
Datasheet with dynamic recordsource shows no records in Access 2007, but works in Access 2003

I have an Access 2003 database which uses a main form with a datasheet in a subform. The main form allows the user to select from a menu which updates the recordsource of the subform. The subform also updates the number and type of fields available for editing based on the number and types of fields in the form's recordsource. It's basic...

Some bizarre behavior in MS Access. Please help.

I have defined three tables, Stores, InventoryItems and StoreItemRecords. My StoreItemRecords table has foreign key columns (StoreID, InventoryItemID) that "point to" the primary keys of the Stores (StoreID) and InventoryItems (InventoryItemID) records. The columns are named the same between the tables. If I run a query like this: SELE...

Configure ADP application to use a different database...?

I have an Access Project (ADP) that is currently configured to connect to an SQL Server 2000 database on one server. I now need to migrate that server to SQL Server 2008 that will be on a different server. I've not developed in Access for a while and have not done anything like this before... Is it just a simple matter of modifying a ...

What is wrong with this SQL query?

This is the SQL query I wrote in MS Access 07: IF EXISTS (Select * FROM MyTable) print 'Yes' else print 'No' This is the error it's giving me when i run the query: "Invalid SQL Statemenet; Expected DELETE, INSERT, PROCEDURE, SELECT, UPDATE" The query is correct, as far as I know, I think it's from Access, can anyone help me plea...

why Val(oldP) get 1 when oldP="32" ???

i have an old string say oldString="abc-2" i want to change it to "abc-3" so i did this myArray = Split(oldString, "-") oldP = myArray(UBound(myArray)) myArray(UBound(myArray))= Str(val(oldP) + 1) newString=join(myArray,"-") why do I get the wrong number?? and if i try to use Cint(), then i got Error. please help... just found the r...

ODBC Connection to Flat file

What is the best way to take a database and make it a flat file? I am have an ODBC driver and need to pull the data out into a file file. Excel, Access? OpenOffice? ...

MS-Access unbound ComboBox in DataSheet?

In ms-access 2007, i'm trying to make a form for a table. this table has foreign keys from 2 parent tables. so i thought i would make these fields a lookup. but i couldn't create a single lookup for each parent table because they are composite keys. I decided to create a query in which for each of these parent tables and the child table...

ACCESS SQL Query needed.

Okay this one has me stumped.. mainly because i have been working on this problem for the entire day and I (and boss) decided to go an alternative route. However my brain is fried. I present to you the following picture: Now the left hand table is the export table (it is not a physical table). This is what I want. The 5 right hand t...

ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

Anyone know what does that error mean? I have just copied my ASP classic website files to my Windows 7 x64 machine. And I have installed IIS 7.0. I am trying to access the website and it gives me that error. ...

MS Access 2007 VBA Code Generator

Hi, Can anyone help me where I can I find the MS Access 2007 VBA Code Generator. I already found one,, but needs much easy and faster to generate VBA code for MS Access 2007. ...

problem connecting to access database in 2.0

hi im trying to get a dataset from an access database im using this connection string: <connectionStrings> <add name="SiteConnString" connectionString="Data Source=c:\inetpub\vhosts\db\mainDB.mdb" providerName="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" /> </connectionStrings> and this is my call to SqlHelper: myDataSet = SqlHelper.Exec...

Can i add array to single field in MS-Access Database ?

Hello , I've an access database. i want to create a column in my table in which fields can store array or collection of strings or numbers etc.. For example i created a table Cars : Model (String) , Colors_Available(array of strings). Is that possible in Microsoft Access ? please help . ...

MS-Access, Bound Control on Form, Show user text, but record PK for that text

All but the first and last bit here is copied from another poster's question. The topic is MS-Access Forms with Bound Controls. I am new to Access. I appreciate all the 'levels of indirection' it provides for forms, but I can't seem to find an example of what I imagine to be a very, very common task... here is the answer (Thanks, Thomas)...

unbound textbox in access 2007

I have two bound textbox and one unbound on a form the first textbox is named 150 the second one is 190 and the third is called 150-190, the third one is the unbound. now the user inputs a time on the first and second textbox and the third textbox substract the value from the textbox 190 from the textbox 150 and it's working fine but whe...

query for ms access query is "SELECT column_name, table_name FROM information_schema.columns" .but it execute true in sqlserver ,but it dosn't execute true in Ms Access.i want to get all colums and tables'name from specific database.thanks. ...

MS Access 2010: "collating sequence not supported with the specified file format"

I recently upgraded to MS Access 2010. When I open a certain .mdb (2000-2003 file format), I am greeted with this message: collating sequence not supported with the specified file format. I'm not sure what it means, but it gives it to me every time the database is opened. I have Googled around but found nothing that I thought seemed rel...

How can I use the table name in a column alias in Access SQL?

In MS Access, my table is:Exam{id,name}, and my query is select as '', as '' from Exam Now when I execute this query this error ocured: "" is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long. I want to use the full table +...

Execute Access 2007 Report and Export that Report to PDF Programmatically?

I have a great report in an Access 2007 Database and would like to automate the execution and exportation of that report. Is this possible and what would be your first guess at the method needed to pull it off? ...

Powershell Interaction with Access 2007, how to Save Report as PDF?

I have an access database and a report in that database. I am using the access.application comobject to gain access to access, i.e. $db = New-Object -ComObject Access.Application $db.OpenCurrentDatabase("foo.accdb") This works fine. However, as suggested in another similar question I am unable to get the report out of the db by usin...

MS Access .mdb files in Mac OS X (or Mono)

Hi. Whats the best way to write to MS Access (.mdb) databases on Mac OS? I have a project that I'd like to port (quickly) to Mac OS and I'm thinking about using something cross-platform such as Mono. Can anybody recommend a good place to start? Do I really have to scrap my .mdb files and export into something else? I quite like the .m...