
Get username from SharePoint User field in List

I have a custom sharepoint workflow that I'm developing in Visual Studio. The workflow is running against a document library which has a custom content type connected to it. The content type includes a user lookup field ("owner"). I'm trying to have my workflow assign a task to the "owner" lookup field. However, I've only been able to g...

Moss problem: Your change conflict with those made concurrently by ...

I want to update some lookup field of a list when some feature is activated. To deal with this I made a SPFeatureReceiver for the feature. I debug my code and every thing was perfect until I do this: sourceField.SchemaXml = sourceField.SchemaXml.Replace("List=\"\"", string.Format("List=\"{0}\"", targetGuid)); I dont understan...

recommended book for SharePoint 2007 work flow development (a.k.a) customization using Visual Studio 2008 ?

Hi is there any full book or part of books which talks about the improved and simplified ways of creating / developing/customizing SharePoint 2007 Workflow using Visual Studio 2008 (preferably Team edition) ...

Sharepoint feature environment-dependant (UAT, PROD) properties

Hi all I'm developing a feature for MOSS which stores some environment-specific config data in feature.xml (like connection string). I would like to have a separate .properties file for each environment and make it automatically substitute appropriate values to where needed (like feature.xml) while building. Is that possible and what t...

An item with the same key has already been added. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)

When I go to the Search Settings page in Shared Services Administration I get the following error: An item with the same key has already been added. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchAdminPageBase.ErrorHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Search.Admin.Pages.SearchSSPAdminPageBas...

Customizing Sharepoint Search Box

I followed some tutorial to change the way Sharepoint Search Box is shown on screen. My first problem is, after modifying the SearchArea.xml file, is there a way to force the reload? The frequency of reload seems very random. Bonus question: is it the best way to do it? It's the easiest I've found, but having to change the file on the ...

Deploying an .Net App that uses Sharepoint Assemblies

I'm working on a tool written in C# to help administrate MOSS (Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server). It does do by using classes provided by the sharepoint om, such as the ones in namespaces Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration or Microsoft.Office.Server. The specific assemblies are: Microsoft.Office.Server.dll Microsoft.Office.Server.Sea...

Tell if user exists in SharePoint Group through web service

I am working on an internal web application that will use predefined SharePoint groups for determining a user's security level. I have done some research and found SharePoint's "usergroup" web service which has the method "GetUserCollectionFromGroup()" which will list all of the users in a given SharePoint group. The problem I am hav...

Design to custom list in sharepoint

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns (grouped to match each page) etc. I have also created a site collection, some sites and pages based on my template. My next step is to create some definitions to contain very specific page content - t...

Can I use .NET 4 with SharePoint 2007?

I'm on a team that's currently building a MOSS 2007 based application (which relies on .NET 2), and we'd like to leverage the Entity Framework v4 (which relies on .NET 4). Is this possible? ...

FBA Display Name with custom membership provider, WSS 3.0

I have a WSS 3.0 site (no MOSS) that uses a custom forms authentication membership provider and role manager, authenticating users against a remote web service (although at the moment it works against moq data). My problem is this: users when logged in have their name shown as being their login name, not their full name. I set up my pro...

Create list in existing site collection from a feature

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some page-templates, some site columns (grouped to match each page-template) and som custom list templates etc. I have also created a site collection, some sites and pages based on my feature. Now I have upgraded the code in my fe...

Account doesn't sync with AD - MOSS - WSS User Profile sync

I'm working on a project that uses MOSS 2007. We have user profiles set up to sync from AD and see the following behavior. Take the user Jane Doe and her account MYDOMAIN\JaneDoe She becomes part of a site collection Her settings look fine when clicking My Settings or when another user looks at her info by clicking on her under Peop...

How to get current user groups in moss?

Hi - I hope you can solve my problem. I am trying to set item level pemrissions for sharepoint list and document libraraies using event handler ,but i couldn't do it.please help me this is my code.I need to assign permissions to the item based on login user .to which group he belongs to.I can't retrieve the currentuser groups. this is ...

sharepoint css development strategy

I work for a large company that has adopted sharepoint. I have been tasked with customizing and branding the site/subsites with CSS. My experience with sharepoint is minimal. The development cycle is as follows: 1. Usability Requirements and design are delivered to The sharepoint developer. 2. The sharepoint developers comes up ...

SharePoint / WSS: How to localize a feature

I have a WSP package that contains some features. I need to be able to localize the following in the features: Site Column Field Display Names Description of Content Types List Instance Description List Schema Fields I am looking for a method to achieve all of this as easily as possible. ...

How to test localization in SharePoint?

I have created a feature with the description localized. Now I want to be able to test this localization. At first I thought, let me just change the location of the computer in the control panel, but this seemed to have no effect. So my question is - how can I test a location in SharePoint? Another way to ask this question would be ...

Sharepoint File Not Found error

I can't seem to find any relevant information on this exception. It seems to come and go on a specific site, any ideas? [FileNotFoundException]: File Not Found. at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.SPLocalFileInfo.get_CacheKey() at Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationRuntime.GhostedFileTemplateInfo.get_CacheKey() at Microsoft...

Getting the SPWeb for a SPAuditEntry

I'm currently building an app that will parse all of the Audit entries in a site collection and send out a pretty email to users. My problem is that the emails should be based on a particular web (essentially an email summarizing the changes that happened to each subsite). Apparently, there is no information in the SPAuditEntry object a...

Can't find System.Workflow assembly in .NET. How do I get it?

I've installed a complete SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 on my dev box + the latest Visual Studio (SP1) + the latest full Windows SDK. According to the Windows Workflow Foundation page, that is all I should need to do to be able program against the .NET Workflow APIs. And yet, a...