
count and remove duplicate access vba

Here is some code I have to remove duplicate occurances of catid & recid in tblcat1_rec table, leaving only 1 entry: mysql = "DELETE FROM tblcat1_rec " mysql = mysql & " WHERE ID <> (SELECT Min(ID) AS MinOfID FROM tblcat1_rec AS Dupe " mysql = mysql & " WHERE (Dupe.catid = tblcat1_rec.catid) " mysql = mysql & " AND (Dupe.recid = tblcat1...

access vba extract phone & fax in address column of table

I have a table with phone & fax data in an "address" column that I want to put into their separate "phone" and "fax" column. The phone comes in a various forms: phone, T , ph, tel., tels., fono. The same issue occurs with fax, i.e. Fax & F. Ideally, I think the following is a good description of the data. Not all numbers pertain to p...

Use Powershell to create access 2007 Queries?

I have been following Richard Siddaway's Awesome Series on Powershell+Access2007. Unfortunately it ends before discussing creating/running/modifying access 2007 queries in powershell. How could this be done? ...

JETCOMP.EXE arguments

Hi, I want to compact an access MDB database file using JetComp.exe . I want to pass the name of the file ( and the destination file) to Jetcomp.exe . However, JetComp.exe does not seem to respond. I tried the following: jetcomp.exe -src:{"G:\my database.mdb"} -dst:"G:\my compacted database.mdb" ...

MS Access ComboBox.Column - use name instead of index ?

i have ComboBox controls with multiple columns as a Row Source in an Access 2007 form. i'm currently getting the selected values out of each ComboBox item this way... value = ComboBoxName.Column(i) 'where i is the index. i would like to use the actual names of the columns as with Recordset's... value = ComboBoxName.Recordset.Fields("c...

Passing a VBA Collection of String Arrays (Variants) as a List of String[] Arrays to a C# COM interop object?

I have a C# COM interop object that accepts a List of String[] arrays. Trying to pass something that somewhat resembles a List of String[] Arrays to be passed from my VBA Access 2000 application, to my C# COM object. I already have the object written out and I'm a little frustrated because I know little about VBA. Thank you in advanced! ...

sql query distinct join

Sorry I missed and deleted earlier question on accident again. I have a situation, I am trying to select distinct values from table 1 that are new and store them in table 2. The problem is that table has duplicates on column "name" but it does have a key column "id", but the different ids of course map to the same name. My idea on the...

Access 2007: Report Configuration in the Code?

I created a report in Access 2007. How could I view and change the SQL that the report is based on? For example, I am trying to find out how to change the way the report is sorted. I would expect this is based on the original sql query generated when I ran through the report wizard. Is this stored in some property sheet? How can I v...

MS Query to exclude state abbreviations

I have a query that I would like to exlude US States from. I am trying to find all data related to countries other than the US. I have the abbreviations for all the US States and can either link the table to the query and exlude them somehow or write a statement in the query to exlude them. But, I don't know how to do either. I thought I...

Get a complete list of unique values from multiple columns in multiple tables

Back story if you want it: I have an odd situation. An organization affiliated with my own provides us with a database that we use heavily; a few other organizations also use it, but our records are easily more than 90% of the total. We have a web frontend for data entry that is connected to the live database, but we only get the backe...

Conditional JOIN

I'm wondering if it's possible to accomplish this in MS Access 2007: A client gave me several tables, and they asked me for some queries. One of them has to get a field value from a table, depending on the value of a field of each record. This means, depending on the region, it has to look at one table, a second, or a third one. So, I ...

Access 2003 and SQL Server Backend - Which datatype for currency?

I have an Access 2003 front-end that has data stored in a SQL Server backend database. I want to store monetary values (i.e. $1,3456.25) but I am not sure which datatype to use when going between SQL Server and Access. On the SQL Server side I figured Decimal (18,2) would be good to use as I only need a scale of two (two places to the ri...

Unit testing in MS Access

I have an Access database project that is getting a bit to large to try to keep track of in my head. I know it is a little late in the game, but better late than never right? I have Googled but found nothing to my satisfaction. Is there any such thing as a unit testing framework for MS VBA? ...

Pulling data from Microsoft Access Snapshot(.snp) files

Is there any method to extract the data from a snapshot file? TIA ...

how to create GUID Autonumber programaticaly in ms access

i'm trying create guid autonumber field programaticaly but i cant. help me please. i'm using c#. ...

Access Database Security Question

Hi, I have a database in Access 2003 that I only want certain people to be able to access. In my database I have a table which lists the people that should be able to access the database. (Tbl_BIRT_Users). The table contains their name, ntlogin and email address. It also has an 'adminstrator' field. My question has two parts: 1 - On ...

Database Links - Oracle 10g and Ms Access 2007

I'm trying to create a link between oracle 10g and ms access 2007 but I don't know how to set parameters in my tnsnames.ora file to access my MS Access db. I've created new Data Source in ODBC Data Source Administrator with Microsoft Access Driver and selected my access db (.mdb). In the MS Access I can link between tables and I see da...

MS Access 2003 runtime?

Hi Can anyone confirm if there's an access 2003 runtime available to allow users to run apps without needing the full version of access on their pc? thanks ...

MS Access perform POST webrequest

In my MS Access application I need to send a batch of info to my webserver on a regular basis. I don't need anything fancy like SOAP, XML-RPC or anything, just a simple POST page request is sufficient. I've Googled a bit but have been unable to turn up anything really helpful. Does anyone know of a resource or have a code sample to perf...

Form used to do batch data entry

I have a form called Transaction Entry. I have a subform called Batches. I want to be able to enter a date in the Transaction Entry form, and then enter multiple items on the subform, but have it always update the date from Transaction Entry form. Basically it would be like what I have drawn out below, and would update the date automat...