
Slow MSAccess disk writing

I'm trying to write a VB.Net program that saves 1-2 million 5-field records (plus an indexed ID) to an MSAccess table every day. The saving process currently takes 13-20 hours, which obviously can't be right. Its a flat table with minimal indexing, currently only 156MB. Except for one double field, the fields are small strings, dates,...

Connect SQL Server Compact 3.5 Database to MS Access 2003 using ADO?

Is it possible to write connect and open a SQL Compact 3.5 database from within MS Access 2003? I want to be able to use MS Access 2003 to manipulate data in a SQL Compact 3.5 database. If it is possible, then what statements would be used to open the database? ...

How do I programatically change options in Access?

Hi to all, in Microsoft Access, is there a way which I can programatically set the Confirm Action Queries flag on the options screen to False? Ideally when the database is started up I would like to check if it's true, and if so, mark it as false for the currently logged in user. The application is locked down reasonably tightly, so ide...

Access VBA: Is it possible to reset error handling

Hi, I am using in the first part of my program on error go to start suppose in my second part i am again using on error resume next this second error trap will not get activated as teh first one will be still active.Is there any way to de activate the first error after it is used. Hope I am clear Set objexcel = CreateObject("excel...

Áccess VBA:How to get input in forms and use them in queries

HI I have a form with a few buttons. Each button runs a few lines of code.the code have queries also in them like "select * from table where number =6" now if i want to give the number as a input in the form, how do i go about it. ...

Classic ASP "Down for Maintenance" page

I'm making some changes to a legacy classic ASP application. I've made the changes locally, and now I want to copy the changed files to the server. At the same time, I need to download the Access database, add some fields to some tables, and upload it again. For this reason, I need to be able to stop visitors from modifying the database ...

Access VBA:To generate a report of result of update query

hi, Is it possibel to get a report of the records that are updated using a update query.I mean without using recordset. suppose sqltext = update table employees set bonus = 0 where salary > 50000 DoCmd.RunSQL sqltext now after theis query runs is it possible to get the name of th eemployees for whom this update query wa...

How to convert fields into rows through SQL in MS Access 2007 or MS SQL Server 2005

I have a legacy MS Access 2007 table that contains 52 fields (1 field for each week of the year) representing historical sales data (plus one field for the year actually). I would like to convert this database into a more conventional Time/Value listing. Does anyone knows how to do that without writing queries with 52+ explicit paramete...

Query on a record set

Hi, Will a query like this on a recordset work "select * from table where vd=1; update table set vd1 = 1 where vd=2 or vd=3;" or is there anything wrong thanks ...

Access vba : to display time left when code is running

Hi, I have a form with a few buttons which execute code when pressed like running validations on the database. some of these code could could run for a few minutes so is there any way to show the time remaining or a message to display the % of process completed. or pop out a message when code evaluation starts and the message should di...

How can I implement SQL INTERSECT and MINUS operations in MS Access

I have researched and haven't found a way to run INTERSECT and MINUS operations in MS Access. Does any way exist ...

How does a user insert a null in MS Access?

MS Access appears to support nulls in code, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to enter a null directly in a table. This is maddening because once a field has had a figure entered in it, it can never be deleted/set to null. Normally, allowing zero length strings would take care of this, but Access treats the XML export of a ...

How would I insert data into an Access table using

I want to insert a new row into an Access database. I'm looking at doing something like: oConnection = new Connection("connectionstring") oTable = oCennection.table("Orders") oRow = oTable.NewRow oRow.field("OrderNo")=21 oRow.field("Customer") = "ABC001" oTable.insert Which seems to be a sensible way of doing things to me. However...

MS Access - Mass Emailing?

I'm using MS Access to create a database with over 5000 contacts. These contacts are separated up into which employee the contact belongs to, and then again into categories for easy searching. What I want to do is create a button that will open up a query in table form (simple), then have check boxes so an employee can select, for exampl...

exporting a tab delimited file from an access database

Hello, This code db = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\hom\Anwendungsdaten\BayWotch4\Neuer Ordner\baywotch.db5" TextExportFile = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\hom\Anwendungsdaten\BayWotch4\Neuer Ordner\Exp.txt" Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") cn.Open _ "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.O...

Is there any way to have MS Access 2003 generate a set of DDL, DML, and DCL files for an existing design and dataset?

I have an existing database that has some testing data into and I'm interested in turning it into a set of DDL, DML, and DCL files so that I could run it against other database systems and create the same schema and such. The database is MS Access 2003. Thoughts? ...

How can I get a value from the update query prompt in Access VBA?

When we run a update query we get prompt saying that 'these many recordr are going to be updated. do you want to continue' is it possible to capture the value in the prompt message to a variable i.e the number of records going to be updated. ...

Getting primary key after an insert in (visual basic)

I'm adding a record like this: Dim pathString As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("Banking.mdb") Dim odbconBanking As New OleDbConnection _ ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" + pathString) Dim sql As String sql = "INSERT INTO tblUsers ( FirstName, LastName, Addre...

Writing an update query in (access database) (visual basic)

I have this code: Dim pathString As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("Banking.mdb") Dim odbconBanking As New OleDbConnection _ ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" + pathString) Dim sql As String sql = "UPDATE tblAccounts balance = " & CDbl(balance + value) & " WHE...

How does MS Access joins linked tables (linked to the same SQL server database)?

Hi, I've got MS Access database with linked tables, whever each table is linked to a table in the same SQL Server database. I have a query inside Access that joins 2 tables (in particular i'm updating a table based on another using a join). The question is does Access "download" all the table data before doing a join? Or is smart and j...