
Growing Access Frontend: Should I be concerned?

I've read opinions across the internet that say if you design or MS Access FrontEnd properly, it shouldn't shrink too much when you do a compact. I've got one front end I'm using that is typically around 15 MB when compacted, but grows to 20-25 MB while I'm working on it! Is this something I should be concerned about? ...

Fluent NHibernate 1.1 with Microsoft Access 2007 Database

Is it possible to use Fluent 1.1 with Access? I found this site here that shows how to create a configuration file that can be passed into Fluently.Configure(config). The issue with this is that you need to use NHibernate 1.2.1 which Fluent gets upset with because it has a reference to version Here is the error: Error 1...

Workaround for Access Error 3047

I'm getting error 3047 in MS Access 2007 importing a large amount of data (beware of users with free text fields). I found online that this is due to the 2Kb limit on records in access. Is there a way around this limit without normalizing the table (and re-writing all the code)? ...

vba: multi-dimensional arrays REDIM

i have an array: Dim qcNo(4, 2, 350) As String the problem i have is that sometimes there is a requirement for the matrix to be bigger. i need the 350 to sometimes go to 1000. is it possible to do a redim preserve on a 3 dimensional array? if so, how would i do it? ...

access 2007 bug - intermittent query parameter prompts

I am working on an Access 2007 application that was created by someone else. It has a strange, intermittent bug in which it prompts the user for query parameters when the main form is opened. The query parameters are clearly not necessary, because the error does not always occur. The very strange "fix" to this problem is to open and clo...

automating decompile / recompile in ms-access

my front end from time to time is getting larger. i am building new reports and forms. i know that remou suggests to decompile and compile every so often to make sure nothing is corrupt. can i automate this decompile/ recompile process? ...

ADOX , C#, Access

Hi, I have to make a program that turns off all unicode compression and all "allow zero length" in an access database (.mdb) . The method for turning off Allow Zero Length works very well ... However , the method for turning off Unicode compression does not work at all and returns the following exception : Multiple-step OLE DB operati...

Access 2007 Report Grouping

I'm using an access 2007 database to track and report down time and reliability of devices. I've got four different devices in the Devices table. I also track all downtime occurrences in it's own table. We also need to know when the devices are actually in use, so we can tell if the downtime affected our operation at all. We keep track o...

Copy from dataset to access table in C#?

Hello All, I have a dataset (from an XML file), I want to read the schema and values from this dataset and copy it into an access table. I want to create the access database on fly (can use ADOX), create an access table (from ADOX) create the schema in this table and copy the values from dataset into this table. I am getting an error...

converting from access to MARC and back

i have a access files with details about book and i need to take the details and turn them to a marc record and vice versa. how is the best way to do it? ...

SQL - How do you select the first row (or any unique row) of multiple rows with the same ID?

Let's say I have a query result that looks as follows: ID NAME Phone ---- ---- ----- 1 Bob 111-111-1111 1 Bob 222-222-2222 1 Bob 333-333-3333 2 Stan 555-555-5555 3 Mike 888-888-8888 3 Mike 777-777-7777 I want to return just a single row instance of each ID value. It doesn't matte...

OleDB not saved to databse file

I have an MDB file I access using OleDB: OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"); And try to create a new row in a table Users: connection.Open(); OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO `users` (`name`, `password...

MS Access 2010 Get column names

Hi guys, I need to get all of the column names of a table using vba or Access SQL and iterate through them for validation, does anyone have a solution to this, I have searched google to no avail. Any help much apriciated :) ...

printing a record

Hi, I am using this code to print a record from the form Private Sub btnPrintRecord_Click() On Error GoTo Err_btnPrintRecord_Click DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.PrintOut acSelection Exit_btnPrintRecord_Click: Exit Sub Err_btnPrintRecord_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_...

Passing Form Objects to VBA Subs/Functions in MS-Access

I have a little multiple choice application. There are 4 green check marks and 4 red x's that will come up based on the right answer or the wrong answer. They are all not-visible initially and are in specific places on the form so that when they become visible, it'll be like a green check mark if they get it right next to their answer ...

How to loop through all controls in a form, including controls in a subform - Access 2007

Hi there, As the title of my question suggest, how is it possible to loop through all the controls in a form, including subforms. For example I use the below sub routine to set the background colour of controls with the tag * Public Sub colCtrlReq(frm As Form) ' Sets background color for required field -> Tag = * Dim setColour As St...

Microsoft Access TransferText function: problem with codepage

I inherited a huge, bulky MS Access database and am assigned to solve a problem in it. The problem is as follow... System A exports its data to a pipeline-delimited .txt file. The files has special characters working correctly, for example the value "Müller" shows when opening this file in notepad or Excel. Next, the Access DB imports ...

Access: Text , Memo or VarChar ? Which one to use ?

Hi, What's the difference between VarChar, Text and Memo in Microsoft Access ? Regards, MadSeb ...

Access 2007 to Oracle 10g linked table -- query with flawed results, but no errors thrown

Access 2007 databases querying linked oracle 10g tables are returning flawed result sets when using the WHERE clause to filter-out unwanted records. Oddly, some filtering is happening, but not reliably. I can reliably demonstrate/produce the problem like this: Create a *new* database with Access 2007. Create a second *new* database w...

MS Access 2007 Blob Image export?

I have a MS Acccess 2007 database where we have inserted jpg images as blobs. I am looking for a tool that can export these images to MS SQL Server database. Any advice will be appreciated. Rob ...