
IDS an over-kill for a single-user app?

I have the following dilema: My clients (mom-n-pop pawnshops) have been using my mgmt. system, developed with ISQL, for over 20 years. Throughout these two decades, I have customized the app to each clients desire, or when changes in Laws/Regulations have required it. Most clients are single-user sites. Some have multiple stores, but hav...

Fear of Access Corruption: What's the best thing to do?

Yesterday when I was working on a module in Access 2003, when I closed it, Access crashed. I think what I had done was renamed the module. After reopening Access I saw the new renamed module, but got the ol' "The module name "..." is misspelled or refers to a module that doesn't exist" error. I am unable to open it in the Database Window...

Why could this process have crashed?

I have an 8AM Access macro that verifies certain SQL tables are up to date. For business logic reasons, the Access file is stored and run on both my local machine and a virtual machine. It's pretty simple and almost always runs without problems: Windows task scheduler kicks off an Access macro. The macro runs queries on several tables...

PPTX 2007 - VBA: If I create a powerpoint pres from access code behind form, then how do i prompt to save ppt file at end

I have an access form that creates a ppt file (set of slides) from the information in the access form/tables. I use a template file in a utility folder that is in the same folder as the access file itself. everything works fine, except one little piece. I would like to know how after I have ran through everything else in the sub routin...

MS Access 2003/2007 VBA - How can I take a date field from a recordset and string the dd-MMM-yyyy format?

i have some VB that uses DAO to grab some data, one field being a date field (as in date of a transaction). its not date/time, just simply date like dd/mm/yyyy. so on an access form i know how to do this, but right now i am working on some excel/ppt automation. i use something like this simple example DAO sql string, openrecordset to ge...

Can I edit AutoNumber Column in Access?

I've lost my data in Access base, and I've manage to bring them back but when I copy the values in the table with the AutoNumber Column it increments the numbers. Is there Any way to change it to int and then bring it back to AutoNumber? ...

MS-Access: How to open form in same location/size as closed/previous form?

I am creating a database application using Access 2003 that will be run as a stand-alone application (i.e. using the Access runtime). I have a main form that opens to a pre-defined location and size and I would like to control where any other forms open. I would like to open additional forms at the same location and size as the main for...

MS Access 2007 VBA - Can I Add font properties in VB Format$ function

so if I have a DAO recordset returing values, and I use Format$, is there a way to set the font property of what is only contained within the Format$ portion? For example I have this: "Metric #43 = " & Format$(rs!Metric43, "Yes/No") so this is actually for ppt automation, not an access form. I want the first string to be unbold, and ...

MS ACCESS 2007 VBA : DAO can I view all the "fields" in the returned collection

so if i do a SQL statement like so: sql = "SELECT * FROM tblMain" set rs = currentdb.openrecordset(sql) what method can i use to view every "field name" in this collection i have just created. i am getting some very strange error stating that the item is not found in this collection. i know the field exists in the table, i have...

Set rs = nothing : usefull before closing form ?

In Access, always supposed that in Forms modules, as in other (class or regular) modules, objects and normal variables cease to exist when the code is exited, or in the case of Forms, when the form is closed. Is that correct ? I am wondering because I built a form used to scan barcodes on orders, and it gets slower and slower during ...

How do I save data created in a form in Access 2003 when I reference other tables?

I'm not sure how to fix this issue, but when I utilize combo boxes on my form which selects data from multiple tables I'm not able to save any of the data selected. I tried to use the Bound form utility but it only asked me to "Enter Parameter Value". I took out the "Bound" portion of the code and the combo box works fine. I have ...

How to add item to ms access List/Combobox programatically in addition to recordset

I have a combobox in Access 2003 whose recordset is obtained from a stored procedure. I need to find a way to add an additional item to the lists programmatically. The stored procedure returns the following StatusID and StatusName list. 1,Open 2,Closed 3,In-Process 4,Under Review I want to add the option "All Cases" with the StatusID...

SQL query, distinct rows needed

Hey guys, I have the following table structured like this: So basically as you can see, the department goes through name changes every couple of years. Look at number 16 for example. I want a select query that will only get the name when the date is the greatest. How do I do that? ...

subtract dates in access 2010 web queries

I need to only display records where datediff("d",date1,date2)>10 datediff is not "web compatible". What would be a workaround? ...

Selecting 2 tables from 2 different databases (ACCESS)

hi guys, here is the connection i have strCon="DBQ=" & Server.Mappath("db.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};PWD=password;" set adoCon=server.createobject("adodb.connection") adoCon.Open strCon so in order to work with the 2 databases i have 2 adoCon and when i do the select i select from each db i need now for the p...

Reading and writing with the same Access '97 table: Thread safety problems?

I am maintaining a program that reads records from a Access '97 table using a Timer. A different program outside my control writes records to this table. So the reading and writing is not synchronized. I am wondering if this could occasionally lead to data corruption. Writing a testing environment is difficult for several reasons. Does s...

OleDb: why can't I just fill my dataset with the full schema and information from my datasource easily?

This seems really ridiculous.. what am I missing? I have an access database with 5 tables. I want to fill a dataset with the entire contents of the database. Why can't it roughly look like this?: dim dConnection as new oleDbConnection(connection info) dim dAdapter as new oledbdataadapter(SelectCommand, dConnection) dim dSet as oleDb...

How do I automatically compact and repair an Access 2007 database?

I have a site that uses classic ASP and a database in Access 2007 format (.accdb). It is encrypted with a password and is about 300 MiB in file size. The site works fine by itself but every now and then the database gets corrupted (the error is "unrecognized database format"). It can be fixed easily by opening the database in MS Access,...

VBA code to create a report in MS Access

Can anyone help me create a code satatement that will allow me to create a report with the sQ statement below? The problem I'm having is that my form allows you to input a Cost center, but when I click on the command button to execute the code it asks me to input the cost center again before it shows me the report. I want to eliminate ha...

I'm getting an Error "runtime error 2105 access you can't go to the specified record"? please help me

Private Sub cmd_New_Click() Dim Response% If Me.Dirty Then Response = MsgBox("Save changes to the job record?", vbYesNoCancel, scAppTitle) Select Case Response Case vbYes SendKeys "+{Enter}" Case vbNo Me.Undo Case vbCancel Exit Sub End Select ...