
How do you add a drop down menu with values to a form in microsoft access 2007?

I have a form created in Access 2007, but there is a need to add a dropdown in the form as the answer is usually "YES" or "NO". Any ideas? ...

Do access subforms that are not visible still update/requery? If not, can this be behavior be configured?

I have an old Access database that is being upgraded to work with Access 2007. The client is complaining that it is slow now. I am looking for ways to optimize it. There is one subform that is in a particular tab on the form. I have been wondering -- does the subform still update/query even when it is not visible? If this is configu...

C# database file directory

I'm using the windows forms aplication with an ms access database. And i would like to know if there is a way to show the directory of the database file (to save data in it)excpet like this: string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=save.mdb"; OleDbConnection empConnection = new OleDbConnection(con...

Converting DAO to ADO

I am working with an Access 2003 database that has a subroutine using DAO code. This code loops through the table definitions and refreshes the ODBC connection string. I would like to convert this to ADO so I do not have to reference the DAO object library. Here is the code ... Public Sub RefreshODBCLinks(newConnectionString As String) ...

Help with this JET Sql Query [SOLVED]

Hi: I need help to do this query select. for example I have these fields: idInvoice date amount Depending of the date I need multiply the field "amount" for x number or other one. For example, if the date is less 01/01/2010 to multiply for 20 . But if it is major or equal to multiply for 35 Select idInvoice, date, amount, amou...

It's easy to set a breakpoint when debugging VBA, but how about a "startpoint" or a "skippoint"?

I'm debugging a subroutine in my VBA code. I want to ignore the first half and just run the second half. So, is there a way to set a 'startpoint'? Also, is there an easy way to ignore a specific line of code other than commenting? If not, I'll just continue commenting out all the code I don't want run. The problem with this, of cour...

Does Access have any issues with unicode capable data types like nvarchar in SQL Server?

I am using Access 2003 as a front end UI for a SQL Server 2008 database. In looking at my SQL Server database design I am wondering if nvarchar was the right choice to use over varchar. I chose nvarchar because I thought it would be useful in case any characters represented by unicode needed to be entered. However, I didn't think about a...

Access 2007 & 2003 : Creating an mde for 2003 users with a 2007 dev copy issues

So i have an image on my computer that has office 2007, and I have the development copy of this database file where I corrected some code, added some fields, etc... I then converted the Access file (.mdb dev file) to Access 2002-2003 format to create an mde. So I then created the new mde, but when users try to open, it gives them the me...

Query crashes MS Access

THE TASK: I am in the process of migrating a DB from MS Access to Maximizer. In order to do this I must take 64 tables in MS ACCESS and merge them into one. The output must be in the form of a TAB or CSV file. Which will then be imported into Maximizer. THE PROBLEM: Access is unable to perform a query that is so complex it seems, as it ...

How to use serial / autonumber in a PostgreSQL / Access combination

I'm working up a database in PostgreSQL (8.3) that users will interact with (update and query) via Microsoft Access 2003. Several tables have primary keys defined as 'serial' in PostgreSQL. These columns, when linked into Access, show up as 'Number' and don't auto-increment when inserting new data into the tables via Access. Is there ...

access 2003 parent/child recursive search

How do i create a parent/child relationship that VB6.5 will put into a tree like view using a recursive search. I have a simple table structure that I'm experementing with before I begin using the main database. ID | Part | ParentId -----+-----------+--------- 1 | Tire | 0 2 | Door | 0 3 | Break | 1 4 ...

In a website running ASP.NET, how can I display an image stored in an MS Access 2007 Attachment Type

BACKGROUND: MS Access 2007 added an attachment field type, where images can be stored. I am building a website using ASP.Net and the .NET framework 4 So, without using Silverlight, what is the easiest way to retrieve the image from the Access database on the server, and use as source for an Image control? As a simple example: In an ESL...

How to access SQL Server scalar funtions in MS Access VB

Hello, I'm trying to find out how I can access scalar functions from the SQL Server database of my adp file. I have an adp file in access 2007 and a SQL Server 2005 DB. In access VB I try to get the result of a scalar function with parameters. I tried with DAO, but it that case currentdb = nothing: Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim sq...

SQL bottleneck, how to fix

This is related to my previous thread: However, I kinda figured out the problem. The problem (as described in the previous thread) is not the insert (while its still slow), the problem is looping through the data itself Consider the following code: Dim rs ...

Batch Inserts And Prepared Query Error

Ok, so I need to populate a MS Access database table with results from a MySQL query. That's not hard at all. I've got the program written to where it copies a template .mdb file to a temp name and opens it via odbc. No problem so far. I've noticed that Access does not support batch inserting (VALUES (foo, bar), (second, query), (thi...

How to simulate a Group Header in an Access Continuous Form?

I have a form (not a report) in Access displayed in Continuous View that has alot of repeat data. i.e. it looks like: State Names FL Abe FL Bart FL Charlie GA Deleanor GA Mary This needs to be interactive (there's some command buttons on each row as well as in the form header), but there's alot of repetitive d...

Can't save data in database help!

I have an widnows form aplication and i can't save the data from aplication(textboxes) in the database (ms access). The stored data is seen in the aplication, but if i open the database it's not there... so if i open the database and restart the form aplication i don't see the before inserted data . string conString = "Provider=Micro...

Query a Lookup Table in Excel or Access

I've got a mental block about what I'm sure is a common scenario: I have some data in a csv file that I need to do some very basic reporting from. The data is essentially a table with Resources as column headings and People as row headings, the rest of the table consists of Y/N flag, "Y" if the person has access to the resource, "N" if...

How can we connect the interface (wpf) and MS ACCess database

I've to do a project with Microsoft Access 'we obliged to make with this tool' I've implemented a user interface (bottoms and effects) using expression blend , and I build my database .The problem how can I make the relation between them. as I read that MS can give us the new features in Access 2010, Microsoft can very well decide to go...

MS Access accdb compact database from c#

I have two MS Access accdb databases. Both database are password protected. The first database I can compact fine no issues at all. Below is the code that I use to compact it. object[] oParams; object objJRO = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("JRO.JetEngine")); oParams = new object[] { "Provider=Microsoft...