
How do i change query of MS Access 97 file using MS Access 2007

Hi guys, I am adding a small feature in a program that uses access 97 db. The change is to add a one single field in a table A. There is one query which selects certain fields from that table. Now I need to add the field in that query too. I have added the field using DDL SQL statment from query builder screen. But now I need to add t...

Synchronizing Access DB and MySQL

I've got a client who has a very large internal system using Access, which is used internally to handle virtually all company data. They want a web front-end to the customer data in that database, and would be running on a different server. Given the limitations on Access, the front-end would likely use MySQL. Which leaves the issue o...

is access 2007 can work good with 30 users parallel

hi is access 2007 can work good with 30 users parallel through my C# program ? thank's in advance ...

MS Access keeps prompting for Login

For some reason when i try and create a new MS Access database(.mdb), i get prompted for a login/password even if the database isn't protected. Any ideas as to how to get rid of this? Note i'm using MS Access 2007. I tried to add a password to database by going into "Database Tools", "User and Group Accounts", "Change Logon Password". ...

Viewing stored procedures in Access 2007

I'm usually not working with Microsoft products. I have an MS Access 2007 project here, and I know that the MSSQL Server with the Database has some procedures. How can I make them visible? I can just browse trough tables and views... Thanks and regards, Jan Oliver ...

Table with selectable items in Access 2003

I need to create a form in which user can select one item from the table. Then user can click on button so data in selected row can be used in next step. I am unable to find optimal solution. First, I don't know how to make such view/table with selectable items. Second, I don't know how to gather data from selected row. I am totally new...

How to bundle an Access database with a Java application

Hi recently I had created a Java application included database with Microsoft Access. I had wrapped it to jar file using eclipse. I pass the jar file to my friend to try to use it. But my friend told me that that is no database connection. How can i include the microsoft access in the jar file. Which mean when my friend double click the ...

get sum of time in msaccess

i have a column in which time lies and i want to get the sum of this column what query i should use ...

How do you create a mdb database file in Python?

I would like to create a mdb database file in windows with Python and can't seem to figure it out with the Python Docs. Everything I read about is related to making a connection and what to do with the cursor. Any thoughts? Thanks... ...

vba: do something if it is midnight

i will need to run a process once every 24 hours at midnight. it wont matter if it's 12:00:00 or 12:00:03, just as long as it is run once at around midnight. would i need to have a timer control checking what time it is every minute or is there a more sophisticated/simpler way of doing this? what would be the if statement to check whet...

ms-access: doing something on database open

is it possible to run a sub or function as soon as the user opens an access database file? if so, how? ...

Programatically create ODBC connection and link tables in MS Access

We are using MS Access as a reporting front-end for Oracle. The data is accessed via an ODBC connection, and there are two linked tables in Access to Oracle that are the raw data tables. I'd like to be able to set up the connection and link the tables from within the Access file. That way users don't have to worry about setting up an DSN...

VBA help with executing procedure

Private Sub CmdPharmacy_Click() Dim myM(11) As String Set mydb = CurrentDb If PMNM = "" Then PMNM = UCase(Left(cboMonth.Value, 3)) End If sQ = "SELECT mN FROM PharDate WHERE mT = '" & PMNM & "';" Set myrec = mydb.OpenRecordset(sQ, dbOpenDynaset) myrec.MoveFirst myC = myrec.Fields("mN") For i = 0 To myC - 1 myM(i) = "M" & i +...

Getting names of Access database tables with Matlab

Hi! I'm trying to get a listing of all tables in an Access database using Matlab. I'm so far using an actxobject and can successfull run queries against the database, but all methods I've read here have failed. I consistently get the error message 'No read permission on MSysObjects'. The query runs fine within the Access-program, but ...

DTS Access via JET password problem

I have a DTS package on SQL 2000 that I haven't touched for three years. Package is running without problems every night and now I need to make some changes. Package reads data from couple of Access files that have password set. When I open Access connection in DTS designer and click OK I get error message "not a valid password". Why...

Is it possible to restore deleted records from MDB?

I've deleted some records from an Access MDB file, is it possible in any way to retrieve the deleted records? It's very important, the only way I've found is with AccessFix which is too expensive. ...

How to wait for execution control to return from dropping a table?

I have the following code: CurrentDb.Execute "DROP TABLE [" & DatabaseName & "].[" & TableName & "];" Which will drop a table from an MS Access database. Typically this is being done using a database on a shared network. How can I ensure the DROP method completes before allowing the control to move on to the next line in my code? T...

How do I find the character encoding of a ms access database?

How do I find out what character encoding the tables in my MS Access 2003 database have? For example: Windows-1252 ISO 8859-1 US-ASCII ...

MS Access VBA = Now() with time trim

So the function =Now() there a way I can use this and only get the date, not the time? or is there just a function for this idea? thanks Justin ...

Access 2007 - Building unmatched data query, but need two field categories

Is it possible to build an unmatched data query using two tables with a tracking a unique value field and also another value in the row as well (that value will not be unique). For example I want to track a unique customer code from an invoice on a new table, compared to last month's invoice. The non unique value would be a "product co...