
MP3 created from two others won't play in WMP11?

test1.mp3 and test2.mp3 have the same bitrate and sample rate, and I'm trying to merge them in an HTTP response. The resulting file is test.mp3. test.mp3 plays fine in WMP12 and VLC. In WMP11, I hear only the audio which came from test1.mp3. At the moment you expect to hear the beginning of test2.mp3's audio, the player stops playing...

Android's AMR audio Files to WAV/MP3

I've recorded audio in my Android application in its AMR format and I'd like to convert these to something that I can more easily use, such as WAV or MP3. I've found some online instructions for this, for instance: which say to start with the 3GPP reference solution...

What is the best website solution for playing specific parts of online mp3 files?

Back in 2000 I made an educational website in which we had hour-long audio files of lectures on a RealAudio server, then I generated hundreds of little SMIL .ra files e.g. lecture002part053.ra: ... <audio src="lecture002.wav" clip-begin="554s" clip-end="612s" /> ... then in the HTML I had links like this: <a href="http://nnnnn.e...

Change MP3 frequency on the fly somehow?

Does anybody know a purely PHP based way to alter the frequency of an MP3 file? I am on shared hosting with this, so installing ffmpeg or something similar is out of the question. If this requires actually altering the audio data, then I guess it is not possible nor feasible to do with PHP, but I was thinking maybe this is just a heade...

Is it possible to grab the id3 metadata from an mp3 file while it's uploading from the user's browser to allow prefilling a form about the users track?

I have this requirement for a site I'm working on: The business owners want to show users a track form for the mp3 they're uploading as soon as they start uploading it and prefilling the form with the id3 data from the mp3. I don't see how this is is possible apart from perhaps using custom flash (e.g. SwiffUploader customised to look ...

Combine/Concatenate MP3s on Server Using PHP

I have a site that will be hosting small MP3 files. I want to create a utility that will allow me to combine the mp3 files together to create a single MP3 file. I'm somewhat new to PHP but not new to programming. Ideally, I would have a function that let me specify the a starting file and then append the second file to the existing fi...

Reports of NiftyPlayer playing MP3s at double speed in IE

Hi, i've recently recoded a website to use NiftyPlayer as an embedded MP3 player. You can see a page here -> I've had reports from a few people that certain MP3s are playing through twice as fast on IE. This seems to be at random, I can't reproduce the effect. Has anybody els...

How can I determine the length of an mp3 file's header?

I am writing a program to diff, and copy entire files or segments based on changes on either end (Rsync-esque... but more like Unison). The main idea is to keep my music folder (all mp3s) up to date over multiple locations. I'd like to send segmented updates if only small portions of the file have changed, as opposed to copying the enti...

how to correct the misencoded string?

i used mutagen to read the mp3 metadata, since the id3 tag is read in as unicode but in fact it is GBK encoded. how to correct this in python? audio = EasyID3(name) title = audio["title"][0] print title print repr(title) produces µ±Äã¹Âµ¥Äã»áÏëÆðË­ u'\xb5\xb1\xc4\xe3\xb9\xc2\xb5\xa5\xc4\xe3\xbb\xe1\xcf\xeb\xc6\xf0\xcb\xad' but in ...

encoding mp3 from a audio stream of PyTTS

Hello every body, I work on text-to-speech trasforming text, in audio mp3 files, using python 2.5. I use pyTSS as a python Text-To-Speech module, to transform text in audio .wav files (in pyTTS is not possible to encode in mp3 format directly). So after that, I code these wav files, in mp3 format, using lame command line encoder. Now,...

How to upload .mp3 files with PHP?

<form enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="mp3" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> I tried the above,and found var_dump($_FILES); is always empty. It only works when you upload text files or images. UPDATE I added method="POST" and it works.Why is POST necessary here? ...

Playing mp3 on iphone sdk?

-(IBAction)musiconButtonClicked:(id)sender{ NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"NextRevIt" ofType:@"mp3"]; AVAudioPlayer* audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc ] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path] error:NULL]; [audioPlayer play]; } -(IBAction)musicoffButtonClicked:(id)sender{ [audioPl...

PHP filesize() works on all but one file, gives stat failed error

I'm writing a PHP page that generates a podcast feed by scraping an existing HTML page. Everything works great, but one of my mp3 files gives a "filesize(): stat failed" error. As best as I can tell, the file isn't corrupted, and it plays perfectly fine. I've also reuploaded the file to the server. It falls in the middle range of all the...

Can you make an embedded MP3 keep playing from where it left off?

Is it possible to make an mp3, that is embedded in a webpage, keep playing from where it left off if the page is reloaded? Perhaps into a cookie or with any other method. <embed src="track1.mp3"></embed> For example: track1.mp3 is embedded in a webpage; it is 3 minutes long. A visitor loads the webpage and listens to the first 1 minu...

Is it possible to listen to any kind of internet radio with HTML5 directly?

Is it possible to listen to any kind of internet radio with HTML5 directly? I mean is it posible to play live mp3 streams in HTML5 complaint browsers? ...

how to store and search mp3 by its content.

I want to store multiple mp3 files and search them by giving some part of song, to detect which song it is. I am thinking of storing all binary content in mysql and when I want to search for a specific song by content I will take some middle portion of song and actually match it with the binary data in MySQL. My questions are: Is thi...

what is an effective way to protect mp3 files from download?

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to protect from downloading a video from a site. i'm looking for a way to allow mp3 files to be streamed using a flash player on a php web page, but to hide and protect these files from download. embedding the file into the swf is unacceptable for this project, since there will be many mp3 f...

Playing multiple MP3 songs simultaneously on iPhone

Hello ! I would like to do a mixing table on iPhone. I have the different tracks of one song and I want to play them on iPhone simultaneously. These songs are MP3 files, I want to be able to play up to 15 tracks simultaneously, and changing volume, muting some tracks, navigating in the total song, etc. Apple MultichannelMixer example ...

Command line tool to edit mp3 ID3 tags

I want a simple command line tool running on Windows Xp(or even cross platform) similar in functionality to Mp3tag to edit mp3 ID3 tags. I mostly want to organize my music according to artist , genre etc so a lightweight tool which can ask the user which tag to edit and then change all the mp3 files' tags in a directory will be good. Can...

How to get mp3 files to play in iPhone Safari web browser?

How can I get an MP3 audio file to play in iPhone Safari (OS 3.1)? Currently, I am generating HTML e.g. <a href="file.mp3"><img src="sound.png" alt="Play audio"/></a> to play the file on clicking on the nested image. This works on Safari on OSX, but not on the iPhone. There, the content of the file is shown as text, but it does not a...