
text-box conditional formatting dependent on other text-boxes

i have a bunch of textboxes on a report whose conditional formatting references the record i have another textbox on the report that references the TEXT in the textboxes mentioned above (which is dependent on the record set) the question is, will i have an accurate evaluation of a conditional formatting on a textbox that is referencing...

What does the return value of an Access/VBA expression mean?

I have a huge expression for a textbox in the CONTROL SOURCE. Sometimes it returns 0 and sometimes -1, what do these values mean? ...

ms-access: check if font color is white

in conditional formatting what would be the expression i would use to check whether a DIFFERENT textbox's font color is set to white? ...

XML import into Access using Visual Basic

I have an XML file I need to import into an Access table, however, the XML is formatted for reporting and not for data transfer. Does someone has some code samples of how to loop through this sample document I've pasted below and pull the data out of the elements? I also need to be able to skip some SECTIONS as you can see in the examp...

Getting around the lack of a Left Trim(string, char[]) function in JET / Access

I need to remove leading zeros from a string field in an Access database that is destroyed and recreated every time it is used within a C# program. Most string libraries (even SQL ones) include a Trim function to remove leading or following whitespace. Unfortunately, Access does not seem to have a LTrim(string s, char[] trimChars) or som...

SQL: problems with like and NOT LIKE

i have this statement in access: SELECT * FROM accountsnew WHERE [Panels] not like '*IT_OXYC,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_SN,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_S,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_N,*' and [Panels] like '*OXYC_SNEG,*' or [Panels] like '*OXYC_PNEG,*'; for some reason it is not returning the proper dataset. when i look more d...

Opening byte[] as a file without actually saving it as a file first

What is the best way to open a Word file that was stored as a byte[] in a database? I have to store some documents in an Access database - Word files, 2003 and up - on an application that is strictly run off of a CD. Unfortunately they have to be in the database and can't be stored loose in folders. I'm storing them as an OLE object, an...

Access 2007 forms with parameterized RecordSource

I'm sure there's a simple solution to this, but it seems to elude me. So I have a form with a RecordSource of SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id=[@id]. (Yes, I know SELECT * is evil; it's just an example). Obviously the default behavior of this form is that upon opening, an input dialog will prompt for the "[@id]" value. But what I would l...

sorting SQL by text field but skipping the empty ones

So here's what the table looks like -------- | field1 | |========| | 1.2 | | 1.7 | | - | | - | | 1.3 | the dashes are actually blank fields My current SQL statement does a simple "ORDER BY field1" which puts the blank ones on top, however I want to get the numbers on top, and put the empt...

SQL question: Show me students who have NOT taken a certain course?

So I have these tables: STUDENTS: Student ID - First name - Last name - Email COURSES: Catalog ID - Course Name - Description TERMS: Term ID - Start Date - End Date COURSEINSTANCES: CourseInstance ID - Catalog ID - Term ID STUDENTCOURSES: StudentCourse ID - CourseInstance ID - Student ID - Date added to database This makes it easy ...

Suggestions on troubleshooting QueryDefs in Access 2000

Access seems to hang when it executes a specific querydef. If I pause the code before it executes, manaually run the querydef and then start the code after it calls for the querydef it runs fine. There is something with Access calling the querydef that just kills it's performance. The code itself is and has been fine for years. This se...

sorting ACCESS sql query.

I made another thread which solved my problem, however I got the report reviewed and they want it a revision. I will do my best to explain: Consider the following: I just need the ORDER BY part of the sql query. The three fields are ACRNo, Type and Pty. I want it to sort by Type first. I then want it to sort by Pty. However, I wan...

Access VBA parameter query using 'IN'

Hi all, I have a make table query that is used to run a report (due to a series of joins and various other complicated criteria - it has to be a table or it fails with too many queries). I now need to be able to filter the data used (it is summing fields) using an 'IN' with selections from a list box. Here is the query I want, wi...

How to transfer more than 65536 rows from Access to excel 2007

How to transfer more than 65536 rows from Access to excel 2007. There is no limitaion on the part of Excel 2007 as the new version supports much more than 65536 rows in Excel. Limitation is coming on the part of Clipboard. It is not allowing to export or to Copy more than 65536 rows from Access. Thanks ...

cant edit access mdb files, keep getting asp error

hallo all. downloaded a forum from a web server to my computer so i can work on it. anyway the mdb files are locked or something like that and i keep getting this error: Error Type: Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09) Cannot update. Database or object is read-only. /forum/login_user.asp, line 168 the files are not read-only. i...

Scroll bars dissapear when I use DoCmd.Maximize On Open Event - Ms Access

Hi there, I'm using DoCmd.Maximize On the Open event of a "split-form", so that it the form fills the screen when opened. Unfortunately, this seems to remove the scroll bars for the form, which I have set in the form's properties. There is a requirement for the scrolls as info does extend beyond the screens real estate. Cant seem to f...

Hide a control if a forms if data entry mode is New - MS Access

Hi, Would anybody know how to determine what a forms data entry mode is from within VB. The reason for doing this is to be able to hide/show controls depending on whether or not the user is adding or editing records eg: if Me.DataEntry = New then Me.comboBoxForEdits.Visible = false end if Thanks in advance for any help Cheers Noel...

Reading an Access Query from Visual Studio 2010 (VB.NET)

I have a database in access and one of the fields is 'Is Quick'. I have a query that filters all of these out. How would I get the data from that query in Visual Studio 2010 (Express). VB code please. ...

Get the Caption of associated Label for a Form Control - Access 2007

Hi there, As the title suggests, I'm trying to get the caption of the associated label for form controls eg: Dim ctl As Control Dim errMess As String errMess = "" For Each ctl In frm With ctl If (ctl.Tag = "*") Then errMess = errMess & ctl.Caption & vbNewLine End If End If End With...

help with access query

hi i have table MyTbl that has Barcode field. i need to update all record's that Barcode < 13 with 0 (like pad left) 1234567890123 = 1234567890123 12345678 = 0000012345678 thank's in advance ...