
Automatically scroll when mouse is idle

I need to find a way to randomly scroll horizontally and vertically, plus or minus a set number of pixels per second in each dimension, when the mouse has been idle for a set amount of time. Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thanks in advance, Robert ...

Detect leaving a buried element - Jquery

At the moment I have an image, and when the user puts their mouse over it, using Jquery I place a transparent div over the image. The problem is that this triggers the mouseout event. I want the transparent div to leave when the mouse moves away from the image. What is the best way to detect this if there is a transparent div covering th...

How to get mouseup to fire once mousemove complete (javascript, jquery)

It seems that mouseup events are only fired when they are not in conjunction with a mousemove. In other words, push down on the left mouse button and let go, and mouseup is fired. But if you drag across the image and then let go, no mouseup is fired. Here is an example that shows this behavior: <script src="

Adding a listener to the Shell for SWT.MouseUp doesn't work

Hi all, I attached a listener to the Shell on SWT.MouseUp and SWT.MouseDown events, but the handleEvent method never gets fired. I tried clicking at many places on the window, but it doesn't get even to the System.out.println(..) in the code below... Do you spot any error here? Thank you! //c is a Composite. final Listener l = new L...

Getting MouseMoveEvents in Qt

In my program, I'd like to have mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) called whenever the mouse moves (even when it's over another window). Right now, in my mainwindow.cpp file, I have: void MainWindow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { qDebug() << QString::number(event->pos().x()); qDebug() << QString::number(event->pos().y())...

Detect mousemove with jquery

Is there a way to detect when the mouse has stopped moving in jquery? ...

Console App Mouse-Click X Y Coordinate Detection/Comparison

I have a game that I am working on in a C# console application, purely as practice before going on to better methods. As opposed to using something such as a Windows Forms App, which has button functionality built in, I am endeavoring to grab the cursor position (which I know how to do) and compare it to a number of area's inside a conso...

[B]How to track move/drag mouse action in JFreeChart[/b]

I want to know whether it is possible to listen to the mouse event of dragging in JFreeCharts. By default it is assign to zooming. I remove this zooming functionality with, chartPanel.setDomainZoomable( false); chartPanel.setRangeZoomable( false); And I have used ChartMouseListener interface for listening to mouse events. I'm able to t...

Drawing pixels based on mouse position

Scenario: I have an area on the browser screen n x n in size (500px x 500px for example, ie 250,000 pixels). As the mouse rolls over the area, it "paints" the pixels it passes. Percentage of filled/unfilled pixels are displayed Optional advanced scenario: As the mouse rolls over already painted pixels will "unpaint" those pixels, or pa...

How to handle mouse dragging event in JFreeChart

I want to know whether it is possible to listen to the mouse event of dragging in JFreeCharts. By default it is assign to zooming. I remove this zooming functionality with, chartPanel.setDomainZoomable( false); chartPanel.setRangeZoomable( false); And I have used ChartMouseListener interface for listening to mouse events. I'm able to ...

In Java, what event is *continuously* fired on mouse button down?

Hi all. I would like to know if there exists in Java an event that is continuously fired when a mouse button is being held down (pressed), even if the mouse is not moved. I could not find it in typical MouseListeners: MouseDragged is fired only if the user move the mouse while holding the button down MousePressed is fired only once wh...

How to click a button in a out-of-focus widget without changing the current focus to it

I am trying to implement a input method with Qt Embedded. There is a lookup table for choosing the candidate words for typing. "text input area" to the "lookup table" and the selected word cannot be sent to the "text input area". Dose anyone have any idea to solve this problem? Thanks~ Here I give a simple example: main.cpp #incl...

Call AS3 MouseEvent function from JS

Is there any way to call MouseEvent function in as3 from JavaScript? I have HTML button and swf object, I need to sent a POST request from swf by clicking on HTML button. ...

VB.NET Minesweeper issue

I have fully programmed my Minesweeper; however, I was having difficulty trying to get the same result as in the original minesweeper for when a user clicks and moves the mouse around while still right clicking. You may notice that in the original Minesweeper, when a user does as explained, the tiles that the user goes to will then look ...

Java seperate MouseListener and performance

Hi all, writing a game and using mouse events for the first time, but as i play with them, the various methods are getting bigger, i want to seperate the listening stuff into a diffrent class, but i will still need acsess to my various objects that are stored in my main class (where the listener methods currently resides having used imp...

Actionscript 3 mouse_over play movie, mouse_out reverse movie

Hi. I'm trying to make some flash buttons with a mouse_over animation that plays in reverse on mouse_out. Now I have it working for one of my three movie clip instances. I am using instead of having a function for each movie clip, but how do I do the same for my playReverse function? I tried putting e.currentTarge...

Emacs font sizing with Ctrl key and mouse scroll

notepad++ allow me to increase the font size when I hold the Ctrl Key and rotate the mouse middle scroll button to forward. In the same way, the when I hold Ctrl and rotate the mouse middle scroll button backward, the fond size reduces. How can I get the same with Emacs? ...

OS like behavior when edditing a Tree item!

Hi everybody, I have a Tree Control inside my Flex Application which I want to edit on a doubleclick on a tree item. I found the properties doubleClickEnabled="true", doubleClick="startEditMode()", and editable="true". With these functions I can detect a double click and I can change the editable property to true based on a double click...


I need some way to find out when user released mouse button - something like keyUp - but for mouse ... Any ideas? PS: I want to mimic :active pseudo class, and my idea was toDoSomething() on mousePress, and UnDoSomething() on mouseButtonUp ... now ... if you got better solution - hit me up! :) ...

Send user input through a windows form

I am looking for a way to pass mouse events through a winform without using Form.TransparencyKey. If there is no simple way to do this, is there a way to send a mouse event to a given window handle using Win32 API? Edit By pass through the winform I do not mean to a parent window, I mean to other applications that reside behind mine. ...