
How to insert text to "Enter Parameter Value" dialog?

I'm trying to generate PDF from Access report. Report pop's up dialog "Enter Parameter Value". How I could fill it with C#? Is it even that reportParameter (whereCondition)? using System; using MsAccess = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access; namespace mdb2pdf { class Program { public static void Main(string[] args) ...

How to change data in ms access database saved in Program Files?

Hi! I made a software with a MS Access database, stored in Program Files and i can't change data in this database because it's saved in Program Files. It's working in other locations, but I need the database in Program Files. It says: "This database has been opened read-only." Does anyone know how to solve this problem? ...

Access's trim() function not recognized on another machine

I built a modest Access DB and asked a coworker to test it on her machine. To my surprise, an error message popped up, saying it didn't recognize Trim(). The query in question is a standard select query that pulls from a MSSQL Server DB. Why isn't it recognized on her machine and how do I get around this? (We both use MS Office 2003 an...

Optimise Microsoft Access Nested Queries

I'm trying to run a set of nested or stacked queries in Microsoft Access. As in I run Query 1 -->I use the results of Query 1 in Query 2 ---->I use the results of Query 2 in Query 3 ------>I use the results of Query 3 in Query 4 Query 3 takes less than 1 second to run. -- Query 3 results -- PARTID INFO 266 156-10 266 165-10 266 183...

MS Access statement for selecting data within selected date

I need a statement to select data from an MS Access database table. WITHIN selected dates I have two textboxes in my GUI called StartDate and EndDate I want to select data within those 2 dates. I have tried 2 methods. The first is " DAY(V.RegDate) between " + Start.ToString("dd") + " and " + End.ToString("dd"); " and MONTH(V....

Excel 2007 ODBC data populates when opened via Windows Explorer, but not when opened via Access VBA

I have an Excel 2007 workbook that contains an ODBC data connection (to FoxPro, if that matters). The connection is set to "refresh data when opening the file." When I go into File Explorer and open the workbook, the data populates into the spreadsheet as it should. However, when I execute a function in Access VBA that opens the workboo...

VBA to open MyComputer at a specific folder

Hi Ive just inherited an MS Access 2003 system and need a bit of VBA to put behind a command button to open MyComputer at a specific folder to view the files there. The folder name will come from a field on a form. I did have Application.FollowHyperLink "C:\" & Me![ref] (ref is in the format abcd-1234) when its hard-coded it works...

Parameter limit for MS Access database

I know that the parameter limit for Sql server is 2100. I am wondering if there is such a limit for MS Access database. Anyone knows about it? ...

how to deal with .mdb access files with python

Hello all, Can someone point me in the right direction on how to open a .mdb file in python? I normally like including some code to start off a discussion, but I don't know where to start. I work with mysql a fair bit with python. I was wondering if there is a way to work with .mdb files in a similar way? ...

Use Office 2000 proofing tools in Access 2010 Runtime

I am using Access 2010 Runtime to run my custom database application. Office 2000 professional is also installed on the same machine. I use DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling a couple different place to perform a spell check on the data entered. This works great on the full version of Access 2000 but when I open it up in 2010 Runtime I get ...

Linked tables are sometimes locked MS Access VBA

Hi All, I have two MS Access files (.mdb) one is called "A" and the second one is called "B". A contains the database tables and B is read only and contains reports. B also contains Tables and are linked to the tables of A. When I run a report from B, the linked tables are locked and give me nothing. Is there any solution for that? Than...

Setting up a report to print to specific printer

I am using Access 2007 and I am trying to setup my report to print to a specific printer ( setup\page\use specific printer). But after I close and save the report, it goes back to the default printer. Why is this happening? I've never had this problem when I used Access 2003. I made sure that the designated printer is online and I succ...

how to create a mdb file from a csv file in python?

I have several csv files that I need to transfer over to mdb format. I tried the answer in this post as a starting point: Source: from comtypes.client import CreateObject access = CreateObject('Access.Application') from comtypes.gen import Acc...

VBA problem with String concatenation

I want to create a query like this : SQL = SQL + "Libelle = \"" + Me.Libelle + "\" AND " because if I have a problem with my data if I write like this : SQL = SQL + "Libelle = '" + Me.Libelle + "' AND " but there is a problem with the \" I'm used to use it in Java (I'm not a VBA developper :s) How to resolve it ? thnx ...

Advantages/Disadvantages of using Access Applications

I was wondering what the advantages/disadvantages of using Microsoft Access would be compared to just creating a custom C# application. Is the execution time the same? Has its time already passed? ...

How can I get the username from a MS Access front end MDW in a SQL back end audit table?

I have an MS Access 2003 mdb and mdw which is connected to a SQL server backend. The tables are linked using a system DSN. I have a trigger on a SQL back end table which inserts a record into another back end audit table on insert, update, and delete. This all works well, but the trigger is using system_user to get the person making the ...

SQL Statement Same Column Different Data

Hello, I have a table with students from 4 courses and two different departments (Math 101, Math 102, English 201, English 202). I want to select students from Math 101, and English 201 if they've had it and English 202 if they've had it or both if they've had them both. Edit: StudentID | Dept | CrsNum 12345 MS 101 99999 ...

I am getting run time error 462.

HI, I have the following piece of code in Access. Dim objSht As excel.Worksheet Dim objexcel As New excel.Application Dim wbexcel As excel.Workbook Dim wbExists As Boolean Dim objRange As excel.Range Dim isFileAlreadyPresent As Boolean Set objexcel = CreateObject("excel.Application") Set wbexcel = objexcel.Workbooks.Open(file_name) ...

Parse/deconstruct SQL with VBA-Access

Does anyone know of a way to deconstruct a SQL statement (take a select SQL statement, extract columns from each SELECT, tables from each FOR and each JOIN, and filtering criteria from each WHERE. I can then put this data into a BOM table to create a "map" of the query), including subqueries, using VBA? I have a project to map Teradata v...

access forms as's listview

I made an access vba application where all my architecting was simply creating a one-to-many relationship between a "status" table and a "data" table that contained all the other details of my record. Created a form with the single click of a button with my "status" table open, and wallah,,, I got a form for my open or closed records th...