
Getting info out of XML document in VBA

I'm using MSXML2 to load an XML file (a feed from Google Analytics). I now need to get data out of it, but I can't figure out how. This is the XML: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <feed xmlns='' xmlns:dxp='' xmlns:openSearch='

How do I overcome / work around this difference between local and linked Access Tables

Ok. Quick background: MS Access 2003 with 2003/2003 format MDB file upgraded from Access 97. For the purposes of this example, there are two tables. Table 1 Asset ID - (text 20) ParentID - (text 20) Other fields AssetRels ID - (text 20) When a record is added to Asset, the ID is added to AssetRels. From Asset.ID to Ass...

How to Correctly Specify ATP 2.0 XIRR Function Call in Access-to-Excel Automation

If someone can help, I need some in properly defining some call parameters in an Access 2003 to Excel 2003 VBA problem. I'm trying to use the XIRR function in the ATP 2.0 Type Library from Access. I have referenced the ATP 2.0 Type Library in my Access project. Here is the relevant VBA code (with a little pseudocode) I'm using behind a f...

ms access if in sql

I am trying to update the column called NewNumber. What I want to do is if the column phone_code has 1 in it, I want to update the column NewNumber with the value of the phone_number column. But if it is anything else than 1 then I want to concatenate the phone_code and phone_number columns and update NewNumber column. Below is the code ...

DataSet and Insert statements

Hi there, I'm having some trouble with Visual Studio and the creation of DataSets from a database. Whenever I create a new TableAdapter, the Insert-Methods parameters are, lets just say, fucked up. The database is a MS Access 2000 Database file. If I create a new TabelAdapter, everything works just fine. I select to create DatabaseDir...

how to find date difference when dates are places in different rows in same table?

I have a table:: ItemID VersionNo CreatedDate ------------------------------- 1 3 7/9/2010 1 2 7/3/2010 1 1 5/3/2010 1 0 3/3/2010 2 0 4/4/2010 3 1 4/5/2010 3 0 3/4/2010 ...where Version 0 means .. its a newly produced item. Here ...

MS access reports

Hi, I created a report using wizard and while creating I selected 4 columns for ordering data in ascending orders. It asked for 4 columns and chose 4 columns and after creation I want to change the preference of the second column to other one. How can I do that?? I cannot see anything in the report query or anywhere else ...

Access VBA verticle scroll bar

I am building a quite complex form in Access. I would like to have a vertical scroll bar control that will scroll through a list of pictures. What I want the scroll bar to actually do is change the pictures in the picture control when it is scrolled. Is there a way to insert a vertical scroll bar into an Access form where the scroll eve...

Ms Access replace issue.

Possible Duplicate: Ms Access replace issue. So, I have to update a database with 6000 lines of duplicates. The duplicates are companies who all share a common number code. My issue is I'm only replacing one or two fields at a time, ie company web site that was provided in 2009 but they didn't give it in 2010. This is all tha...

Ms access 2003 reports

I am using following code to generate a print dialogue by using a command button for the report. By using print dialog just by selecting PDF in the printername...changing it to into PDF format. But I want the report to be converted into PDF directly without prompting print dialog. Private Sub Wrapper_History_Click() On Error GoTo Err_W...

Use Value in Word calculated with VBA in Access

I've to use a Microsoft Access Database to create different bulk letters in Microsoft Office Word. This works just fine in most cases but it is somehow not possible to use a View (which is defined in Access) in Word as long as the source for data contains a column that is calculated by VBA code in the Access Database. Ah, and I need exac...

Generating consecutive invoice number in MS Access VBA, # restarting every year

I need to generate unique invoice numbers for my Access (2010) database. The numbers should be in the format year+sequential number, e.g. 20101447 for the 1447th invoice of 2010. I looked around for a while, but a lot of the Google results suggest using an autonumber and I'm quite certain that's not a very solid way of doing it. (because...

Why see -0,000000000000001 in access query?

I have an sql: SELECT Sum(Field1), Sum(Field2), Sum(Field1)+Sum(Field2) FROM Table GROUP BY DateField HAVING Sum(Field1)+Sum(Field2)<>0; Problem is sometimes Sum of field1 and field2 is value like: 9.5-10.3 and the result is -0,800000000000001. Could anybody explain why this happens and how to solve it? ...

XML/XSLT/Access/VBA: how can i merge all child elements (even unknown elements) into one, before importing to Access database?

CURRENT XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <form1> <page1> <first_name></first_name> <last_name></last_name> . . </page1> <page2> <address></address> <phone_number></phone_number> . . </page2> <page3> <company_name></company_name> <job_title></job_title> . ....

MS ACCESS - The problem of query

I want to ask some question, which about that" Create a Query which accept two parameters,Restaurant and Category, and display results showing Branch, Category, Description, Date, Quantity, Price and Total Sales, where Total Sales is calculated as Quantity * Price. How can I do that? Please help me,thanks ...

Ms Access replace issue.

So, I have to update a database with 6000 lines of duplicates. The duplicates are companies who all share a common number code. My issue is I'm only replacing one or two fields at a time, ie company web site that was provided in 2009 but they didn't give it in 2010. This is all that needs to be replaced. I'm an access rookie and am doing...

Android app and website(server) connection

Hi all I want to create a browser to view as an administration. My project is about ferry booking using an android phone. The application is connected to the server. The ferry timing and other info are retrieved via server connection. The database is currently in Microsoft Access. My question is how do I create a browser to view dat...

Synchronizing changes between multiple Access databases

Hi, I've noticed that Access 2010 (maybe earlier also) - can prepera database for replication, and is able to synchronize changes beetween specified databases. My question is - is it possible to call this function from Visual Studio , using C# ? if yes - then how ? ...

how to validate ms access textbox using button click event?

how to validate ms access textbox using button click event? ...

A Query in Ms-access

Hi, This query displays partnumbers which have eventtype is not equal to "PNremoved FROM Wrapper". This query is displaying the right data. Part number may be removed from this tracking number, but it can be entered using another tracking number. In that case it is not working. I want the query that works when we enter the same part n...