
Can you encode an mp3 file with multiple bitrates?

Is it possible to encode an mp3 file using multiple bit rates? e.g., 0-2min 64kbps, 2-4min 128kbps, and 4-10min 64kbps (the middle section needs higher sound quality) Or am I stuck having to encode it all at the highest? ...

C\C++ open source PCM to Mp3 convertor?

C\C++ open source PCM to Mp3 convertor/encoder? What do I need Open Source Libs/wrappers for encoding/decoding. Tutorials and blog articles on How to do it, about etc. ...

Pure C# open source PCM to Mp3 convertor?

Microsoft Silverlight 4 is in beta. It supports PCM audio output. It would be madness to stream PCM over internet (for ex in P2P chart webApp) so we need Pure C# open source PCM to Mp3 convertor. No unmanaged code, nothing going out of .net sandbox. So does any one know such Pure C# open source PCM to Mp3 convertor? What do I need: ...

How to write mp3 frames from PCM data (C/C++)?

How to write mp3 frames (not full mp3 files with ID3 etc) from PCM data? I have something like PCM data (for ex 100mb) I want to create an array of mp3 frames from that data. How to perform such operation? (for ex with lame or any other opensource encoder) What do I need: Open Source Libs for encoding. Tutorials and blog articles on ...

How do you create a web audio playlist?

Hi. I'm researching ways to create a web radio station of sorts. It will have streaming MP3 audio from TV programs for users to listen to. They should have the option of just listening to the stream or pick the shows they'd like to hear and add them to their playlist. It needs to be usable by folks on mobile devices, so Flash is out fo...

How can I convert MP3 to PCM with C++?

Possible Duplicate: C\C++ open source Mp3 to PCM convertor What I want is some kind of library that can take an MP3 file and return the PCM as values (as numbers like 15, 654, 110, 4, ... ). No matter how long. It just returns them as values on their own or in an array and I don't care about other types (e.g. Ogg and WAV) and t...

Playing MP3 files with Python.

I'm trying to write my own media player (like Foobar), and I'm having trouble tracking down a Python library that'll play MP3s. I know Pymedia does mp3s, but it looks outdated - the latest installer is for Python version 2.4, and I'm using 2.6. I've never had much success with Pygame, and Pyglet doesn't look like it has too much in the w...

Reading samples directly from a converted MP3 file using NAudio

I am trying to read PCM samples from a (converted) MP3 file using NAudio, but failing as the Read method returns zero (indicating EOF) every time. Example: this piece of code, which attempts to read a single 16-bit sample, always prints "0": using System; using NAudio.Wave; namespace NAudioMp3Test { class Program { sta...

Streaming MP3 with open source PHP

What are the best PHP solutions for a fixed audio player? ...

Mp3 Download not functioning

I'm offering a sermon downloading site and I have a user experiencing an issue with his download. Anyone have any ideas on how I can improve this code, or perhaps send better headers... $path = "".date("Y", $array["preached"])."/".$array["filename"]; $corePath = "/home/user/public_html/sermon_files/"....

Get MP3 info from remote file

I was playing around with the iPhone SDK and I wanted to get mp3 info from a remote file: NSString *filepath = @""; CFURLRef audioFileURL = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL, (CFStringRef) filepath, NULL); AudioFileID audioFile; if (noErr != AudioFileOpenURL(audioFileURL, fsRdPerm, 0, nil)) { NSLog(@"Error - : c...

How can I use Perl to record MP3 files on Windows?

Is there any Perl module for recording mp3 files specially on Win32? If yes could someone provide an example. ...

Why my MP3 recording-stream does not play in some programs?

Why my MP3 recording\steam does not play in one program and plays in another? So my question is - How to check my MP3 stream (file stream) for being standard, to see where it goes out of standard and so on. I need: Libs (Open source) Programs (Any free) Articles ...

POST an mp3 file using CURL

Hey all, I have been searching and trying different configurations for POSTing mp3 files via CURL for a few hours, but none seem to work. The most recent form I have settled on looks like this: curl -F "[email protected];type=audio/mpeg" -A "Mozilla/5.0" This format seems to have...

Start .mp3 play half way through with AVAudioPlayer

Ok, this isn't an easy question (at least not yet). I've got AVAudioPlayer working beautifully: I download an mp3 with NSURLConnection then play that data with AVAudioPlayer. My question is how could I start AVAudioPlayer playing at an arbitrary point in the mp3? I can start downloading at an arbitrary point by setting HTTP headers, no...

C# WMPLib Duration of a mp3

Hello! Im using WMPLib to make an easy mp3player in C#. Im almost done but theres one more thing I want to do. I Would like to how far gone the song is and also, how much is left of the song. using for example the progressbar. thanks Adam ...

Using FFmpeg or wrapper to get mp3 from mp4 in C#

I'm trying to extract an mp3 from a flash compatible mp4 file and have so far found FFMpeg and a bunch of different wrappers that all claim to be able to do the job. Ideally, I'd like to not have to rely on shelling to the FFMpeg exe, but none of the wrappers I've tried seem to work.... Has anyone got any code or advice for how to go a...

How to duplicate Posterous' flash player

When you email an MP3 to Posterous, it gets automatically converted into this nice player for display on your blog: Assuming I have a place to host the MP3, what's the best way to duplicate this on my personal site? E.g., are there any slick free flash MP3 players? How hard would it be to build my own? ...

How can I convert flv file to a mp3 file by using php?

How can I convert flv file to a mp3 file by using php? ...

Text to MP3 using System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer

I am trying to get a text-to-speech to save to an MP3. Currently I have the System.Speech.Synthesis speaking to a WAV file nicely. With New System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer '.SetOutputToWaveFile(pOutputPath) This works fine .SetOutputToWaveStream(<<Problem bit>>) .Speak(pTextToSpeak) .Se...