
OleDB/Access inserting into Date/Time field with a future date

Hi, I am writing a VB.NET application that uses OleDB to connect to an Access database. I want to insert a date that is in the future (it is chosen with a DateTimePicker) into the database. When I chose a date that is today (Jul 15, for example) or in the past it works fine. Whenever I choose a date that is in the future, it crashes. Is...

send-object command not to send if no records in query

I want to use the macro' "send-object command" to email the records of a bunch of queries on a daily basis, but I only want it to send the given email if there are records in the given query. if the query doesnt output any records, then I dont want that email to be sent. I know how to accomplish this by using an Acces report by setti...

ms-access 2003: form does not open! help!

i have an access db with forms, one of the forms is not opening. i double clicked on it, i tried to open in design mode. nothing happens. there's no error message, but nothing happens. has anyone had this issue before? i am sorry i actually am getting an error now: The error said that there wasn't enough memory to open it or something...

PHP web page completely dies when I make query to MS access ODBC connection

I am firing off a query in PHP to an MS Access database/odbc connection. The query looks like this $commentSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblTicketComments WHERE requestNum = $foo"; $rs1 = odbc_exec($conn,$commentSQL); if(!$rs1){ $this->comments[] = odbc_errormsg(); } while($rs1){ $this->comments[] = "comment"; } $foo is a number, a...

Access 2007 - Why won't Access work on workspaces/web folders?

So if I try to take an Access database that currently resides on a network shared drive (or try to create a brand new one for that matter) on a web folder of a "workspace", why won't it work? I have read, write modify permissions on the folder I am trying to add it to, however I can errors, and it won't recognize the file type (.accdb or...

how to combine 2 different table ?

Hey all how to combine 2 different tables where they contain the same fields but different data, example Cash_Expenses { exp_date exp_cat_id exp_amount exp_remark } Cheque_Espenses { exp_date exp_cat_id exp_cheque_NO exp_amount exp_remark } exp_cat { cat_id Cat_name } now what i am trying to do is that i want to combine those t...

What encryption method (algorithm) is used for store data base password in MS Access 2010 database?

My desktop application use MS access 2003 data base to keep some sensitive information . used access 2003 files(*.mdb) are password protested. Access 2003 data base password are easily crackable by various tools available on internet because of its weak storage method. Now I am planing to migrate my application database to MS access 201...

Access sql 'or' returns true/false not numeric

In Access Sql 1 or 2 returns -1 the value for true. How can i get it to return 3 which is the numeric orring (?) of the values. This works in Sql Server select 1 | 2 returns 3 ...

Cast string data type to Int in SQL QUery for MS Access

I am trying to write a query in access that will pull results that are in the database in a text Acually,I have RECEIPTNO Column whose datatype is TEXT in Table Membership, & I want to pull all the results from RECEIPTNO column where RECEIPTNO is BETWEEN 1 AND 10 And I tried Below Code. SELECT Cint(RECEIPTNO) FROM MEMBERSHIP where Cint...

how to insert data as a field in word document from access ?

Hi, I would like insert this in my word document : They are xxx person accessing this month on my application. xxx coming from my access database. I try to add a label, a text box, etc... ubt I can't align the text. Which is the better solution ? Thanks a lot. ...

Will an MS Access back-end for a client server application have transfer speed problems?

If I use MS Access in the back-end of a client-server type software and the database file is sent from client to server, will it create any problems in further database handling, transfer speed, or performance compared to SQL Server? ...

how to split a field when using union?

Hey all, I am using this query using UNION, where both fields that contains the amount are combined into one table, and i wanted to split them into 2 fields, first for cash and other for cheque SELECT exp_cat.cat_name, SUM(exp_cheque.exp_amount) AS Cheque FROM exp_cat INNER JOIN exp_cheque ON exp_cat.ID = exp_cheque.exp_cat_id GROUP BY...

ms-access questions about corruption

what is the reason that ms-access DBs sometimes has corruption issues? if a form is not opening and it is a corruption issue, would i solve the problem by eliminating the form? ...

ms-access: HOW TO decompile and recompile

i have an access DB and i would like to know the proper way of decompiling and recompiling it, as i have never done this before ...

Referencing global variable - MS Access

Hi, Im trying to pass the name of a global variable to a sub routine and would like to know how to reference it. For example I could do the below with a control: Private Sub passCtrlName(ctlName as String) Me.Controls(ctlName) = "Whatever" End Sub Edit: For Example Public imGlobVar As String Public Sub passGlobVar(frm as Form, ctlN...

MS 2003 sum() function within a report error

I have a report that at first when ran would give me the error message, "Multi-level GROUP BY clasue is not allowed in a subquery." I found a workaround that allowed me to run the report. My problem now is when I add a text box (=sum(budget)) to the report footer, Access automatically encounters a problem and crashes. The report runs wit...

MS Access Pass Through Query find duplicates using multiple tables

I'm trying to find all coverage_set_id with more than one benefit_id attached summary_attribute (value=2004687). The query seems to be working fine without the GROUP BY & HAVING parts, but once I add those lines in (for the COUNT) my results are incorrect. Just trying to get duplicate coverage_set_id. Pass-Through Query via OBDC datab...

how to run query that makes table in access throw C#

hi i need to run query that i have in access and makes table - called "MyQuery" how to run this query in C# code ? thank's in advance ...

i get error when i try to run query in access through C#

hi i have this query: SELECT DO3Tbl.CodeDip, DO3Tbl.BarcodeD, Sum(DO3Tbl.Qty) AS Qty, Max(DO3Tbl.Mly) AS Mly, [Qty]-[Mly] AS Tot, ABS(Tot) AS TotAbs when i run this query in access its work's excellent but when i run this query in C# code like this: SQL = SELECT DO3Tbl.CodeDip, DO3Tbl.BarcodeD, Sum(DO3Tbl.Qty) AS Qty, ...

OLEDB JET error in Vista & Windows 7, not in XP.

I wrote an application with VS2008 on Windows XP, and produced an .EXE file. This application will only run on Windows XP OS. It fails on Vista and Windows 7. It gives an error saying that a Microsoft OLEDB JET 4.0 occurred. I use Microsoft Access as a db in this app. What should I do? ...