
Problem access insertion syntax

I don't get it! I'm doing a simple insert in an access db. static void EcrireDansBD() { //Connection a la BD string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=me.mdb"; OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString); //works string sql = "INSERT INTO HQ_POINTS (NORD,EST,ELEV) VAL...

Access 2007 Using the ID value from a list box in VBA/SQL statement

Guys...if I want to run a button click event that takes a list box and uses the ID field that is in the listbox in a SQL statement in VB, then is it me.MyListbox.selected or me.MyListbox.value to get that value? for some reason I have tried both and neither seem to be working. .value returns an empty value, and .selected generates ...

global click event handler (WithEvents)

I am trying to create a class module that will act as a global handler for when ever someone clicks one of the sixty textboxes I have in my form. Th textboxes represent a timecard for the week displaying information as clock in, clock out, lunch start,end,duration, total daily hours under each fo the seven days of the week. When someon...

searching by primary key

I am very new to MS Access. I have created a database My_database.mdb with a form that displays some fields. The primary key is a field named Ticket. When I hit the "Search" button, I want to take the numerical value from the Ticket's text field and search for that number in database under 'Ticket' field. If the number exists, I want...

Tempvars and access 2003

I have a database that is used in a mixed 2003, 2007 environment. I have some minor functionality that uses 2007's new TempVars feature. If it is a 2003 user, it isn't a problem for them to not have those features. How do I write my code so that it will compile and run on Access 2003. I have tried on error resume next but this doesn't w...

Need remote or web-based MS Access SQL tool (e.g. similar to PhpMyAdmin, but ColdFusion-based)

I've been looking all over the web for a ColdFusion-based SQL administration tool for Microsoft Access and I can't find one that's simple, free and allows running SQL statements. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. ...

Mimicking Spreadsheet Style in a MS-Access Report

I've been tasked with creating a report in MS-Access that looks exactly like a spreadsheet that a vendor supplies to us for my company to fill in. The number of records per page is about 40 and there are usually 3-6 pages that need to be prepared. Each month there is a new report sent out and I just got finished writing it all in manual...

How to compress an MS Access database

I have an .mdb file which is 70MB. After deleting all records contained in the file, the size remains 70MB. How do I make my .mdb file smaller? ...

MS Access - SQL Query question

System: Windows7, Access 2003, .mdb file, C# language, VS 2010 I'm doing queries with OleDbCommand, so I write the complete sql query in a string. Table Survey (Id) Table Questions (Id,IdSurvey) Table Answers (Id,IdQuestion) the tables are simplified to show only relevant data Assume 1 survey has 1..n questions Assume 1 ...

Check if MS Access 2010 is installed.

I am maintaining an application which currently checks to see whether MS Access 2007 is installed. It does this by verifying that a registry key exists. public bool IsAccess2007Installed() { RegistryKey rootKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(@"Access.Application.12\shell\open\command", false); return rootKey != null; } How...

Pass data between event handlers in collection

I have a collection of event handlers of extended textboxes that handle the click event. On a click of any textbox in a column the event handler will unlock every textbox in that column by calling its form name and then sets a variable with an identifing variable in the active handler. Is there a way to set this identify variable inoth...

Problem with CopyFile, FileSystemObject, comma in path name cases problems

Hi there, I can successfully create folder directories with commas included in the name using the FileSystemObject The problem that I am having is if a comma is included in the directory name I cant then use 'CopyFile' with this path name. The sub routine I use is below Sub CopyFiles(sDoc As String, dDoc As String) Dim fso As New File...

Disabling the Ribbon Bar Except for Reports (Print Preview) In MS-Access

I have a MS-Access 2007 client using a MS-Access 2003 MDB frontend and backend files. Disabling the ribbon bar shuts out some unwanted behavior (such as navigating records... even though I have 'Record Selector' set to false, it still persists in the Ribbon bar), but when I do this, then the printing options are lost when in the print p...

how to insert new row like Excel functions in MS ACCESS

hi there, I need to find a way to make grid in MS Access & insert new lines to it by code VBA only exactly how excel behave. ...

Multiple Havings not working

I have a database with the following schema: ID PositionId LeagueId 1 4 5 3 4 5 3 8 5 4 1 6 I have this sql query in Access: SELECT lp.PositionId FROM Leagues l INNER JOIN Lineups lp ON (l.LeagueID = lp.LeagueId) GROUP BY PositionId HAVING sum(iif(lp...

Jasper Reports iReport connection to MS Access DB

Has anyone successfully connected to their MS Access db using Jasper Reports iReport? I am running windows XP and have downloaded the North Wind .mdb example file. Can someone provide the steps/config file pastes or links to tutorials on how to connect to that file and start building queries and reports? Info I am using in JDBC Data...

Deployment .net 4.0 application

I intend to develop an application using .Net 4.0, and intend to use EF4 but I am little concerned with deployment of the application. My target audience will be small businesses and application domain will be related to routine accounting. There are several similar solutions already available in market and good thing about them is the...

The control or subform control is too large for this location on resize

I have a simple form in Access 2003. The form has a List control and a button. I wanted to make the list to resize with the form (only vertically) while the button remains at the bottom right of the List. I'm using the following code on the form's resize event. list.Height = Me.InsideHeight - list.Top - 200 commandButton.Top = list.H...

SQL to populate a hyperlink column in MS Access

I imagine the SQL must pass 2 values, the value shown in the table and the link to which that value navigates. I'd appreciate a pointer to the SQL Script for achieving this. Thanks. ...

MS Access Skip function

I am creating a database on MS Access currently and was wondering if there was a way to program it to automatically skip over certain fields based on an answer in a previous fields? ...