to a particular item? ...

Redefine folder structure of document library with metadata

Hi all, I have a problem in my sharepoint document library structure. Currently the document library consiste of folder sub-folder structure to store a document categorywise. Now our client want to redefine this folder structure with a metadata structure. Can any one tell me how can I use metadata instade of folder sub folder structure...

MS Search Server - ConfigurationException

Im getting a ConfigurationException whenever i try to perform QueryService.Query or QueryService.ExQuery. Same goes when i do GetSearchMetadata(). I can however do a GetPortalSearchInfo() and Status() without problems. Any hint of what can cause the problem? ...

SharePoint site space usage

Hello all, I would like to find out how much space my group's SharePoint site uses (files + version history). However, I only have administrative access to my site, not the entire SharePoint instance, so I have to come up with my own solution. I'm interested in the total, but usage per individual file is also fine. I've googled everyt...

Getting all sites, lists and user permissions in SharePoint

Is it possible using code to get all the names of the sites in SharePoint? Specifically, is it possible to list all the names of the lists for each site, and list all the users and their access to the lists? ...