
Problem with Silverlight Media Player

What I have? I have a web part which loads Silverlight object dynamically. The web part loads Media player and runs a video. I am referring to Silverlight 2.0. Following code I am using: Silverlight silverlightControl = new Silverlight(); silverlightControl.ID = "VideoXaml"; silverlightControl.Source = "~/_layouts/1033/MyVideoPlayer.x...

How do I determine the size of a SharePoint list Programmatically

I have an SPList item in sharepoint and I want to find out the size on disk of the list. Is it possible without going through each item in the list and trying to find out the size? Update Below is the code I think I can use if I do need to get each item: long listSize = 0; foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items) ...

How do I tell if a class is WSS or MOSS specific?

How do I tell if a SharePoint class is specific to WSS or MOSS? For example, can I use the SPAudit class in MOSS only? ...

Custom Database integration with MOSS 2007

Hopefully someone has been down this road before and can offer some sound advice as far as which direction I should take. I am currently involved in a project in which we will be utilizing a custom database to store data extracted from excel files based on pre-established templates (to maintain consistency). We currently have a process (...

Send email from users account

Hi All, In my sharepoint site I have a document library with a workflow attached to it.Once any user upload a new document workflow is started and the document is send to approver for approval along with this an email has been sent to the approver for new document pending for approval. Now then email is sent from the mail server I have ...

Read Excel data in SharePoint 2007 using BDC

Hello Friends, I am trying to connect to read Excel file data using BDC in SharePoint 2007. I have used the Microsoft ApplicationDefinitionDesigner.exe and created the following Application Definition file. I can test the Method instances and can import this file as well. But when I use this in Business Data List webpart, I am getting a...

Debug an Error in a Custom SharePoint Web Service

Hi, I have created a custom SharePoint web service that was deployed to, and successfully tested on, a test environment. Unfortunately, the web service has since stopped working, and I am trying to determine what the error is. The web service now returns the following error in the SOAP response: SOAP:server Server was unable to proce...

How do I perform a MOSS FullTextSqlQuery and filter people results by the Skills managed property?

I am having trouble with a MOSS FulltextSqlQuery when attempting to filter People results on the Skills Managed Property using the CONTAINS predicate. Let me demonstrate: A query with no filters returns the expected result: SELECT AccountName, Skills from scope() where freetext(defaultproperties,'+Bob') And ("scope" = 'People') Resu...

How can a SharePoint SQL connection be set to query by the current login name?

I have a SQL table that needs to be queried by the login name. So, using SharePoint designer I successfully created a database connection, but I can't use the properties exposed by Profile nor Session as input parameters because they are not supported (A dialog pops up with a message indicating this) How else can I query a SQL datasourc...

Sharepoint 2007 - .mht files do not show up in search results

I have a bunch of .mht files in the document library and they don't seem to be indexed. I have checked - .mht is in the File Types list in Central Sdmin -> SSP and also there's an entry for it in the DOCICON.xml. But .mht files are still either not being indexed or do not show up in the search. How can I fix this? Thanks! ...

Can I edit a sharepoint list using Forms Services?

I don't know if I can edit a sharepoint list using Forms Services. Is it possible design Infopath Forms working with Sharepoint lists ...

CAML return only 10 results

Is it possible using CAML to limit the amount of results returned. Say for example my query would pull back 25 results I would like the first 10 only. ...

Sharepoint Blog Posts : Sort based on Published date

I have a sharepoint intranet portal which has many blogs and they have customized design. We use default Data form webpart for displaying blog posts. By default the posts are sorted based on "created date". I have a new requirement from the client asking me to change the sorting criteria to "Published date". What is the easiest method t...

Reset page library permission for anonymouse user in SharePoint

In the Site Collection level there is a Page library, which has been created along with the whole site. I didn't touch it for long time until recently I added new content types, modified some page layouts and master pages using a solution file. When accessing the home page using the site configured for anonymouse user it failed with "401...

Can I create new page library in MOSS 2007

As my current default page library has errors I want to create a new page library. However there are no such library in the list/library selection. I tried Document Library and Wiki Page Library which looks similar but they are not what I want. I want the Page Library with Publishing Features. Thanks. ...

Condition Based Notification - Sharepoint List

I have a list with lists of all the certificates being used in my project. I want to setup a notification (email) if certification expires (or say a week before expiration). I would like to know solutions with and without code deployment (feature). ...

Solution Package - Deployment

What will happen if we installed a "Web-scoped" feature globally? ...

Sharepoint 'People and groups' - Active Directory Groups Synchronization

Our environment is as follows - -Windows Active Directory 2003 -Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard -MOSS 2007 Our problem is simple - I cannot seem to figure out how to import AD groups into the profiles DB. The user profiles have a timer job setup to do full and incremental imports and they are both working fine. We have ~15 active d...

In SharePoint, graphically display data from a web service

[SharePoint/MOSS 2007] I want to access several web services (on external sites, with WSDL descriptors), and graphically display the data, using a separate web part to display each item. The graph for each is quite simple - just a thermometer, or traffic lights (as in KPI). I want to be able to access more detail about the data with ...

Sharepoint Survey: Can I add a comment box to a rating (Likert) question?

I am doing a survey in Sharepoint, using the built in survey tool. I want to add a comment box next to my "ratings" questions. e.g. Q1. Do you like fish? Not at all They're alright I love fish! Comment: How can I do this all within one question? I can obviously add a new text question, but this will become Q2, and I want it to be ...