
Slow SQL Code on local server in MS Access

Hi to all, I've got a particular SQL statement which takes about 30 seconds to perform, and I'm wondering if anyone can see a problem with it, or where I need additional indexing. The code is on a subform in Access, which shows results dependent on the content of five fields in the master form. There are nearly 5000 records in the table...

Does VB.NET trash Access databases?

Grasping at straws here... I work with a VB6 desktop system using several 2003-style Access databases (.MDB). Recently, I changed the first function from VB6 to VB.NET, still using an Access database. This is more than a conversion, but a rewrite with additional functionality. It is still fairly simple functionality, with a low-volume...

Persuade Access 2007 to use a .UDL file/oledb connection?

Is there any way of coaxing Access 2007 into using a .UDL file? Specifically, one of our older products uses an Interbase 6.0 database. My client would like to link to his database, for read/write, using Access 2007 (in the short term). While this isn't my preferred way of doing things at all, given it's all single-user and the other ...

stop Ms Excel auto-formatting numeric strings as numbers

I am exporting a report from MS Access(2003) to Excel (97-2003) output. One of the columns has a character string that is numeric for some rows e.g. "05-0880". When I open the output file in MS Excel the corresponding cell is set to the number -372424. I assume this is caused by Excel being "clever" and deciding that "05-0808" repres...

Block Access mousewheel behavior in external ActiveX controls

In an Access (2002 / 2003) data-bound form, a turn of the mousewheel moves to the next/previous record, even if the cursor is inside a multiline text field or a listbox. This is a major annoyance to users and cannot be turned off easily. I recently discovered a DLL called MouseHook ( which can e...

access vba: Runtime error 3734

Hi, Can anyone give me details of runtime error 3734 in Access vba. For reference i am getting it from a code in the following thread Sub plausibt_check() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim rs2 As ADODB.Recordset Dim db As database Dim strsql As String Dim tdf ...

Read-only Access data source

We have a major VB6 trading application which uses MS Access (Don't ask!) It is always blasting trades into an MS Access database. The rest of the infrastructure here has moved on considerably and I want to read this Access database periodically and copy any new trades into a SQL server database. The SQL and C# needed to do this is tri...

Access Database Replacement

Does anyone know of a drop-in replacement for an access database, ideally open source. A group I work with occasionally is looking for a replacement database where they'll need to change as little actual SQL as possible. Their app is VB6/COM. ...

SQL Server Express / MS Access LINQ Features, Which One to Use?

I have a few ASP.Net database front-end websites where MS Access is the back-end. I am trying to use ASP.Net dynamic data website. Should I change this database to SQL Server Express or something else to make it easier or should this work from with MS Access. ... dynamic data with access

can you use ms access as the backend of a dynamic data project website. Any links or examples? ...

How to display image from sql server in ms access

Hi, I have an MS sql server database. There is a table with one of the column of the "image" type. Now, the customer wants to read the data from an MS access. He wants to display the images in a form. I have never used access and have no idea of how to do simple things there. Any help will be greatly appreciate. Thanks, Ramjee ...

Query Microsoft Access MDB Database using LINQ and C#

I have a *.MDB database file, and I am wondering if it is possible or recommended to work against it using LINQ in C#. I am also wondering what some simple examples would look like. I don't know a lot about LINQ, but my requirements for this task are pretty simple (I believe). The user will be passing me a file path to Microsoft Access ...

MS Access Math

Hi, I've got a table in MS Access 2007 with 4 fields. Labour Cost Labour Hours Vat Total How do I multiply 'Labour Hours' by 'Labour Cost' add the 'VAT' and display the answer in 'Total' Where would I put any formulas?, in a form or query or table ? Many thanks for any help Scott ...

How to implement transaction way in

Hi, I develop one application using (200%) that connects to MS-Access Database, I use TableAdapter and Dataset for connection to the Access DB file. I need to implement a simple transaction method (commit, rollback) in saving to the DB? Is there a way to do that without the need to use inline SQL statement? Thanks, ...

Access VBA: How to select particular columns in ado using getstring?

Hi, When we use getstring to get data from a recordset(ADO) then it returns all the columns, if only particular columns are required then how do we modify the getstring statement?# Thanks tksy ...

Simple Oracle SQL date syntax question

I am trying to convert a working MS Access query to run on an Oracle database being accessed via VB Script (.asp). This is the last section of the WHERE clause: sql = sql & "WHERE (UAT.HB.MB_MODE = 'A' AND UAT.HB.PRINT_DATE >= '" & SD & "' AND UAT.HB.PRINT_DATE <= '" & ED &"' )" The variable "SD" (i.e. "start date") is a text str...

How can I frame an interface with modules in Access?

I have written a few modules of code in Access vba. Each code runs for various purpose and performs various actions on the database. I am not too much experinced in vba. I am planning to build an 'interface' or a 'form' so that a user can select which operation he wants to perfgorm and based on that that particular code runs. Can someon...

VBA Access 2003 table with a variable number of Columns

I have a table in Access 2003 VBA with 164 columns but the data I get has 181 column and it is possible that it will get bigger in the future. I need to know how to resize my table an to add extra colums during the runtime I know how to check how many colums I need so I just need to know how to resize my own table. thanks ...

SSRS Report Builder - Issues From Experience?

I'm looking into the idea of rolling out the web-based SSRS Report Builder to our end users to allow them to create their own reports against our production application databases. From what I have seen so far, this tool is easier to use than the VS Biz Intel Studio report designer, plus it is easier to install, and deploying the reports...

How to create a form to edit a one to many relationship?

Using MS Access 2007, I am creating a student management database. I have tables for: Students Courses CourseSection What I needed is a way to assign students to a course section. So I created a table that links students and sessions: StudentsInSection (contains foreign key to students and foreign key to course section) I would ...