
How do I clear a table in Access with VBA?

What I'm trying to do is, while in Excel, use VBA to push data to an exsisting Access table. I've been able to do this, but am having one small hickup. Before I push the data to access, I want to clear the current data on the Access table, so when the new data from Excel comes in, it is the only data in the Access table. I really don'...

Is It possible to create recursive query in access?

I have a table Id ParentID jobName jobStatus The root ParentID is 0. Is it possible is Access to create a query to find a root for a given job. Database is mdb no linked tables. Access version is 2003. job can be in several grand child level. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Is MS Access (JET) suitable for multiuser access?

I have a product designed to be a desktop product using MS Access file as a DB. Now, some users need to install it in a few PCs (let's say 2 or 3) and SHARE the database. I thought to place the MS Access file in a shared folder and access it from the PC, but... the JET Engine is designed for multiple user access? Any tips or things to...

how to fetch data from a Microsoft Access database through JDBC and insert the table as a test field in an Applet

hi!! I have made a small letter game in a Java Applet. I have made a microsoft access database through jdbc for the high scores. I hav managed to insert values(scores) into the database but i hav truble in fetching them and display the table in a textArea of ajFrame. I am not even sure if the connection is established. I hav created the ...

Is Access's AutoNumber (Increment) guaranteed to increment?

For a particular table, I have my ID field set to AutoNumber (Increment). If I add 5 rows to this table in quick succession, is each guaranteed to have a larger ID than the last? For instance, does autonumbering ever restart from 1 if some earlier values have been deleted? ...

email using Access and VBA without MAPI

I would like to send email from Microsoft Access unattended using VBA. I understand that the built-in method “SendObject” uses MAPI meaning security prompts and something like Outlook configured. Since I want to use the Task Scheduler to kick off different reports, I’m leaning away from MAPI and would prefer some other solution. Not a...

Syncronize data between alike tables in mdb file and MySQL server schema

I am looking for a way to manage syncronization between an Access mdb file for an application, and a MySQL schema containing a copy of the same tables. This arose from the fact that the application doesn't support MySQL as a backend, but I am looking for a way to utilize MySQL for other in-office applications using the data the first ap...

How to add a menu item to the default right click context menu

I am attempting to do this using an MS Access 2003 application using VBA. I would like to right click on an MS Access form and have the default menu appear, as well as some options I want to add. I would like the added options to execute some function when clicked. Any ideas? ...

Running multiple SQL statements in the one operation.

I'm trying to use ADO to create several tables at once, into MS Access. Is it possible to do multiple statements in the one operation? For instance: ... // I have omitted the field details CString sQuery = "CREATE TABLE [Table1] (..., PRIMARY KEY ([ID])); \nCREATE TABLE [Table2] (..., PRIMARY KEY ([ID]));"; oRecordset.Open(oDatabase.m_...

Using Autonumbering in Access - INSERT statements

I'm having trouble running an INSERT statement where there's an autonumber as the PK field. I have an Auto-incrementing long as the Primary Key, and then 4 fields of type double; and yet Access (using ADO) seems to want five values for the insert statement. INSERT INTO [MY_TABLE] VALUES (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0); >> Error: Number of query va...

Insert SQL command with Datetime in MS-Access

Hello, I am trying the following query in MS-Access 2007, but it fails on the time field. INSERT INTO LOG (EMPLOYEECODE,STATUSID,LOCATIONID,TIME,DURATION,SHIFTID,LATECOMING,EARLYGOING,LOGDATE,STATIONID) VALUES(1,1,0,'4/21/2009 2:25:53 PM',0,8,0,1,'1/1/2009',1) The time field is defined as a datetime. Without the time field, the query...

Insert query in Access

I have query build from Visual Studio 2005. I am inserting records from SQL database to Access. My query is insert into i_mails (id,from_mails,to_mails,cc_mails,subject,body, anchor_level_id,attachment,forward_status ,reply_status,delete_status, read_status, received_date,response_date, batch,forward_score,delete_s...

Case Statement in Access

Can you use case statements in Access, im trying to det the max date form 2 columns but keep getting syntax errors in the following code. CASE WHEN dbo_tbl_property.LASTSERVICEDATE > Contour_dates.[Last CP12 Date] THEN dbo_tbl_property.LASTSERVICEDATE ELSE Contour_dates.[Last CP12 Date] END AS MaxDate ...

What is the best way to permanently mark a record as read-only?

I have an Access 2003 app that connects to a SQL Server 2000 box. I have a table in which I need to lock down a record along with all related records in different tables. By "lock down", I mean mark them as read-only so that no clients can edit those records unless an admin unlocks them. Any ideas? ...

How do I make a SOAP(ASMX) call with MS Office Access 2007?

I have a set of .ASMX API calls exposed and have a client that would like to call them using MS Office Access 2007. I have never used Access before and need to know how to connect to my services. What is the best way to make this happen? ...

Crystal Report Viewer missing icons when hosted in Access

I'm using Crystal Reports XI Viewer Active control in an Access 2007 (but 2003 format) form. I'm using SQL Server 2008 as the backend. The viewer displays reports fine, but there are no toolbar icons. Buttons and tooltips work as expected, just no images. Searching for this, I've seen countless references to this problem using the We...

Is this lookup method possible in Access VBA?

I'm using Access 2007 connecting to a MS SQL db through ODBC. I have a table called 'bases' it looks like this: Name ID Site -------------------- Home 1 111 Work 2 111 Car 3 111 Castle 4 111 Store 1 222 Rest 2 222 Now the tricky part is that the only part of this tabl...

Version Control for Access VBA code ?

Does any kind of version control exist? If no, is there any good solution for collective development of MS Access 2007 database with VBA ? ...

ActiveX dependencies in Access

I'm using the Crystal Reports Viewer 11 ActiveX control in an Access form (version 2007, 2003 format). Everything works well on my development machine, where I have CRXI installed. I copied the referenced DLL to the client's machine, but when I try to register it, it says "Can't find module" (I double- and triple-checked my spelling) a...

Connecting console application to access database problems

Hey Everyone, I am trying to connect a console application to a access database. This is the query that i have am using: "SELECT [Type], [Name], [Phone Number], [Start Time], [End Time], [IM Session File], [Notes] FROM [Call History] WHERE [Start Time] >= ?" The problem is that for some reason when i take that data from the access da...