
WebSite Started to throw error : System resource exceeded. (Access DB)

I have a webpage that is giving me this error on a couple of pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded. -----------------------------------------------------------...

Access Query With Parameters in Visual Studio

Microsoft Access queries with somecolumnname = [?] do not show up in the list of Views in the New DataSource Wizard in Visual Studio. The query works perfectly from within Microsoft Access by just prompting for the values of the parameters. The columns of the query should populate labels on my form based on the values in a couple textb...

Select into table in another database that is password protected?

In Microsoft Access 2003 and Visual Basic 6 I'm trying to copy a table to another access database that is password protected like this... Select * INTO table2 IN 'database2.mdb' [;Password=TestPass] From table1 It fails with "Not a valid password" Does the Select INTO format not accept the password with the mdb, and the password has ...

Easiest way to generate INSERT statements from MS Access data

I have a bunch of data in MS Access. I want to create INSERT statements from the data with the purpose of running them in SQL Server. The table structure between Access and SQL Server is the same. I don't have the option of doing an export/import because I don't have direct access to the SQL Server. It is a web host's server and they...

Migrating application from Microsoft Access to VB or C#.NET

I'm currently trying to convince management of the need to port one of our applications to .NET. The application has grown to be a bit of a monster in Access (backend in SQL), with 700 linked tables, 650 forms/subforms, 130 modules and 850 queries. I pretty much know all the major benefits of doing this, but now need to look at how this...

Is Access 2007 with a touch-screen POS interface the right choice to convert my INFORMIX-SQL app?

I have evaluated several development tools for converting my informix SQL-based app. They are: Genero/4Js, FileMaker, Oracle APEX, VFP, Clarion and Access 2007. I have a CRUD pawnshop app (see video-demo This app centers on customers who pawn, sell or buy merchandise. I need to have one CRUD multi-table form which...

How to delete a record and assign an existing record in its place.

Hi there I'm wondering if anyone could help me out here. Is it possible when deleting a record to assign all instances of the deleted record to a new record? For example: For each project in a time planning database, i can assign a worker as team leader for each project. If there was a duplicate entry for a team leader i would need t...

Access SQL query needed (dates)

So i have the following query: DoCmd.RunSQL "delete * from [TABLE NAME] where month = '" & Format(PrevMonth, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "'" month is a Text field. Lets say PrevMonth = August 2010 so instead of delete the rows where the date is august 2010, i want it to delete august 2010 and all after that? so september 2010, october 2010, an...

ms Access import table from file in a query

Hello, Is there a way to have a msAccess DB query import a table from file? ...

time format in access 2007 - need help

hi i have this value in date field: 07/09/2010 07:34 how i can see this only: 07:34 how to do it in access 2007 and in C# format ? thank's in advance ...

Is there a way to override automatic record updating of Access 2007 forms created with Form Wizard?

I'm new to Access VBA, and have created a form using the Form Wizard that displays records in a table. That's a piece of cake. The behavior that I get with the form, though, is that updates to the records occur automatically when I move around records. What I'd like is to have the updates occur only when I click an "Update" button tha...

Access 2007 Use VBA

I have data in access in the form of a table. I need to export it to excel in the form of an excel sheet where i should even be able to make updates to the data if necessary. I have to do this using VBA. And also one more thing the data I have in access is which i have generated using SQL ...

%appdata% for MS Access installs

David Fenton recently mentioned in another thread that "The only proper place for any Access app (since Windows 2000, in fact) is the folder the %AppData% environment variable points to." I greatly respect David's knowledge, especially in all matters relating to Access, but I'm confused by this statement. What is the advantage of...

loading mysql dump or text file into microsoft access 2003

Hello, I am not an expert in MS Access, I have been given a text files basically with over hundred thousand records in it and have been asked to load that text file into the MS access database. As I know MySQL, I uploaded that text file into the MySQL database first using normal Load text file command and it worked as expected. How...

what are the different format options for importing a file in MSAccess

Hello, I am using MSAccess and am using this code [Text;HDR=''No'';FMT=''Delimited'';Database='+ExtractFilePath(Location)+'].'+ ExtractFileName(Location); What are the different options I can use for FMT? I have seen: Fixed Delimited TabDelimited ...

Access 2007 Linked table Performance

I have an Access 2007 application (previously in Access 2003) that is running into some performance issues when the linked database tables are on a network drive. In 2003 the application worked perfectly fine. Now in 2007 the speed of data retrieval using sql and a recordset is degraded pretty poorly. The exact area that i am encounte...

Access - Excel Integration

Hey all, have been working on designing a new database for work. They have been using Excel for their daily reports and all the data is stored in there, so I decided to have the back-end of the database in Access and the front-end in Excel, so any analytical work can be easily performed once all the data has been imported into Excel. No...

How do I compare 2 similar tables in 2 different MS Access databases in C#?

I was asked to create a desktop tool to compare an older access DB with a newer "updated" access DB and create an excel file of all new or altered records. the DB tables I need to compare are structured Primary key | Description. I created a simple Windows form that allows the user to select the old and new databases and I figured ou...

Issue with Ms access Reports

hi, I am trying to preview a report of the current tracking number which is on the main form(main form name is:frmReviewReleaseLogWrapper) by using a command button. Each tracking number has different part numbers, so each tracking number has many records in the DB table (Depending upon the number of partnumbers, that is each partnumber...

Refresh Sharepoint-linked Table in Access?

I have an access table in 2007 that is linked to a sharepoint list. When a new record is added to the sharepoint list, the change does not get automatically reflected in the access table. If you right click on the linked table, there is an option to "refresh list" which does exactly as you would expect. My question is how to perform t...