
django AuditTrail vs Reversion

I am working on an new web app I need to store any changes in database to audit table(s). Purpose of such audit tables is that later on in a real physical audit we can asecertain what happened in a situation, who edited what and what was the state of db at the time of e.g. a complex calculation. So mostly audit table will be written and ...

How to use NLog/Log4Net to automate database change tracking?

I am aware of many table auditing methods. Some are trigger based and require triggers on each table to be audited. SOme have limitation based on column datatype. How can I use a logging framework like NLog or Log4Net. I want my log(in a table) to answer question " Who updated this column of this table from val0 to val1 at this time?" I...

Audit trails and implementing HIPAA best practices

Are there any best practices for audit trail implementation for HIPPA starting with database design. ...

Using a natural key, or using surrogate keys and audit table(s) for auditing/change log.

Hi all, My first question on here so be nice! I am a junior developer with not much experience and am having trouble with this problem. I have a table which needs to be auditable. Let's say this table records phone calls made by a call centre (it's not, but it's just an example). I'll call it "CallHistory". I had originally planned to...

How to save the username who has changed one Django model using a custom track field of AuditTrail

From AuditTrail, I have this model definition: from django.db import models import audit import random def some_callback(instance): return `random.randrange(1, 99)` + 'trackable_val' class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255) salary = models....

Django: AuditTrail & Lazy Relations

I've been trying to modify the AuditTrail code so that it does not copy ForeignKey fields, but rather copies the related field (ie I don't want a foreign key on my database table for the audit model). I've written a copy_field function that looks like so: def copy_field(field): while(isinstance(field, models.OneToOneField, models.F...

Best Audit Trail process in c#?

Hello, What is the best way in logging actions, activities, etc done in an application. Also, which storage is best for logging these? XML? DB? Thank you very much. ...

What options do I have for retaining past values of a java object? An audit log or List<Object>?

Hi, Take my domain class for example public class Person { private Integer id; private String name; private String address; private String telephone; //Accessors here.. } This is great for storing 1 instance of a given Person, however, the name for example would most likely change over time, and I would like to retain any ...

Notes field audit trail

I have a memo text type of field in a SQL 2000 database that my users really want to start seeing an audit trail on. No way am I going to store copies of this field. Some of the records they dump in it are so big they run out of space in it already. I could write it myself, but I imagine someone has already written some tool that coul...

Storage of auditable fields per entity

I guess it's a good practice to capture auditable fields to track what happened to a particular entity (say createdBy, creationDate, modifiedBy, modifiedDate) I am assuming if an object is never modified it makes sense just to capture the following auditable fields for an SNMPv3 event (say createdBy, creationDate) I am assuming if an ...

Audit trail in hibernate with new and old values using an Interceptor

Hi, I can easily log last modified date, modified by etc. However, I need old and new value to be logged too. In the interceptor, I can fire a select before postflush starts executing to get the value of the current record. Then I can run a diff between this record and the new one to see what changed and log that information as old and ...

Advice on Change Tracking in Sql Server 2008

My client is looking for a way to do a full audit trails (full view of historical data on all tables) on the application. Other than using the old fashioned way of having table copies or storing field name, field value, modified by, modified on etc, I was looking at using Sql Server 2008 change tracking. Found a How-To article on msdn ...

how to build audit trails in rails app

I have a small rails app. I want to put audit trail in it. Basically when a new user is added. it will insert a row in AuditTrailUsers table with the new user_id created and logged in users' user_id. I am thinking about using rails callback before_save for this. However, I am not sure if that will work. Imagine I have model/Users.rb ...

Web Application Auditing

How can I audit a web application specifically database changes, when the application is connecting to the database as a system account? I would like to use a simple database trigger to write to an audit table but I am unsure of how I would be able to add the user that is logged on instead of the account that is actually doing the work...

Change Data Capture or Change Tracking - Same as Traditional Audit Trail Table?

Before I delve into the abyss of Microsoft documentation any deeper, I'd like to know if someone experienced with Change Data Capture and Change Tracking know if one or both of these can be used to replace the traditional ... "Audit trail table copy of the 'real table' (all of the fields of the original table, plus date/time, use...

What are good NoSQL and non-relational database solutions for audit/logging database

What would be suitable database for following? I am especially interested about your experiences with non-relational NoSQL systems. Are they any good for this kind of usage, which system you have used and would recommend, or should I go with normal relational database (DB2)? I need to gather audit trail/logging type information from bu...

MySQL db Audit Trail Trigger

I need to track changes (audit trail) in certain tables in a MySql Db. I am trying to implement the solution suggested here. I have an AuditLog Table with the following columns: AuditLogID, TableName, RowPK, FieldName, OldValue, NewValue, TimeStamp. The mysql stored procedure is the following (this executes fine, and creates the proce...

How would you audit ASP.NET Membership tables, while recording what user made the changes?

Using a trigger-based approach to audit logging, I am recording the history of changes made to tables in the database. The approach I'm using (with a static sql server login) to record which user made the change involves running a stored procedure at the outset of each database connection. The triggers use this username when recording ...

Can you configure SQL Server 2008 Auditing to keep the audit data on a database other than the one being audited?

We are planning on using the new auditing feature in SQL Server 2008. Is there a way to configure the auditing component to insert audit data to a separate database? ...

Audit Trail in web application using sql server

Hello gurus :) We are developing a web application using and sql server. We are required to do an Audit trail for the application. As I understand this, an audit trail would basically be for all the Inserts, Updates and Deletes on the data base right? Now the way to approach this is that I have an Audit Trail Table in the DB tha...