
Mp3 encoder for android, record audio in mp3 format

I want to record audio in MP3 format in my android application. I know I can read PCM audio using the audioRecord class. Is there a java library compatible with android that will encode PCM to MP3? Is it possible to use the Lame mp3 encoder library? ...

Is it possible to read music file metadata using R ?

Hi all, I've got a bunch of audio files (let's say ogg or mp3), with metadata. I wish to read their metadata into R so to create a data.frame with: file name file location file artist file album etc Any way you know of for doing that ? ...

Extract Album Art from mp3 and display in an Image with Delphi?

Hi there I want to do this and I don't want to have an external DLL file used. Album Art is a picture which is stored in a for example MP3 file. I want to get it out and display it. I searched the net but I couldn't find a source file. Thanks in advance ...

How to prevent/deal with a crash when playing a corrupt MP3 with NSSound

Hello, As my program allows the user to import any .mp3 file into their library, there is a possibility that they might try to play an mp3 that is in someway corrupt. My audio player uses NSSound to play the file and currently when presented with a dodgy mp3 file it crashes with an EXC_ARITHMETIC exception. A brief look on this site tol...

Stop mp3 file from streaming in browsers.

I have an mp3 on an apache server. I want it to be downloaded as a file when a user visits the link. Instead quicktime, or google chromes media player will try and stream it. Is there a fix for this with headers? Or is the only option so 'right click save as'? Edit Here is my header. Safari has stopped streaming, but chrome contines to...

MP3 byte array - convert to WAV and navigate to time index?

I have a byte array containing an MP3 stream. Is it correct to assume that this stream would have to be further decoded if I want to be able convert to a WAV? In its current byte state, is it possible to do basic functionality such as get/set position (time-wise)? ...

Insert metadata on song on iOS

I'm developing an application that generates a MP3 file. I would like to insert metadata( name, artist and cover to be exact) on it. How may I do that? ...

iPhone: playing .mp3 from http location

I am trying to play an MP3 file from a weblocation ( The only thing that seems to work is using the MPMoviePlayerController. Is this really the only option? I searched and read that AVPlayer should also be able to play such URLs but can't get it to work. ...

how to read and write MP3 to database

how to read MP3 from Sql database. in sql i have stored the file as binary format. now i want to retrive the Mp3 file stored in the sql and show in my aspx page. how???? pls help... ...

how to load the mp3 song and display it in aspx webpage???

i got the mp3 file read as byte[] from the database. how to show this byte[] /assign to which control to make the mp3 load and play in aspx to load the mp3 song and display it in webpage??? or. how to download the file???? ...

Free flash mp3 stream (m3u) player

Hi, can you recommend any free flash mp3 stream (m3u) player? Thanks ...

Playing an mp3-file with libsox

Hi all, I have an application in which I need to play an mp3 file. What I'm looking for is some kind of wrapper functions for libsox (or any other audio lib). I have been looking all over the net but have not found any option that is fast to implement. I'm looking for something like; bla=open_file("/mnt/music/my_music.mp3") play_thefil...

How to convert .caf to .mp3 file programmatically on the iPhone or iPad?

Hi, is there a way to programmatically convert .caf audio files to .mp3 audio files on the iPad platform? ...

Anyone know of any php open source e-commerce platforms that support music downloads?

Hello I have a client who is a music publisher and wants a simple store where people can pay for individual song downloads. I have used magento in the past but find it a bit over the top, opencart doesn't seem to handle mp3 downloads properly, what else do people suggest? I don't mind doing a bit of customisation but don't want to start...

Play MP3 in a loop with Mini MP3 Player

Hi, I am using a mini MP3 player to play an MP3 file. It is working fine, but I need to play the MP3 file in a loop. I have added a variable loop and set it to true but it still doesn't loop. <script type="text/javascript"> var so = new SWFObject("player.swf", "mp3player", "0", "0", "8", "#ffffff"); so.addVariable("file", "1-05_C...

How to store mp3 as bytes in sql server

Possible Duplicate: how to read and write MP3 to database Hi I need to read and store mp3 files as bytes in sql server and C#.. How can I do that? ...

What is the algorithm to convert an mp3 file to a wav file?

What is the algorithm to convert an mp3 file to a wav file? Also, what is the algorithm to convert an aac file to a wav file? I have searched online everywhere but there is no reference anywhere. If someone could send me a link or a reference to a book with this information, I would much appreciate it. Thanks! ...

How can I get the duration of an MP3 file (CBR or VBR) with a very small library or native code c/c++ ?

I can't use any mp3 code that is patented by Fraunhofer, so no encoders OR decoders (e.g. ffmpeg, lame, MAD, etc.), plus it's too big. I am doing this on Windows, but DirectShow's IMediaDet seems to slow down over time, calling it a few hundred times brings my system to a crawl, even re-using the same interface object and just putting ...

Search block of text, return MP3 links using PHP

Hi guys, I've just run into a little bit of trouble with some PHP on my latest project. Basically I have a block of text ($text) and I would like to search through that text and return all of the MP3 links. I know it has something to do with regular expressions but I just cannot get it working. Here's my current code: if(preg_match...

how to transfer files via bluetooth from my android application

How to make my android application transfer files (jpg , mp3 ..) via bluetooth.. Is it supported .. Thanks Sarath ...