
Accessing a Microsoft Access database on Windows server

I have the unfortunate task of working with some legacy asp code and an Access database. I've uploaded the .mdb file to the web server (which is windows) but when I enter the url into the browser, I get a 404 page. Seems that the server is not recognising the database. Is this a problem anyone else has come across before? ...

Complicated Crosstab Query Question

I have the following 2 tables: 1) Companies ID CompanyName Abbreviation Notes 1 CompanyA CA ... 2 CompanyB CB ... 3 CompanyC CC ... 2) PlannedDeployments ID CompanyID TypeID DepDate NumDeployed 1 1 ...

Sql server vs MS Access performance

Hi, I have existing application which uses Sql server 2005 as a backend. It contains huge records, I need to join tables which contain 50K-70K. Client m/c is lower hardware. So, can I improve its performance by using MS Access as a backend? I also need to search operation on access file. So, which one is better for performance. Queryin...

simple database program

Over 6 years ago I did visual basic programming. I used VB6 for an editor. I did it for a semester in college, and I didnt make a good grade. Since then I have been doing other things in life. However I was asked at work to create a web application. I am creating my application in 2003. I began desigining the interface of the web ...

access - properly hosting backend of access database

i would like to host an access backend database on my computer and allow remote connections. every client will have their own access front end. is this a common practice? what would the connection string look like? ip address/localhost ?? would it be better to have a mysql backend? i need it over the internet? ...

How do I store a image BLOB in an access database after getting the name from openfiledialog?

I am developing a C# application that has an Access database. What I want to do is allow a user to select an image through an "openfiledialog." I then want to store the image in one of the table of the access database in a BLOB field. I have searched over the internet, but found nothing helpful. I hope you can help me. enter code here...

maximum number of connections to network accessed Access database

If I have a Microsoft Access 2007 database on a network location, is there a limit to the number of client computers that can use the database? The client will not have Access installed and instead will be using the Access Runtime 2007. Will the maximum number of connections be changed if I split the front end from the back end as oppos...

Event not Firing in MS Access VBA

I have a form in MS Access which has an image. The image has an Click event which opens a modal form. The modal form has an OK and Cancel button. When you click the OK button, an event is supposed to fire which tells the main form which button was clicked. (This is to simulate the DialogResult functionality in C#). However, the code...

Adding a record in Acces but how can I be sure that is adding that record C#?

Im doing a project and I want to add a record to an accdb(Access databse) using a windows forms application on C# I have got what appears to be code that works i.e. it doesnt show any errors and appears to run however it doesnt add the record, how can I be sure that add this record (image)? Any ideas, code, help would be much appreciated...

how do i build a website using access 2010?

has anyone done this yet? please show me some good tutorials on building websites with databases using ACCESS 2010 you can build a website using it: ...

DAO.DBEngine.OpenDatabase: Mémoire insuffisante. (ie. Out of memory)

I'm working on an application that talks to an Access database via DAO. Normally I use CreateObject("Access.Application") to get a copy of Access, then refer to the database via Application.CurrentDb, which works fine. But for some activities we need to do this instead for speed (VBA written for clarity, though the app is actually in C...

about date in database question

hi i need to find data between 2 date's and time's. i use one field for date , and one field for time. is it be better to use only one field for date & time ? i see that it came in dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss format that can contain date and time. this question is for acceess and for sql-server thank's in advance ...

How should I populate a MS Access ListBox by querying Sybase database?

I'm trying to populate a ListBox on MS Access Front end by querying Sybase. I think setting the RowSource will not work here. Will be very helpful if someone can provide me with sample code. Many thx. ...

Connect MS Access to remote DB2 database without installing DB2 locally

I've found instructions on how to connect MS Access as a front-end to a DB2 database, but it appears that installing DB2 locally is a prerequisite (so that you have the DB2 ODBC driver). But I don't want to install locally. I want to connect to a remote DB2 database. I can't seem to figure out how I can get that driver installed without ...

Quick regexp question for Railo

Hi, I guess the following line of code looks familiar to many... [^A-Za-z0-9] And what I'd like to do is to keep a block of "text", alphnumeric as stated above and plus punctuations and other special characters that sql for MS Access can handle, also, the special character of # sign would be replaced with ## (a double of it to escape a ...

how to store in a database Access but using a datagridview?

Hello I am new to C#, so I am developing an application using a datagridview, I am supposed to retrieve data from the database(Access) and put in in the firs column of the datagridview?, and store the data in the database that the user puts in the other 2 columns? I dont know how to use the datagridview ? Help, tips, code, is very appr...

Delete Records with SQL

Hi All, I'm stuck with this problem I need help. I have 3 tables in MSAcess as follows: Table1 has two columns a JN and SN, Table2 and Table3 only have one column a SN. On Table1 the JN is allowed to have duplicates. What I would like to do is to delete the JN and all SN associated with the JN. So for example if Table1 SN contain th...

OleDB + Jet: Syntax Error in Join Operation

I've built a complex query for my access database and in access it works like a charm. But when I try to run the same query in my program via OleDB I get the exception "Syntax Error in Join Operation". No further info. SELECT MainTable.Main_dbID, D0.Kvp_Value AS ["Value"] FROM (MainTable INNER JOIN ( SELECT Main_dbID, Kvp_Va...

how to pass xml parameter in ms access vba to ms sql stored procedure?

how to pass xml parameter in ms access vba to ms sql stored procedure? I tried to find this on the web but I can't find it. Can anyone help me? ...

Access VBA: If Form Value <> NULL then run query else, end if. - not doing anything

Hi guys, I have a piece of code that I've haphazardly written in order to run a query on_click of a form button. Private Sub Command153_Click() If Forms![form name1]![form name2]!Text143 <> Null Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "InsertGroup", acNormal, acEdit Else End If End Sub I haven't written a custom if before in VBA so I think I'm probably ...