
Access Left Join not working properly

In access I wrote this query: Select I.sysid, I.MemberNumber, I.Date, I.Distributer, F.MemberNumber as FMember, F.Date as FDate, I.Distributer as FDistributer From Initial as I Left Join Final as F ON I.MemberNumber=F.MemberNumber and I.Distributer=F.Distributer and I.Date>=F.Date-14 and I.Date<=F.Date+14; But the left joi...

Is MS Access a Relational Database?

The database which follows 12Rules of codd is a perfect relational database, I have read some where that No Database is Pure RDBMS... SQL Server is RDBMS.. however MS Access is not RDBMS, I am confused.. why so as we can created relations. links. in Access as well.. then what are the main criteria that defined a Database DBMS or RDBMS ?...

Access: Names of Indices

Hi, I have a Microsoft Access Database and I need to execute a statement : **DROP INDEX Name ON Installations However, Microsoft Access says that no such index name found. The column "Name" in the Installations table does have an index on it . I know this from the Access GUI . However, I can't use the ACCESS GUI to turn off the index ...

How can I add an additional field to an SQL Group By clause

I have the following MS-Access SQL Table:- NAME, SUBJECT, SCORE ..and I need to find the average score, highest score and the subject that the highest score was achieved against. I have managed to produce the following query but not sure how I can incorporate the SUBJECT field:- SELECT NAME, Avg(SCORE) AS AverageScore, MAX(SCORE) AS...

VBA script to close every instance of Excel except itself

I have a subroutine in my errorhandling function that attempts to close every workbook open in every instance of Excel. Otherwise, it might stay in memory and break my next vbscript. It should also close every workbook without saving any changes. Sub CloseAllExcel() On Error Resume Next Dim ObjXL As Excel.Application Set ObjXL ...

Access Data Type Conversion to Boolean

Hi All. I am performing a query on the following table: Approval person (long int) item (long int) reason (long int) date (date) valid (bool) The first 3 fields are linked to other tables. Each person may have any number of entries in this table, for various items, reasons or dates. I then perform the following query: SELECT Appro...

MS Access DB Query String Parameter Issue

I'm having some trouble getting results from a c# OleDbCommand on an MS Access database. Here's my command: SELECT START_DATE FROM tblVisits WHERE LocProj_IS_NUMBER = @projId AND LocSTATN_IS_NUMBER = @statnId AND LocSTATN_ORG_ID = @orgId AND LocProj_ORG_ID = @orgId If I call this using parameters, I get no results, BUT if I replace @o...

MS Access: How does one insert NULL into DateTime field

I have an MS Access database (intolerably enough), and communicating with it through PHP (ODBC). There is a DateTime field that I have to include in my INSERT statement. This field is NOT defined as "Required" in Access, meaning that it is indeed NULL-able, and in fact some of the rows in the Access database are already NULL. The probl...

How to create reports in Access via ADO When data is in SQL Server?

I have an Access 2003 project in which all data is stored in SQL Server 2008. I am using ADO to view/update data via forms that are completely unbound. For example, a form has several textboxes and combo boxes on it. When the form is loaded I use ADO to make a call to a stored procedure on SQL SQL, it returns a recordset and I populate t...

how to create a menu bar in Access 2007 Form using VBA

I need to create a custom menu bar in Access 2007 Form using VBA For example Maintenance Reports Employee Employee Report Attendance Attendance Report How to achieve this using VBA in Access 2007 Form? ...

strip characters from suffix of record

![alt text][1]Hi, please give me the SQL code to copy and paste. I need to get the desired output, per the photo link I need to remove all characters after and including the dash SELECT SYSADM_PURC_ORDER_LINE.PURC_ORDER_ID FROM SYSADM_PURC_ORDER_LINE; ...

Excel to access

Hi, With respect to below macro. Which VB Reference setting I have to do for run this macro. As I got error "Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': Syntax error in From clause. kindly guide....... ...

Get Error message when passing arguments to a vba function: "Argument not optional (Error 449)"

Hello, I am trying to retrieve an ADODB recordset from a function in MS-Access 2007 but get a very annoying error message thrown in my face saying: "Argument not optional (Error 449)". I really can't figure out what I am doing wrong, please help! Regards, Stefan FUNCTION: Function Rs(sourceSQL As String) As ADODB.Recordset ' Creat...

Export / copy Access Pivot Table View to Excel 2003?

Is there a way to copy an Access 2003 pivot table view (used to pivot 206,000 records) to Excel 2003 using VBA? ...

MSAccess Datatype for Windows.System.Colors

What is the datatype for Color in MSAccess? ...

How do i insert data into 1 table from 2 other tables?

My 1st table would be port which has columns status,destination,ferry that i wish to insert My 2nd table would be users which has columns Username that i wish to insert How would i use insert statement and insert all these columns in table Booking? private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table user (_id intege...

Importing MS Access 2007 table to SQL 2005

Greetings, I want to import MS Access 2007 table to SQL 2005. I followed this link: I did everything the same but I get the following error when doing final step: Could not connect source component. Error 0xc0202009: Source - TestTable[1]: An OL...

Wildcards in MS Access SQL

Hi, I've written this SQL query in MS Access: SELECT * FROM Students WHERE name like '_a*' Which produces no results, even though I have names like danny and sara in the Students table. THe '_' wildcard doesn't seem to work. BTW, like '*a*' does return all names with a in them. And ideas? ...

Link an Excel sheet to a Table in MS Access - Using VBScript

Hi, I am trying to create a Linked table in MS Access linked to Excel sheet. I want to do this through VBscripting. My Scenario is i will have a excel sheet which will be updated very often. But my script picks up the values from the table in MSAccess which should be a replica of the Excel sheet (Linked table). So i want to know if t...

How to use powershell to send SQL command to Access DB and return results?

What are the ways to pull info from an Access DB to powershell? ...