
Making a SOAP request from Access 2007

I am currently working on a system in Microsoft Access 2007, and I need to make a SOAP request to an outside webserver in order to retrieve some data. I'm new to both SOAP and Visual Basic, and I've been having trouble figuring out exactly what I need to do to make this SOAP request happen. From some Googling about, it seems that previo...

what does the access 2007 runtime enable me to do?

i have an access front end. the backend is a sql server database. can i have users download the runtime and have the full functionality of being able to edit the sql server database from the access front end? why is it free? what makes it different from the whole version? ...

Is there a NotIn("A","B") function in VBA?

I'm writing a function that requires input and my data validation looks very awkward. If InputFld isn't "A","B", or "C", then it's an error: If InputFld <>"A" and InputFld<>"B" and InputFld<>"C" then goto ErrorHandler This just looks ugly to me. Is there a more elegant solution? I'd like to just write something like: If InputFld not...

access runtime and developer extensions - how does it affect current installation ?

i already have the full blown access installed i am going to distribute my access front end and will need to install the 2007 runtime on people's computers. what is the purpose of the access developer extensions? can i install the runtime on my machine even though i already have the entire version installed? ...

files needed for deploying delphi 2010 with ms access 2007 and ado for database connection

dear all delphi programmer, i'm building database application with delphi 2010 in which the database i used is ms access 2007 and ado as the connection.... then, i used installshield express from delphi 7 to do the deployment.... i open the setup file in my computer and there is no problem with it..but when i open the setup file in cli...

How to create a new column in a select query

In MS Access, I want to insert a new column into the returned result of a select query. The new column has the same value for every row. For example, my select returns columns A, B and I want C to be the new column created by the select query: A B C ---------- a1 b1 c a2 b2 c a3 b3 c ...

Regular Expressions in MS Access VBA?

I definitely like MS Access as an RAD-Tool for small-scope data-driven applications. But one thing I really miss as a .Net-Developer is Regular Expressions. They really come in handy when validating user input. I really do not know why Microsoft did not put these in the standard VBA-Library. Is there a way to use Regular Expressions in...

Access 2003 VBA OnNavigation event?

In Access 2003 VBA forms, what event is fired when the user changes the record the form is looking at? (ie: pressing the arrow buttons at the bottom left of the form) Thanks! ...

How do I get this DataSet to add my new rows and update correctly?

Hi. I'm new to C# and .NET in general, coming from a FLOSS background (mostly PHP, Python and Ruby). I have used the Data Source configuration wizard to connect to an MDB file (unfortunately need to do this, as the app this is being used with was written over 5 years ago, and is currently a VB6 app connecting to an Access database). The ...

ms-access: how do i open a linked table on open?

i would like a linked datasheet (table) to open once access is opened. how do i do this? ...

ms-access: file already in use ERROR

i have an access backend MDB it is supporting multiple user connections every user has their own access front end for this one particular user (her permissions arent any different from other users) she is getting FILE ALREADY IN USE error when she tries to open this database using her front end if you have any suggestions please let ...

Access exports only 1st column of query

All - I'm embarrassed to ask something that appears to be so rudimentary, but I'm stuck. Using Access 2007, I ran a query against a single 84K row table to produce a result set of ~80K row. I can't copy/paste the result set into Excel (Access fails copy/pasting > 64K rows). When I right-click on the query and export, no matter what fo...

ms-access: double linked table

i have an ms-access backend i have a bunch of users connecting to the back end with their own personal front ends i am changing the backend to sql server, and do not want to re-distribute front ends. is it possible for me to just set it up so that the ms-access backend points to the sql-server? please note that all i need is just one ...

fetch column names for specific table.

I want to fetch all the column names for specific table.. I am using msaccess and C# .net 2008. ...

If [ComboBox] Is Null Statement in VBA/Access 2007

Hi all, I have a form with 1 combo box (YearToBeBuilt) and 2 text box fields (Cost and YearofExpenditureCost). All controls are linked to a main table and the table is updated once the selections/entries have been made on the form. I have written a procedure in VB called ReCalcIt()which performs the following procedure when called: ...

ASP.NET: How to support two database types in one application? (Access, MS SQL Server 2008 Express)

The ASP.NET web application I am developing needs to support two different types of databases, namely Access and MS SQL Server 2008 Express. I already have connection strings for each database type stored in web.config, and I have another web.config value that specifies which one to use. So I can get the proper connection string with no...

Access 2K SQL OUTER JOIN using Derived Tables (i.e. subselect/subquery)

First, I am a noob, just trying to learn some Access/VBA/SQL, but I have been stumped by this issue. Shown below are the (9) tbl JOIN relations. This lists X records for each game_ID (X = number of players in game). I only want one record per game_ID where [game_players.player_ID] is a selected/special player (say, HERO ) [game_playe...

How to display Ford owners that don't own Ferarris in SQL

Hi, I'm learning SQL and I've written a query that returns all owners of Fords. How do I amend the query so that it doesn't return anyone who owns a Ford and a Ferarri? SELECT DISTINCT Owns.Pid FROM (Person INNER JOIN Owns ON Person.Pid= Owns.Pid) INNER JOIN Car ON Owns.Cid=Car.Cid WHERE Car.Manufacturer = 'Ford' Added: I tried th...

MSAccess - populate text box with value from query

I have a combo box and several text boxes on a form. When I select a value from the combo box I want it to run a query based on that value and populate the text boxes with the data returned by the query. The query should only return one record and the textboxes correnspond to different columns in that record. I have this code: Private ...

ODBC Call Failed - Error 3151

We have an Access database migrated from Access 97 to Acces 2007 with some linked tables to an SQL Server 2008 database. We are using a File DSN in the ODBC Administrator. Connection tests work fine there. In fact, we have a main form in the Access 2007 application that shows the data always correctly. The problem appears when we exec...