
How to transfer data from Microsoft Access to SQL server 2008?

Hi friends, In my current project i have to transfer data EVERY DAY from MS Access to Sql Server 2008 standard edition. of course i can use SQL Migration tool to transform Access database into Sql Server database, but problem is i have to do this again and again every day to keep updating my sql server database. SO is there any way i c...

MS Access 2003/2007 - Compiling 2003 version mdb on desktop with 2007 Office installed; will not retain 2003 mde?

So I have an access mdb file that was originally create using Access 2003/Office 2003. Since I have recieved a new image at work that has 2007 Office installed. The file extension of the access database is still mdb., and the convert was done to 2002-2003 Access database previously. Here is my question: I have users that still need to a...

ms-access 2007 runtime and lockWindowUpdate

The use of lockWindowUpdate API in VBA code avoids screen flickering when updating screen content. It also greatly improve calculation delays, as the computer do not have to refresh the screen after each calculation\update made on the underlying recordset. Unfortunately, I cannot have it work correctly with Access 2007 runtime! On some...

Are there any cases where MS Access is a better choice than SQL Server?

This question was inspired by one I asked almost a year ago - any-orms-that-work-with-ms-access-for-prototyping - which has recently become active again, but as an Access vs SQL Server debate. There seem to be a lot of Access haters out there, and the main rap seems to be that it doesn't scale well (though some people seem to have been ...

How to fetch some data from Access table for displaying in the textbox in C#?

I am trying to retrieve some data from a table(Access 2007) and display this data in a textbox in a windows Form in C#,also I want to update with a button, but I cant get to work, this is my code for retrieve the data but I cannot display in a textbox, can someone help me? OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.A...

Converting SQL Query to Access Query - SELECT within SELECT

I have a query in SQL Server that I am trying to convert to a query in MS-Access 2003. The query is designed to be used as the basis for a report. The report has two fields .. 'Cases Assigned' and 'Cases Closed'. SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CaseDetail WHERE CaseAssignedDate Between '1/1/2008' AND '1/1/2009') as 'Cases Assigned', (SE...

Access 2003: run code on database close

In Access 2003, there are ways of running code when a form or database is opened, but what about when the database is closed? My motivation is the unavoidable use of a somewhat buggy third-party COM library. Releasing the COM reference (by setting the variable to Nothing) causes it (correctly) to disconnect from its server. The trouble ...

How to create Access database from a script.

I would like to create an Access database from a script. Ideally, I would love something similar to the way SQL scripts can be used to create a SQL database. Is this possible at all? Is there anything that would leverage the SQL scripts I already have? I want to create the same database structure as my SQL database. Let me know if you...

Access: persist a COM reference across Program Reset?

Are there ways in Access VBA (2003) to cast a COM reference to an integer, and to call AddRef/Release? (which give the error "Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic") I'm using a third-party COM object which doesn't handle being instantiated twice in a single pro...

Error while connecting from Access 2007 to Sybase: Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Hi, I've got an Access application that connects to Sybase 1192. Access 2003 works fine, but when I open the same app. using Access 2007, I get the message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified I've checked using the command prompt that I'm able to connect to Sybase successfull...

Opening/Saving an Excel file to a SQL Server table from within Access

I am trying to figure out how to open/save an Excel file to a field in a SQL Server table from within an Access database. My first choice it to open/save from and to the file system and track file meta data in the SQL Server table, however, the decision is out of my hands. Can anyone suggest any resources or perhaps point me to some samp...

DoCmd.OutputTo On Report Doesn't Unload

In Access 2007, I have a form set up to allow previewing and exporting options for the project's reports. DoCmd.OutputTo seems to behave strangely when dealing with reports that have the Modal property set to true. Modal is currently set to True in the Open event for all of the reports that I'm working with. If I do DoCmd.OpenReport s...

Access 2003/2007 : Query to find average of one text field grouped by another in table

So lets say I have a table that looks something like this: ItemName ProductType ---------------------------------------------------------- Name1 Type1 Name2 Type1 Name3 Type1 Name4 Type2 Name5 Type3 and so on for thousands of recor...

MS Access 2000: How to open locked app in design mode?

Our MS Access 2000 developer left the company a year ago. We need to open his app in design mode in order to make modifications. Double-clicking the .mdb file while holding the shift key doesn't work. When I do that the developer toolbar shows for a split second, then all toolbars go away and the app opens as users would see it. No toolb...

Enabling field visibility from combo box selection in Access 2007

I have a form in Microsoft Access 2007 called System, and a combo box called Utility within this form. Below this is yet another combo box called Utility_FOO, and I have disabled its visibility by default. One of the options in Utilities is a checkbox labeled 'FOO.' I want Utility_FOO to become visible whenever FOO is selected. I hav...

problems updating Access database from Textbox help?

Hello everyone I have searched, but nothing happens, I just starting using C#.NET and I a have a textbox on a form. I retrieve some data from the database and I display to a textbox through a combobox that indicate the section I want to display (I already do this!),but when I try to update nothing works, I click my button to update the ...

updating fields in microsoft access 2000 thru visual basic

i created a program that add and returns equipment, my problem is, its because my borrowing table and my return equipments table are in one table only..representing these fields "productnumber" "productname" "dateborrowed" "datereturned" "borrowername" "status" what i want to do here is when a user returns an equipment, entering t...

Not all SharePoint lookup fields updated when synchronizing MS-Access

I have an MS-Access 2007 database with links to SharePoint 2007 lists, I run XP professional. The lookup fields are not all updated when I synchronize after I create records offline . I built a test with the following result: I created 3 SharePoint lists A, C, D. C has a lookup to A and D has a lookup to A I created an MS-Access databa...

SQL and MS access- filtering of the data on the form

Hi All. I am using SQL 2005 as backend and MS Access as frontend. Now, I get all my filtering of the data with views and no problems so far but I came accross some issues. In access I had a form and on that form I had a field1 which I used to filter the data I wanted in that form with query. Example: Last, First Name or DOB. In Access...

Access 2007 Textbox Date Formatting

I converted an older Access app to 2007, and now the date formatting in editable textboxes is not working. The format I'm using is mm/dd/yy, but the date is displaying with a 4-digit year. I've tried other formats just for testing, eg mmm/d/yy - they display correctly except for the year which insists on being 4 digits. This appears to...