
Access ADP Corupt wont compile

I have a Access ADP Project that has been a continus project for the last 6 years, so it has hundreds of forms and thosands line of VBA code. After a recent update it not wont compile to create the ADE file. It tells me one of the text boxes does not exist but it does. I deleted the for and re imported it from a working backup and still ...

return multiple result sets from ms access to

hey guys i want to fetch 3 tables in 1 single call from my ms access database, however i get an error when i am trying to do that when i change my sql query to just fetch 1 table, my code works fine can anyone let me know how to achieve this with ms access? because i have been doing this with sql server since ages without any p...

Sorting by month in MS Access

I am using an MS Access db to track some tasks during the year. Each task has a due Month. I do not want to use exact dates as the convention in my team is to refer to the month. I don't want to store the dates in a date format as team members will be entering the due month by hand. Is it possible to sort my fields in date order if the ...

Export MS Access Memo field and convert Unicode

I have an Access 2003 database. A table has a Memo field and I'm having issues with getting that data out. Exporting that field to a txt or csv chops that field off (255 characters) Exporting as Excel gives me strange characters for linebreaks Appending to a mysql database via myODBC gives an error about "incorrect string" Using VBA w...

Query by month from date field

I have a set of Access d/b's grouped already by year. within a given year, I have a field caleld REPORTDATE which is a standard mm/dd/yyyy field. However, I need to produce queries that return data by the month. For example, I just want to see records for Jan, recs for Feb, Recs for March, etc., so that I can sum them and work wwith thm....

Creating a connection with remote database using Cocoa

How can I access a MS Access database from a remote server, which is on Windows platform, using Cocoa and objective-C on Mac OS X? The server is located in remote location and it can only be accessed over internet. How can I make connection with server over internet? what all procedures to be used for making such applications? If I need...

How do I determine real cause of ODBC call failed(3146) with ms-access?

My client is using Access as a front end to a SQL Server database. They recently started getting ODBC - 3146 errors from time to time when running some reports. From what I can tell, this is just a generic ODBC call failed error. I've tried sticking some error handling in the VB script that is launching the reports, but I am not havin...

One-to-One relationship in MS Access

I'm having trouble in creating a one-to-one relationship between two tables in MS Access - when I create the relationship, it defaults to "Many-to-one", and I don't see an option to change it. Is there a way to do this? ...

Uniqueness Constraints in MS Access

In a database I'm having to design for MS Access, I have a table called "Measurements", which stores certain measurement parameters (Measured Values, Std Deviation, etc.) - each row has an integer ID as its primary key. Other tables then link to this measurement table using foreign key relationships. Some tables contain two different "m...

SQL Server vs. Access insert performance, in particular when using GUID

I'm interested to know how I could improve the performance of SQL Server when using sequential GUID when using Access 2007 as a front end to SQL Server 2008 (please note it's the only context I'm interested in). I have made some tests (and gotten some fairly surprising results, in particular from SQL Server when using sequential GUID: t...

OnKeyUp event in Access 2007

I have a textbox and a label in an Access form. Whatever is typed in the textbox needs to be reflected/mirrored in the label and I must use the OnKeyUp event for the textbox. How can I do this? This is a homework assignment. I have no programming experience and this is my first programming class. So far I have this: Private Sub Text0...

How to compare fields with 'Memo' datatype in vba?

The MS access database does not allow comparing fields with 'memo' datatypes in SQL query. Is there a way to do it in VBA? Simple comparison does not work if the size of memo>255 characters ...

SyBase to Access port needed

I have a SyBase database and have been tasked with exporting it to MS Access. What is the best way to do this? (Note: This is half an "I'll answer it my self when I figure it out" question and half a "If someone known off hand..." question, so don't go doing research unless that's your idea of fun) ...

SQL to transpose row pairs to columns in MS ACCESS database

I have an MS Access database that contains translated sentences in source-target pairs (a translation memory for fellow users of CAT tools). Somewhat annoyingly, source and target are not stored in separate columns, but in rows linked by ID, like this: +---+----+--------------+ |id |lang| text | +---+----+--------------+ 1 a...

Reading MS Access mdb files in Delphi (for free)?

I'm looking for a Delphi component / library to open and read from an mdb (MS Access) database. I will not be writing to the db or displaying the data; just need to read the db using whatever sql Access supports. This is for a personal side-project (programming is not my paying job), so I need a free or a very inexpensive solution that...

how to find relationships between tables

Consider i have 'n' tables which are created using MS Access. Now i need to find the relationship among the tables. i.e How the tables are interlinked as changes made in a table will be reflected other table.? is there any to find this using c# ...

VBA + Threads

How can I create a process running on a separate thread in MS Access VBA? I would like to create a process that will just sit and wait for a message. ...

Select @@Identity returning 0 for linked table in Access

I am using Access 2007 and have some linked tables to a mySQL database. I am using DAO to insert a record into a mySQL linked table and trying to retrieve the inserted PK using Select @@identity, but that select is returning 0. Dim sql As String Dim oDB As Database Set oDB = CurrentDb sql = "INSERT INTO Quotes ( CustomerID )...

How to get a value from previous result row of a SELECT statement?

If we have a table called FollowUp and has rows [ ID(int) , Value(Money) ] and we have some rows in it, for example ID --Value 1------70 2------100 3------150 8------200 20-----250 45-----280 and we want to make one SQL Query that get each row ID,Value and the previous Row Value in which data appear as follow ID --- Value ...

Why would a Microsoft Access form create records for one query but not another?

I have an Access database. Let's pretend it's for a pet store. There's a table for animals. Animals (animal_id, birth_date, price) And then specific tables for the different types of animals we sell. Dogs (animal_id, bark_volume) Cats (animal_id, collar_size, shedding_rate) Fish (animal_id) Fish aren't interesting so they don't h...