
AES Encrypting a Microsoft Access Field Via VBA

I need to create a Microsoft Access database, but have a need, in one of my tables, for a single field to be strongly encrypted. Since AES requires both a key and an initialization vector, I've decided to solve this problem by requiring a password to access the database (as the key), and a field in the table to hold a SHA1 hash of the ...

How to write a query get all infomation from one table to another one

I am building access database that will get data from a outside source and place it in a table that is link to the data source. As we all know that you are not allowed to recinfigure that linked table. What I want to do is take that data from that that linked table and make another table that I will be able to add additional new fields ...

Access Date Parameters - Date Range Prompt Error

I have an Access 2007 report that prompts for a range of dates. It is using the SQL Query: SELECT Calls.CallID, Contacts.County, Calls.ContactID, Calls.Date, Calls.Subject, Calls.Notes, Calls.Time FROM Contacts INNER JOIN Calls ON Contacts.[ContactID] = Calls.[ContactID] WHERE (((Calls.Date) Between [From date: ] And [To date: ])); Th...

question about frequency of updating access

i have a table in an access database this access database is used on a regular basis, basically from 9-5 someone else has a copy of this exact table. sometimes records are added, sometimes deleted, and sometimes data within the records is updated. i need to update the access database table with the offsite table every hour or so. what...

Convert date from access to SQL Server with SSIS

Hi, I want to convert a database from access to SQL Server using SSIS. I cannot convert the date/time columns of the access db. SSIS says something like: conversion between DT_Date and DT_DBTIMESTAMP is not supported. (Its translated from my German version, might be different in English version). In Access I have Date/Time column, in ...

Parameter has no value

string queryString = "SELECT SUM(skupaj_kalorij)as Skupaj_Kalorij " + "FROM (obroki_save LEFT JOIN users ON obroki_save.ID_uporabnika=users.ID)" + "WHERE users.ID= " + a.ToString() + " AND obroki_save.datum =?"; using (OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(queryString,database)) ...

sql Query in MS Access

Trying to get this query to work in MS Access. Update Network.Location=Enclave.Location Where Enclave.Site=No AND Network.AlternateLocation=Enclave.Location Where Enclave.Site=Yes I'm not sure how to get this to do exactly what I want which is store Enclave location in network location if the enclave site field is No and if yes sto...

Access is re-writing - and breaking - my query!

I have a query in MS Access (2003) that makes use of a subquery. The subquery part looks like this: ...FROM (SELECT id, dt, details FROM all_recs WHERE def_cd="ABC-00123") AS q1,... And when I switch to Table View to verify the results, all is OK. Then, I wanted the result of this query to be printed on the page header for a report ...

cant open access file - dont have permit

hi i try to open access 2007 file and i cant - dont have permit don't ask for any password what can be the reason ? thank's in advance ...

How to execute stored procedure from Access using linked tables

I have an Access 2003 database that connects to a SQL Server 2008 box via ODBC. The tables from SQL Server are connected as linked tables in Access. I have a stored procedure on the SQL Server that I am trying to execute via ADO code. The problem I have is that Access cannot seem to find the procedure. What do I have to do within Access ...

Inserting new argument to table through search form of another table

In my database I have a form for searching products (fields : id, name, manufacturer_id[set to display manufacturer's name], category_id, price). I would like to have the ability of adding manufacturers through this form. So I've created vba script but it does not work. Still when I enter new name it gives me prompt to "Select element fr...

Complicated conditional SQL query

I'm not even sure if it's possible but I need it for my Access database. So I have following db structure : Now I need to perform a query that takes category_id from my product and do the magic : - let's say product belongs to console (category_id is in table Console) - from console_types take type_id, where category_id == category_id...

Access: Data Type Mismatch using boolean function in query criteria

I have a VBA function IsValidEmail() that returns a boolean. I have a query that calls this function: Expr1: IsValidEmail([E-Mail]). When I run the query, it shows -1 for True and 0 for False. So far so good. Now I want to filter the query to only show invalid emails. I'm using the Query Designer, so I just add a value of 0 to the C...

Does Microsoft Access use the PK fields for anything?

Ok this is going to sound strange, but I have inherited an app that is an Access front end with a SQL Server backend. I am in the process of writing a new front end for it, but... we need to continue using the access front end for a while even after we deploy my new front end for reasons I won't go into. So both the existing Access app...

Block committing changes to Microsoft Access database

Is there a way to write a hook that will run before changes are committed to an Access DB? I'm looking for a way to block changes if a specific process is currently querying the DB. ...

Access, ADO & 64-bit

We have a large codebase that uses ADO under 32-bit, and we need to convert the code to 64-bit. We were using the Jet provider, but I know this is not supported under x64. We're importing definitions from msado15.dll. As of a while ago a 64-bit version of this DLL became available, but we are unable to get it to work. I have written...

Refresh databases data

How can i refresh the data from my database(ms access) in c# using windows form aplication? part of the code where i insert the data : insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@ID_uporabnika", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(textBox6.Text); insertCommand.Parameters.Add("@datum", OleDbType.DBDate).Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()...

MS Access 2007 Import Not Working?

Hi guys. I just switched from Access 2003 to Access 2007. In the very first "dev" copy (as I call it) pre-split, pre-front end, I need to import some data that are text files. I try to use the ribbon to do this, and after I walk through the steps I get this little pop up box that states Microsoft Access has determined this to be a pot...

MS Access caching of reports / query results

Is it possible to cache a query or report the first time it is run? It seems that opening a report will re-query the datasource. For certain queries, the data source does not change frequently enough that I'd be worried about a cache being out of date (users are notified when the database changes), and it would be much easier for the use...

ms access negative page numbers

I have an access report that generates 36505 pages (un filtered, and about half of each page is taken up by group headers and page headers) , though the footer at the bottom of the report page says "36505 of -29031". This looks like an overflow problem maybe, though I'm confused how it got the current page number of the last page OK, but...