
Getting an Access 2007 table (.accdb extension) in ArcMap programmatically

I have recently found a script from ArcScripts on how to get an Access table in ArcGIS programmatically and it works well. But this is for Access 2003 (.mdb extension) and earlier. The code is posted below, and I want to know how to modify it for using Access 2007 (.accdb extension) and later databases. Attribute VB_Name = "Access_conne...

I created an access database in Access 2007 and split it, now I need to add another table. Is this possible?

I can add the table in the backend or the front end, but if I add to the front end, it doesn't update on others computers. If I add it to the backend, it didn't show on the front end either. Probably because it is not linked. How would i link the new table AFTER I already split the databse? Thanks! ...

can access 2010 open a 2003 database that has the old mdw security

can access 2010 open a 2003 database that has the old mdw security ...

how to specify null value in MS Access

I am not able to call setNull on PreparedStatement using MS Access (sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver) preparedStatement.setNull(index, sqltype). Is there a workaround for this. For LONGBINARY data type, I tried the following calls, neither worked. setNull(index, java.sql.Types.VARBINARY) setNull(index, java.sql.Types.BINARY) java.sq...

How to select first entry of the day grouped by user in SQL

I've looked around and can't quite grasp the whole answer to this SQL query question needed to extract data from an MS Access 2000 table. Here's an example of what the table [Time Sub] looks like: **CLIENT_ID, DATE_ENTERED, CODE, MINUTES** 11111, 5/12/2008 3:50:52 PM, M, 38 11111, 5/12/2008 2:55:50 PM, M, 2 11714, 5/13/2008 1:15:...

Ms Access DB used by website

Hi Guys, I have been asked to update a legacy website. I was originally build in asp using a MS Access DB to store some user details. However I am aware that the DB can be downloaded if you use the correct url. What is the best way to stop this without stopping the website having access to the DB? Thanks Sp ...

Access as a front-end to SQL Server - ADO vs DAO?

I have a project that will be using Access 2003 as the font-end and the data being stored in SQL Server. Access will connect to SQL Server via linked tables with all the database logic (stored procedures, views) within SQL Server. Given this setup, would it be better to use ADO or DAO within Access? Is it just a matter of preference or ...

Experiences with "language converters"?

I have read a few articles mentioning converters from one language to another. I'm a bit more than skeptical about the use of such kind of tools. Does anyone know or have experiences let's say about Visual Basic to Java or vs converters? Just one example to pick, claims to be the "world...

Possible to set filter on subform from parent form before subform data loads

I have frmParentForm with multiple controls used to build a filter for frmSubForm. On frmParentForm_Load, I am doing (simplified example): Me.sbfInvoice_List.Form.filter = "[created_on] >= #" & Me.RecentOrderDateCutoff & "#" Me.sbfInvoice_List.Form.FilterOn = True The problem is, on initial load, it seems the subform load is occurrin...


its Access database.. i have a Library table, where Autnm Topic Size Cover Lang are foreign Keys each record is actually a book which has its properties such as author and stuff. i am not quite sure i am even using the correct JOIN.. quite new with "complex" SQL :) SELECT Library.Bknm_Hebrew, Library.Bknm_English, Library.Bknm_Russia...

unknown data encoding

Hi, While i was working with an old application with existing database which is in ms-access contains some strange data encoding such as 48001700030E0F465075465A56525E1100121D04121B565A58 as email address What kind of data encoding is this? i tried base64 but it dosent seems that. Can anybody with previous experience with ms-access co...

Object reference not set to an instance of an object - error

Hello, I'm trying to insert in an Access Database, from visual C#. But i got this error: error What am I doing wrong in code? The values are correct, they comes from the input boxes. Thanks! ...

Data is not saved in MS Access database

Hello, I have a visual C# project and i'm trying to insert data in a MS Access Database when i press a button. Here is the code: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { OleDbDataAdapter adapter=new OleDbDataAdapter(); adapter.InsertCommand = new OleD...

SQL, combining the result

I am using Access and have this SQL SELECT, land.official_name, vaksiner.vaksiner FROM land INNER JOIN (vaksiner INNER JOIN land_sykdom ON = land_sykdom.sykdom) ON land.kort = ORDER BY land.official_name The SQL gives me a result like this: id official_name vaksiner 1 a ...

SQL query not working

hi, I'm trying to create a query in an access database for a C# dataset using the query editor but the created method says there is a problem and isn't created correctly. SELECT Discs.* FROM Discs WHERE (Title=@Title OR @Title IS NULL) AND (Type=@Type OR @Type IS NULL) AND (ContainerID=@ContainerID OR @ContainerID IS NULL) AND NOT (@Tit...

How to repair "order by" after union of 2 selects from 1 tables

I have a dropDownList on my form, where i need to have union of values from 2 colums of table [ost]. Type of this columns is currency. I have russian version of access, default value of curency in "rur" and i need "uah". I need to change format and save "order by". I use this query: (SELECT distinct FORMAT([Sum1] ,'# ##0.00" uah.";-# ...

Implementing a "special" Access database to Expression Web

I have just got an answer to my question about combining the result of a SQL. This was done with "ConcatRelated". Now I want to implement this in Expression Web 3. The SQL's I used in Access: SELECT, land.official_name, vaksiner.vaksiner FROM land INNER JOIN (vaksiner INNER JOIN land_sykdom ON = land_sykdom.sykdom) ...

Cursor position at EOF and BOF

Where is the Position of cursor in recordset.EOF and recordset.BOF. Any explanation or link info is appreciated much. ...

Update query for Access Database for certain Parameters

Hi, I am using MS Access as a database and using c#, .net for updating some records in it. But it is giving error saying "No value given for one or more required parameters." There are 5 colums in Table and I want to update only 2, for that I have written the query like "update User_DTL set user_role_id = '" + _UserRole + "', auth_id...

Is existed web markup languages with possibility insert sql query?

Actually what I want - simple DB with simple User Interface. Like MS Access, but for web and it can be without Dragn n Drop, but described with markup language. For example if I want to create list report, then i need to write something like: <table query="SELECT * from mytable"></table> It needed for simple data applications. In that ki...