
Is this a good design for an audit table with tons of records?

I have a table that tracks inventory data by each individual piece. This is a simplified version of the table (some non-key fields are excluded): UniqueID, ProductSKU, SerialNumber, OnHandStatus, Cost, DateTimeStamp Every time something happens to a given piece, a new audit record is created. For example, the first time my product ...

Getting trigger to insert changed column values only in audit table

I'm using a trigger to store changes in an audit table, I only want to store the values from columns that have been changed. BEGIN IF NEW.history_of_repair_trigger_fired = 1 THEN INSERT INTO history_of_repair SET edit_date_time=NEW.last_edited_date_time, edited_by=NEW.edited_by, repair_id=NEW.repair_id, tenant_name=NEW.tenant_name, prop...

Advice for minimizing locking on an append only table in MS SQL Server?

I'm writing some logging/auditing code that will be running in production (not just when errors are thrown or while developing). After reading Coding Horror's experiences with dead-locking and logging, I decided I should seek advice. (Jeff's solution of "not logging" won't work for me, this is legally mandated security auditing) Is the...

Audit Triggers: Use INSERTED or DELETED system tables

Guys, The topic of how to audit tables has recently sprung up in our discussions... so I like your opinion on whats the best way to approach this. We have a mix of both the approaches (which is not good) in our database, as each previous DBA did what he/she believed was the right way. So we need to change them to follow any one model. ...

Web Application Auditing

How can I audit a web application specifically database changes, when the application is connecting to the database as a system account? I would like to use a simple database trigger to write to an audit table but I am unsure of how I would be able to add the user that is logged on instead of the account that is actually doing the work...

Audit Table DB Design : Does creating Audit Tables for Join Tables make sense

we are creating separate audit tables for those entity tables which need auditing using triggers on PostgreSQL 8.4. <Family> <Contact> <Family_Contact> <Address> We have some join tables. Eg : Family_Contact is a join table. Family has 1 or more than 1 contacts. Each contact has an Address. So, we have the following Table structure....

Comparing values between two rows of data and only showing the columns that are different

In a previous application version we were using a particular field for a primary key, but because the field may represent different identities across various systems we have made it a non significant field(ie not a primary key or part of a composite primary) however since we dont have another system yet users still use that field as a pr...