
Prototype click, mouseover and mouseout can't work together?

Hi, I'm trying to do a very simple button that changes color based on mouseover, mouseout and click, I'm doing this in prototype and the weird thing is if I used mouseover and mouseout, after I clicked on the button, the button wouldn't change to white, seems like it is because of the mouseout, here's my code $("izzy").observe('mouseove...

Shorten the code for a lot of buttons in Prototype

Hi, I have a lot of buttons and by clicking on different button, different image and text would appear. I can achieve what I want, but the code is just so long and it seems very repetitive. For example: var aaClick = false; $("aa").observe('click', function() { unclick(); $('characterPic').writeAttribute('src',"aa...

MouseUp event interrupted?

I'm making a custom control with a panel. I want to be able to drag and drop it so I've implemented that in the MouseDown event of my control. But I want the thing to react when you start drag to give a little feedback to the user. So in the MouseDown even I change the color. Then I want to change it back in the MouseUp event. My contro...

Test where MouseLeave() leaves to

Hi, I've got a UserControl called myListItem that goes into ListBox'es. On mouse-over, it displays a pop-up window, and in that pop-up there's a scroll-view that the user might want to use to scroll the text in the view. I've made an event-handler that displays the pop-up when the mouse enters, but I'm struggeling a bit with when the mou...

OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove and a Custom Control

Hi! I'm developing an app for windows mobile. I have my own control that moves the picture inside it. I have overrided the OnMouseDown and OnMouseMove to redraw the picture where the user move it. I only test it on Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional emulator. It works but I have a problem: I click on the image, move it with the mouse, st...

ActionScript MouseEvent.clone() appears broken?

I have run into a problem attempting to redispatch mouse events in ActionScript 3, which I am admittedly a bit incredulous about. I have narrowed it down to the MouseEvent.clone() method appearing, well, completely broken. The following event handler: private function handleMouseMove( evt : MouseEvent ) : void { trace("mousemov...

Capturing Mouse Events from every component on C# WInForm

I have a problem with MouseEvents on my WinForm C# application. I want to get ALL mouse clicks on my application, but I don't want to put a listener in every child component neither use Windows mouse hook. On Flash I could put a listener on Stage to get all the MouseEvents on the movie. Is there such thing on C#? A global MouseListener?...

Prevent Window Focus Change

I'm trying to help a disabled person with a small bit of code to help him play a game easier. He is limited to a trackball and a single button. Currently he uses the onscreen keyboard and has managed to play other games using it. I've created a small bit of code to try and make his live easier. It uses hover buttons for the keys. When t...

Google Maps Flash API disables bubbling of MouseEvent over their Markers

By default Google Maps Flash API cancels bubbling of all MouseEvents that occur over their Markers (dragable at least). However in MapMouseEvent constructor I see that it has a parameter "bubbles?" so I guess they can be made to bubble mouse events? Is there a way to turn bubbling of mouse events on? var __marker = new Marker(new LatLng...

Java MouseListener - Events

Does any know if the following is the expected behaviors in terms of what MouseEvents are fired? One seems to be missing or consumed elsewhere. Right-click on JPanel and display JPopupMenu MousePressedjava.awt.event.MouseEvent[MOUSE_PRESSED,(469,347),absolute(2214,490),button=3,modifiers=Meta+Button3,extModifiers=Button3,clickCount=1]...

Open an NSWindow by clicking NSRect in cocoa

In my program I am able to determine whether a mouseclick was made within a certain NSRect. How can I open a new NSWindow by clicking this NSRect? ...

desktop word-capture

If you know babylon translation tool you'd know its word capture feature - when you right click on a word - it tanslates it (from a browser or any documtent). I want to get the same tool - what program language should i use ? The os i want to get it work on is win-xp and ubuntu. and I'm writing my program in java. if it could happen fr...

How to detect if the mouse is inside the whole form and child controls in C#?

I need to detect when the user moves the mouse over the Form and all it's child controls and also when it leaves the Form. I tried the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events of the Form, I tried the WM_MOUSEMOVE/WM_MOUSELAVE and WM_NCMOUSEMOVE/WM_NCMOUSELEAVE windows messages but none seem to work as I want... Most of my Form is occupied by c...

Make NSRunLoop runMode:beforeDate: process mouse events

In a little game I am writing I have a method Player - (void)walkToPoint:(CGPoint)point I want this method to block, that is, it should not return before the player sprite reached the point. I though this would be relatively simple and can be done with NSRunLoop *runLoop = [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]; while(player.isMoving && [runLoop...

WPF Mouse Click Off Event

I know there is a mouse click event for every control but is there a way to determine when the mouse click is not on the control? ...

Getting absolute 'top' position from a mouse event (Javascript/jQuery)

On a mouseenter/mouseleave event, I would like to capture the absolute 'top' position of the cell of a table. So far, the event is attached like so: $('td[someAttr]').mouseenter(function(mouse) { // how do we get the td's top absolute position? //FYI: mouse.pageX and mouse.pageY would give the mouse position }); ...

how to do click and drag in a winforms application

I have a simple winforms application with a number of controls in it. I want to be able to click and drag from anywhere on the form and move the whole set of stuff around (panning). I have figured out the respositioning bit already. What I still need to figure out is how to tie the click and drag into updating my offsets. What I have tr...

How to draw a rectangle on a java applet using mouse drag event and make it stay

I have my program that can draw rectangles. I have two problems I can't solve. After I draw the rectangle it won't stay. The only code I have that clears the canvas in under paint, repaint is only called on mouse drag. Why when I mouse release or mouse move does my canvas clear. The second thing isn't as much a problem, but something I c...

Routing Mouse Events through a Sprite in Actionscript 3

In a pure Actionscript 3 project, I have a sprite that overlaps another sprite. The lower sprite normally handles mouse clicks. The lower sprite no longer processes mouse events when it is overlapped by the higher sprite. I understand that this is normal behavior. I would like the lower sprite to handle mouse events when it is over...

RichTextBox SelectionChanged called before MouseDown?

I'm working with a RichTextBox, and would like to do one thing in the SelectionChanged event if the mouse is down, and another if it's not (e.g. if the keyboard is used to select something). However, the SelectionChanged event is apparently called before MouseDown, so it seems there's no way for me to know if the mouse is down while pro...