
Export SQL database to Access - ASP.NET

Is there any way to export data (not necessarily schema) to an access database via The server has no office components installed and the process must occur via a webpage (like an excel export). ...

Access table to Excel

I have a Table in Access 2007 with 11,000 rows and about 20 columns. I want to create a form button that export the table to a Excel sheet. Code need to be VBA Any Ideas?? ...

Working with multiple programmers on MS Access

Would you recommend working with multiple programmers on an MS Access application? One of our MS Access application has grown to the point where the number of changes (bug fixes) and new features can no longer be handled by one programmer in the requested time frame. We are trying to introduce version control using the undocumented Sav...

Oracle - ODBC connection using MS Access error (ORA-12154)

I am trying to use MS access to connect to a Oracle database. I keep on getting the following error message: ORA-12154: TSN- could not resolve the connect identifier secified The Oracle Drivers OracleClient10g can verify that the database server exists. I have a section in my tsnnames.ora file that looks like this: UBASEP10G = (DESC...

coalesce alternative in Access SQL

In T-SQL, you can do this: SELECT ProductId, COALESCE(Price, 0) FROM Products How do you do the same thing in Access SQL? I see examples for doing it with Nz in VBA, but I'm looking for the SQL equivalent. Thanks. ...

Converting VB code tied to Access into C# / .NET

Hi, I am facing problems in converting code from VB to C# / .NET. The database backend is Access. Thanks in advance, Mahesh ...

How to fix possible db corruption?

Hi! I'm at a client doing some quick fixes to their access application. It was a while I had a go with access, but I'm recovering quickly. However, I've discovered an interesting problem: For some reports, I get a "Record is deleted" error. I've checked the reports, and it seems like there's a problem with one table. When opening that ...

Asking for code design advice: working with VB.Net and Ms-Access

Perhaps naively, I created a class (AdminDatabase) to handle connection to different MS-Access database files (see code at bottom). The purpose of the class was to allow retrieval of data from a MS-Access database and to manipulate the data. This works well. I can feed an instance of the AdminDatabase class an SQL statement and fill a ...

Add columns to an Access (Jet) table from .NET

Our app (already deployed) is using an Access/Jet database. The upcoming version of our software requires some additional columns in one of the tables. I need to first check if these columns exist, and then add them if they don't. Can someone provide a quick code sample, link, or nudge in the right direction? (I'm using c#, but a VB.NE...

How do you comment an MS-access Query?

What is syntax for adding comments in an access query? ...

Access 2007 VBA Query Shows Data in Query Analyzer But Not in VBA Coded Recordset

I have a function I've written that was initially supposed to take a string field and populate an excel spreadsheet with the values. Those values continually came up null. I started tracking it back to the recordset and found that despite the query being valid and running properly through the Access query analyzer the recordset was emp...

How to migrate from MS Access to SQL server 2005

I have a VB.NET windows application that pulls information from an MS Access database. The primary role of the application is to extract information from Excel files in various formats, standarize the file layout and write that out to csv files. The application uses MS Access as the source for the keys and cross reference files. The w...

Lines of Code in a MS-Access Database

Is there a way to find the number of lines of code used in an MS-Access database? ...

Inheritance question - retrieving data from Access database file and SQL Express

Hi, I am developing an application which will be connected to Access database at the beginning and the plan is to switch to MS SQL or SQL Express in the near future. The datatables structures are same for both types of databases and I am trying to avoid duplicating the code and trying to find the way to minimize the code. For example I...

Populate a MS Access database in Linux

Is there any way to create an Access / Jet database from within Linux? I'm trying to feed data from a linux application server (mysql backend) and have not found any tools that let me do this - it seems there should be something. If I can't create a database, is there a way to insert into an existing Access database file from within Li...

OpenArgs is Null error

I am using the OpenArgs parameter to send a value when using DoCmd.OpenForm: `DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSetOther", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog, "value"` I then use Me.OpenArgs inside the opened form to grab the value. It sometimes sends a Null value instead of the original string. What is wrong? ...

changing "Tab Control" color

How can I change the background color of a Tab Control. I changed the forms color, but the tabs stay the same. Thanks. ...

Jet(Access) DB and Expression based columns?

I occasionally work on an old project that uses classic asp as a front end and an access database as a backend. I'd like to create a new column in one of the tables that contains logic to calculate its value from the other columns in the row. I know how to do this in a more modern DBMS, but I don't think that access supports it. Keep i...

How to print dynamic forms in Microsoft Access?

I have an Access form where each record has some info that is computed on the fly. I'm using the Form_Current() event; each time a record is selected, I compute some information and change some form controls to reflect it, based on the record's ID. I want to print a bunch of these records. However, in this situation the Form_Current() e...

MS-Access reports shows design view upon execution

I have created a report in MS Access report and write some VBA code to retrive data and show the report in MS-Word format. But while generate the report on runtime, the report first show or flash the report design view for few seconds and the report will get generated. I would like to find a solution to avoid this flashing of design v...