
how to check if table is exists or not in ms access for vb macros?

Hi friends, i am new to vba macros. Any idea to check the table if it is exists or not? I check with previous post and idea, but not got clear solution for this. Please provide your idea. Thanks in Advance Friends. ...

how to connect turbo c/c++ program to database

Hello Friends, I want to connect turbo c or turbo c++ program with any database like MS Access/SQL Server/Oracle/MySQL. If any body know then please tell me and also give source code for it. Thanks, Karandeep Singh ...

Correct form long time query executing myodbc syntax

I'm trying to build one SQL query for Access that links tables with myodbc connection to retrive the data from internet, but the time to finish the query is too long about five minutes, so I think the problem is with the query: SELECT COUNT([o].[orders_id]) AS howmany_orders, (SELECT SUM([op1].[products_quantity]) FROM orders_to...

MS-Access - how to trigger data insert before LostFocus event?

I have an procedure that runs on a control's AfterUpdate event: Private Sub cmdDelCountry_AfterUpdate() Dim strID As String strID = Me.ID Dim strCase As String strCase = 1 Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command With cmdCommand .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandText = "uspSal...

N Top Record Selection Based on Own SQL Statement in MS-Access

I'm re-writing a small ms-access application to take examinations on. What they want is for the tests to grab a set of random questions based on how large the exam's size is. If each exam was a set number of questions, I could just stick the number in the TOP statement and be done with it, but there are a variable number of questions ...

Access Application Changes not Working

I have an access application that displays data from our database and does some operations on that data. My problem is that I did not create this app, and when I try to add command buttons to a form, those buttons are not visible when deployed. Any idea what might cause this? To summarize: I add a button with VBA behind it, it works...

using macro to send reports via email with gridline borders between records

I do not knw VBA and would like to know if I can, with my limited knowledge, use the send-object command (or another command)to email Access reports, with gridline borders in between the fields in my output. I currently have the macro email format set to html. ...

problem with vba macros code not equal to checking in decimal values

Hi friends, In Macros coding, i am checking the not equal to condition. Values are in decimal or integer, Now i compare the two values in decimal values but not get the proper result. Please guide me what is the thing should be added for getting corrected result? My code is : If fld4 <> fldval Then MsgBox "....." End If But ...

Recording a many-to-one relationship in Access 2007 forms

Here's what I want to do: The user should be able to enter a new "sale" record with some basic information (who's buying, etc.), and then add items to that sale (like a shopping cart). There's one master "Sales" table and one "SaleContents" table, that look like: Sales: int ID, name of person buying, etc. SaleContents: FK SaleID, Ite...

I can't update values in a column with their trimmed version. Why?

Hi, I have a Microsoft Access database. In the database, there is a table, say 'MyTable'. In MyTable, there is a column, say 'MyColumn'. Its type is Text. Some data in this column have several space characters at their end, so I want to trim them. I ran the command below UPDATE MyTable SET MyColumn = trim(MyColumn) The command was e...

Access bound textfield's AfterUpdate and Change events not firing

I have a simple form in Access. There are number of textfields. There is also one textfield on the form with the "Control Source" set to be sum of all the other fields on the form. So basically as a user modifies data on other fields, this "total sum" field gets updated automatically. This works fine. What I would like to do now is, ...

Storing XML Audit

My program needs to start auditing saved XML data for users. Whenever the user clicks 'Save'; I'll need to insert his current data (serialized to XML) and save it somewhere. What is the better option between: 1) Creating a text file and dropping all the xml in there. (Creating a new text file per save) 2) Using a table in MS Access ...

format report group header

Hello dear Thank you for your reply, I have a report then contain 7 group levels. I want if a field that is in groupheader7 (ThirdCenterCode) was null, it’s group header ( groupheader7) visible property be set to No. and it should be control for each rows. Because it my in another record, that field is not null and group header 7 shou...

VBA question: debug.print displays the correct data - how to get it out of Immediate window?

In my database I have certain tables that have confidential information. Each of these tables contains an empty field called "ThisTableIsConfidential". I have a function that correctly displays a list of the tables that have this field in the Immediate window. Now I want to display the list on a form and I can't figure out how to do it. ...

Access - Design change error message without attempting to make a change

I had a user email me with an error message that occurred when he was attempting to save a record to an Access 2003 database. Nothing unusual other than the error message that she can't save database design changes and she was only attempting to save a record. Here is the full error message ... "Microsoft Office Access can't save ...

SQL in Access 2007 - Syntax error

I am using Access 2007 to create an SQL query to join two tables. I was able to do that but then I don't have the rows where the columns from the second table are NULL; I just have the rows where there is information in the second table that matches. I tried to do a LEFT JOIN but Access didn't like this. Instead I am trying to create a b...

How to Disable all AutoNum in Access 2003

Hi, I have an Access database that is corrupted beyond all repair (don't ask me how, it's a client database). However, we can, using code like .NET ODBC, access the data. Since we have a clean copy of the database, we are planning to transfert all data from the corrupted to the new one. We only have one problem, it's that the databas...

Using NT login as part of SQL query run via VBA in Access 2007

In Access 2007, I'm trying to use the NTlogin to retrieve a value from a table via a SQL query (see code below). WHen the form loads, I get an error message saying "Compile Error: Expected Function or Variable". Can someone tell me how to fix this error. Private Sub Form_Load() Dim UserName As String Dim strSQL As String D...

MS-Access Junction Table Inserts/Deletions Between Two Mutually Exclusive Lists (2 Listboxes)

With this kind of design, I would like to create a functionality with which to add and delete records from the junction table. The case is from when editing an employee and selecting what exams they can take. In the left list box would be the exams that they aren't eligible for (yet, anyway) and the exams that they are eligible for on ...

Performance of additional columns vs additional rows

Hi, I have a question about table design and performance. I have a number of analytical machines that produce varying amounts of data (which have been stored in text files up to this point via the dos programs which run the machines). I have decided to modernise and create a new database to store all the machine results in. I have crea...