
SPListItem.Update Fails

Using the following block of code, the listItem.Update fails with a NullReferenceException: SPWeb web = null; SPList list = null; SPListItem listItem = null; try { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { using (SPSite site = new SPSite(this.SiteUrl...

Sharepoint Search Delegate Controls

I have been followinf this to create a delegate control to overide the default search used in Sharepoint. I am trying to make the search use a custom search scope called people. I don't seem able to do this. Could anyone please give me some tips? Feature xml <?xml version="1.0" enco...

MOSS 2010 Developer WorkStation

I am a MOSS developer. Based on what I read so far about SharePoint 2010, I probably have to look around for another development workstation - 64 Bit with some beefy RAM, and most importantly to figure out which version of OS to install (Windows 2K8 R2, or Windows 7 Ultimate). I need some feedbacks from others who have gone before me w...

SharePoint: Apply source ContentType to destination when copying a SPListItem

Greetings, I've written my own ContentType definition that can be applied to any Document Library. I would like to preserve the data associated with an item via my ContentType when that item is copied by the user to a Document Library to which my ContentType definition is not yet attached. The obvious thing to do, it seems, is to catc...

something like hit counter in MOSS.

hi there. i am hoping you can tell me how to get view logs counter of users. In other words, is there a way I could get a report of how many persons have viewed any document or upload any document or even logged. ...

SharePoint 2007: How to get List URL from List Name using Web services?

I have a MOSS List, how can I get the URL for the list from the List name only using web service methods? ...

Check User Permission to Site or Workspace given a URL

Given a list of Workspaces: http://server/managed_path/sitecoll/basic http://server/managed_path/sitecoll/blank http://server/managed_path/sitecoll/decision http://server/managed_path/sitecoll/multipage http://server/managed_path/sitecoll/social How can I call DoesUserHavePermissions() - or something similar - to find out if the curre...

"Xml Parsing error" when trying to browse a SharePoint site

Well, I am getting this error "Xml parsing Error: No element found:" when I am trying to browse a SharePoint Site. THe SharePoint site is a pretty fresh installation, with no custom code running in the page. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? Update: Since it was a relatively fresh installation of SharePoint, i reinstalled sharepo...

MOSS 2007 Create Lookup Column but list is not in dropdown

I have create a list in sharepoitn and I am trying to add a column whih is a look up to another list. The list that I am trying to look up is a parent site to the site I a currentley on. I do not see the list that I wish to add in the drop down. Any ideas why this list is not apearing? ...

How to only see "my" items on a list when using item Level permissions as a site owner

Given a list name "User Data" and setting Item-Level Permissions to "Only their own" for read and edit. How can I as a site owner see only my own items on that list when using the SharePoint Object Model? Basically I want to store a small amount of user maintainable data and display that through a web part. SPList list = web.Lists["Us...

Adding html to CreateChildControls() method

I'm using MOSS 2007 in my webpart within my CreateChildControls() method I have the code below: protected override void CreateChildControls() { base.CreateChildControls(); Panel myPanel = new Panel(); myPanel.ID = "SelectionPanel"; this.Controls.Add(myPanel); this.myGridView = new G...

Required Field InfoPath

Can you can make an info path attachment control mandatory based on a set criteria? if listbox selected value is High attachment is mandatory else not mandatory . this form will be in sharepoint as a web based form ...

SharePoint writing content to a site navigation programmatically

Hi, For a certain sub site in sharepoint I want to add a new section to the navigation on the left handside. For example "My Section". Under "My Section" I wish to some links but I want to control the hml output of the links. For example add my own classes. How would I go aboutdoing this? ...

Default content editor in list form doesn't allow image alignment

I need to be able to adjust the alignment of an image in an "Enhanced Rich Text Field" in an announcements list in MOSS 2007. However, the default content editor in the edit form for the list doesn't provide a way to do that. What's the fastest way for me to make sure users can align images? My first thought was to customize the DispF...

Can't display Sharepoint List view webpart

I have a feature that automatically creates some web part pages. I want to display a list in my web part page but I can't get the list to show up. Here is my code in my element.xml file: <Elements xmlns=""&gt; <Module Path="PageTemplates" Url="" > <File Url="Tab3.aspx" Name="Tab3.aspx" Ty...

User specific theme in sharepoint

Hi All, I have a requirment where in my sharepoint site I want to set the theme according to user. for e.g lets say if user a set his theme as theme1 and the user b logs in and set theme to theme2. So next time when user a log in he must have to see the theme set by him. I.e theme a. Can any one tell me what will be the best approch ...

Sharepoint going to Manage search Service (managesearchservice.aspx) gives an error

When I go to Central Admin > Application Managment > Manage search services I get the following error: Method not found: 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchAdminUtils.ConvertToSPException(System.Exception, Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServer)'. at Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal....

Sharepoint Publishing Page not Keeping Information

I have a SharePoint publishing site with a few custom designed page layouts. I've set up the a custom SiteContent object which inherits from Page and it has the appropriate custom SiteColumns added to it. The Layout pages each have RichHTML editor controls for these custom SiteColumns and when a new page is added via the Create Page ...

UpdateTaskActivity in Sharepoint Workflows

I have a workflow activity that is responsible for checking if a certain part of the infopath form was filled out correctly. If it wasn't it creates a task for the original submitter to complete that section. The workflow starts with a CodeActivity that reads in the document and checks if it is valid. If not it then creates a task for...

Site Columns, Page layouts etc not getting deleted on Feature deactivation

I have written a publishing feature which creates some site columns, a content type referring these site columns, a master page and some page layouts. When I deactivate this feature, the site columns, the master page and the page layouts are not getting deleted from their gallery. What am I doing wrong here? Should I be writing an e...