
change key of mp3 song with java

I know there are a few posts about various media frameworks out there, but I am looking for something a little more specific. I would love to be able to take an mp3 and transpose it to a new key. Any suggestions? ...

Read MP3 Tags with Silverlight

Hi, does someone know a library, that I can use to read MP3-Tags in Silverlight 3? In WPF I was using taglib, but obviously I cannot reference it in Silverlight projects. Thanks, Andrej ...

Good mp3 player for music website to sell songs?

I am building a website for someone who is starting a music studio. They want an mp3 player on there so people can hear some music. They also want the songs to have a download and buy link. I usually stay away from any flash stuff, but I think a flash player is the way to go for this right? Is there a good recommended one for this typ...

Parse MP3 file in .NET v4.0

How can I parse an MP3 file to get its all attributes? Also how to edit and the attributes of the MP3 file? Is there any class available in .NET v4.0? ...

Adobe Flash and mp3 licence

When I publish a Flash file that contains any sound (such as a WAV file), I can choose the sound compression method (MP3, raw, ADPCM, etc.). My question is about the mp3 compression and it's licence. Flash gives me the option to compress a WAV file as mp3, but is the licence to use the mp3 format included? I have paid for a Flash licenc...

Java: High-quality soundpackage

Hello, Does anyone know a good lib for playing wav, mp3 (and ogg) where I can: Play Pause Play faster (Slow down) Play backward (mp3!! or ogg!!) Edit volume I want to adjust these things while playing. Thanks ...

Is there a javascript way to check if a browser natively supports MP3?

that's all really. If the browser can play MP3's then I'll use the audio tag to play a file. If not, I'll have to load in a flash player. ...

Can I serve MP3 files with PHP?

In the same way that it's possible to serve up images with php, for use in CAPTACHAS and such, is it possible to do the same with audio files? I've tried this <?php $track = "sometrack.mp3"; if(file_exists($track)) { header('Content-type: audio/mpeg'); header('Content-length: ' . filesize($track)); header('Content-Disposition: filena...

Setting up apache to serve PHP when an MP3 file is requested

I'm working on a way to serve up MP3 files through PHP and after some help form the SO massive, I got it working here However, that example doesn't appear to work when I use it as the source in an audio tag like this <html> <head> <title>Audio Tag Experiment</title> </head> <body> <audio id='audio-element' src="mu...

What's the easiest way to extract the JPG data from an MP3 header in java?

I wrote a JSP that hands my Flash front-end an XML file that describes the contents of my mp3 folder, but am stuck trying to parse the individual file headers for the album art that is embedded therein. Can anyone recommend a good library that has something straight forward that in pseudo code would look like... String mp3FilePath = "/m...

Editing MP3 metadata on a file-like object in Python?

We're generating MP3 files on the fly in Python, and need to edit the ID3 headers in-memory using a file-like object. All the ID3 libraries on PyPI appear to require you to pass a filesystem path as a string. I find this rather frustrating! Writing our generated MP3 out to disk (or ramdisk) just to add ID3 tags is unacceptable for a ...

Batch program script problem breaks with file names with spaces

The following is a batch script that calls mp3splt (a program that splits mp3s into partitions of 5 mins long. for /f %%a IN ('dir /b *.mp3') do call c:\PROGRA~1\mp3splt\mp3splt -t 5.0 -o output\@f+-+@n+-+@t %%a It breaks when the mp3 files contain a space. Can anyone propose a wo...

How to play audio file on windows from command line?

In Windows, is there a simple way (i.e. something you could type on a single command line) to just play a couple of .mp3 files and then exit on its own? wmplayer, for example, does not seem to exit when finished, forcing the harried user to hunt it down and click it closed every time. (wmplayer 11 also seems to strangely repeat some f...

stream mp3 music from another server on another site

I want to create a audio streamer, which will play the latest songs. But i don't have the audio source with me, but there are many sites which offer download of mp3s for those songs. Can i plug an audio streamer, which can link to that site and stream music from there? ...

Extracting audio data from FLV and injecting into MP3 (C#)

I need to extract the audio data from a FLV and inject it into a MP3 with C#. So I'm look for either a library for this or how to do it with the rawdata/file structure. ...

More customizable flash mp3 player for website?

Hi, the only mp3 flash player I've see has been the Google Audio widget which is limited in its appearance. For my wordpress, I like the player I use 1 Pixel Out's, which is great: Anyway I could use this without much coding on a regular,...

Youtube to MP3 Convert - Visual Basic 2008

Hello, I'm wondering if I can create an application that converts a youtube link to mp3 and save it on a desktop. Does anyone have any suggestions to do this? Any references of links? Best Regards, Kevin ...

JavaScript for MP3 playback

Is there a JavaScript library available that can playback an MP3 or related music file? The JavaScript would be fed the MP3 from the server and stream it back over the browser. ...

Looking for Wii compatible Javascript Flash mp3 player

I am looking for a flash mp3 player that will work within the Opera-based browser on the Wii. The player needs to be javascript enabled (support methods like play, stop etc.) The mp3 tracklist will be built dynamically using ajax on the same page as the player so it must trigger an event when a track finishes playing (or at least provid...

How to play MP3 streams which are received by Silverlight from WCF?

How to play MP3 streams in silverlight 3? (streams which are received by Silverlight from WCF) ...