
how to get data from access mdb and put it into postgresql table, using visual c#?

Well, what i've already done - is i'm able to connect to access mdb table via Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB provider, then i can get a data from table, using select query, OleDbDataAdapter and a DataSet. Now, i'm able to connect to Postgresql via Npgsql, but what escapes me - is how am i able to get the data from access table and put it into post...

ms access linked image relitive path

I have an Image object. I have the Picture type set to linked, so I can change the picture if I want. I have the Picture property set to the picture name. I would think that access would use relitive addressing and simple looking in the current directory for the image. But it does not and I get an error telling me it cannot find the pi...

Init Date variable with null value

Simple question: how can init a Date value with a null value in VBA? Dim DateStart As Date DateStart = Null doesn't work. EDIT: I was just wondering if it's possible. In the beginning of my code I want to set the value to blank, halfway it will be given a value in most cases, if not, later on I'll request the value and if still blan...

Problem in retrieving a decrypted data

Hello everyone, I am working on encryption-decryption program. Program gets an input from the user and encrypts it. Then it stores the encrypted data in ms access database table. Later, the data is retrieved from the table , decrypted and given back to the user. I am storing the data as text in the ms access. The encryption algorithm r...

ms-access: can a control source be plain text?

i need the control source for a textbox to simply be "x" i have a bunch of textboxes on a report and i need each text box to just have an x in it ...

MS Access default value

I have a text column in one of my MS Access tables that is empty be default when a new record is inserted. The problem I have is that I can't seem to check whether this field is empty with EITHER equals Null or equals "" . For example, neither of these "reads" the field as being empty: If [Field] = "" Or [Field] = Null Then I've alway...

Make a pop form the only enabled form - MS Access

Hi there, thanks in advance for any help I am trying to figure out how to make pop-up sub form the only available focus for a user in a database. So that the user is essentially forced to complete/save/close the sub form, before they can return to the parent form. This I imagine involves disabling the parent form and trying to keep it a...

Strange behaviour in Access 2003 VBA code

Looking to see if someone can tell me a cause/hotfix/serivce pack to resolve this. Already tried: decompile/recompile import everything into a clean database decompile/compact/recompile in clean database Happens in both MDB and the MDE version of the code This issue affects calls to both user defined and application defined functions....

I want to create an access database populated with data from xml file

I want to create an Access database('mdb') from an xml file. Creating empty access database is easy(I am able to do this), I am having problem in figuring out how can we create a table and populate it with data from the xml file on the fly through code. I am using C#. ...

ms-access: syntax error missing operator in query expression:

here is my query: SELECT IIf([Lab Occurrence Form].[2 0 Analytical (Testing Phase)] Like ‘*2.5*Other*’,’2.5 Other’,[Lab Occurrence Form].[2 0 Analytical (Testing Phase)]) AS [Occurrence Code], Count([Lab Occurrence Form].[2 0 Analytical (Testing Phase)]) AS [Count] FROM [Lab Occurrence Form] WHERE ((([Lab Occurrence Form].[Occurrence Da...

Problem in implementing different (languages)fonts in VB 6.0 .

I am currently working on VB 6.0 ( QUESTION ENTRY FORM ). This form consists of richtextbox for typing question and four option button for choices. I am using M.S Access as the database. If the user does not want to type a question in english and if he / she wants to type the question with their favourite langua...

LIKE Command Problem using OLEDBREADER and MS Access

Odd one this... The following command returns what I would expect when I run it in query window in Access 2003: SELECT * FROM Train WHERE [Days] LIKE '*3*' However when I pass this into my C# code to run (returning an OleDbDataReader) I get nothing.I suspect it's something to do with the LIKE command (when I remove this I get rows). ...

select command for access database

OleDbCommand cmdpic = new OleDbCommand ("select * from sub_category where id_s=" + Request.QueryString["id_s"] +"or"+"order by sub_id desc", concars); it shows error what is the correct command ...

Building Forms for Outlook 2007

I was just introduced to the concept of Outlook forms. I don't know if this will solve my problem but here is what I want to do: I want to be able to have employees who are inside the company fill out some forms. So all I have to do is create the form and PUSH it to their Outlook? After they fill out the form, can I capture the data som...

ms-access: how to fit VERY long condition in conditional formatting

i have a very long condition. it's about 3000 characters access has only space for about one tenth of that. is there some other way to set conditional formatting on a textbox besides through the dialogue? can i do it in VBA? if so HOW? i have conditional formatting on a bunch of textboxes that trigger when the report is opened ...

how to import/attach sql server compact edition tables/relationships with microsoft Access?

I need to move my Sql Server CE database into MS Access, so my users who are familiar with Access can run queries on the data. Is there a free way to do that? Thanks! David ...

ms-access: proper syntax for a long condition statement

here's my condition: ([Panels] like '*something*' or [Panels] like '*something1*') AND ([Panels] like '*something2*' or [Panels] like '*something3*') another words, here is the logic: [Panels] has to be one of the following (IT_AMPH | AMPH_SN | AMPH_S) AND it has to be one of the following: (IT_BARB | BARB_SN | BARB_S) ...

ms-access: single and double quotes in conditional formatting

does it matter which quotes i use when i do conditional formatting? for example some_field='this' or some_field="this" does it make any difference? ...

using IF statement instead of conditional formatting

since it seems that my conditional formatting statement is way too big: ([Panels] like '*IT_AMPH,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_S,*') and ([Panels] like '*IT_BARB,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_S,*') and ([Panels] like '*IT_BENZ,*' or [Panels] like '*BENZ_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*BENZ_...

vba: evaluating whether sql statement is true or false

how do i evaluate in VBA access whether the following statement is true: ([Panels] like '*IT_AMPH,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_S,*') and ([Panels] like '*IT_BARB,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_S,*') this is going to be running in Report_Load and i need to know whether the statement...