
Programatically Edit Infopath Form Fields?

Hi, I have a form library in my share point site. Programmatically i need to fill some fields. Can i do that? If any one know please provide me some sample code. First i need to retrieve the infopath document and then i need to fill the fields. Please help me. Thanks in advance. ...

Add web part Programatically

i'm using the following code to add web parts to a page programmatically, however i've a problem that after the page is postedback the web part is not visible on the page, i need to refresh the page to get the web part visible, appreciate your support. SPSite site = new SPSite("http://syngdcds0032:23547"); site.AllowUnsafeUpda...

MOSS custom MasterPage not displaying on all site pages

I have created a master page under my top level MOSS site. I have applied it to a sub-site. When I go to some pages such as "Site Settings" the custom master page has not been applied. Do you know why this may be happening? I have set the custom master page as the System and Site page. I am using

An unexpected error has occurred.

Hi all, I have created an web application on my local machine and I am deploying it to sharepoint. For that I am refereing the following Deploying ASP.NET Web Applications in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts Folder [] Its works perfect on my local machine but wh...

PlaceHolderMain in Sharepoint showing breadcrumb and title

I am trying to print the breadcrumb and title of a page in share point using a custom.master. I tried using the following code: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitleInTitleArea" runat="server" /> <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderTitleBreadcrumb" runat="server" /> This is not outputting anything to the screen. The brea...

How to output Site title on a sharepoint masterpage

I have a custom masterpage in sharepoint and want to output the site title in a different part of the page. Currently I can see the site title which is outputted using the following code: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server" Visible="true" /> Apparently using <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderPageTitleInT...

Mail enabling an SPList programatically

I am currently building a tool which creates SharePoint sites automatically. Each site must have a mailbox enabled and a speficic Email address specified. I can create the site which by default has a SharePoint list named "mailbox". My questions is how to I allow the "mailbox" SPList to receive email. There is a property within an SPLi...

WIKI replacement solution for SharePoint?

I'm trying to research a replacement for the pathetic WIKI that comes with WSS (only wiki code it has is to create url links). I have looked at a few but most 'replacements' I see are MOSS only? (or so it just states MOSS for requirements). Has anyone faced this situation? What did you end up using? I would like something that I can h...

Why does my SharePoint workflow fail when the client is running Vista or Windows 7?

I have a similar situation to this question. I have a custom sequential SharePoint workflow, deleoped in Visual Studio 2008. It is associated with an InfoPath form submitted to a form library. It is configured to automatically start when an item is created. It works sometimes. Sometimes it just fails to start. Just like the questio...

Update sharepoint list view programatically

Hi All, I have an aspx page with inline code in which I am trying to update the view programatically by setting view's Query property to my CAML query. When I run with administrator user everything works perfect view get updated successfully but when I logged in with a user who belongs to visitor group and having read only access then I...

Delete Publishing Pages from SharePoint Publishing Web

Hi, How can I delete pages from a publishing web using the SharePoint API? Thanks, MagicAndi. ...

Edit Existing List Item in MOSS 2007

Hello, With Sharepoint if I add a new list item, I can then click on that item to view. Then click on it again to edit, and it works fine. However, if I click on an existing item (that was added last week for instance) then I can view no problem. If I then click on edit I just get an empty page. (When I say empty, I mean that the par...

How to check SharePoint document permissions ?

I have a custom web service deployed in SharePoint, web method of this webservice expects a SharePoint docuentUri as a parameter. As it is deployed in the SharePoint environment i am done with SharePoint authentication, but the question here is that how do i check whether the user reqesting for a perticular document is authroized or not ...

SharePoint Master Page modified SPSWC:SearchBoxEx not working correctly on each site

I have created a custom master page and have the follwoing code on the page: <asp:ContentPlaceHolder id="PlaceHolderSearchArea" runat="server"> <SPSWC:SearchBoxEx id="SearchBox" RegisterStyles="false" TextBeforeDropDown="" ...

Deploying a content type and site columns with a WSP in MOSS

I'm looking for a clean, and repeatable, solution to deploying custom site columns and content types to MOSS using a WSP. I've currently split up my product into two Visual Studio solutions. The first contains the code itself where the second will contain the XML files required to describe the site columns and content types. ...

SharePoint canceled workflow still sending task overdue notification

We're having a problem on one of our SharePoint sites as follows: User created a Collect Signatures workflow on an item in a document library. User canceled the workflow. All tasks created by the workflow are marked as completed. However, users are still being emailed task overdue notifications! I'm at a complete loss as to why this ...

Show list items specific to user sharepoint

Hi all, In my project i have a asset list which contains "request to download" link. In the same list there is "download link" column which is default empty. Now when any user clicks on request to download link a workflow is activated and it will send request to approver to approve or reject the download request. If approver accept t...

pages/forms/allitems.aspx missing from my sub site

I have a subsite in sharepoint and I want to go to pages/forms/allitems.aspx. It is not there? Why would it be missing? I want to see what layout a page is using. ...

MOSS how to edit default page layouts

IS it is possible to change the default page layouts that can with MOSS. If so where are they stored to change? ...

Sharepoint Branding

I am trying to brand share point. I have created a mastepage in the top level site. I have soem controls in there which I have overridden. When I apply the master page onto other sites my custom controls do not display but the default ones's do. Any idea what might be going wrong> ...