
Programmatically managing Microsoft Access Attachment-typed field with C#.NET

Access added a new data type in the 2007 version--the Attachment type. We are currently working on a WinForms application with .NET 3.5 (C#) that uses an Access 2007 database. We want to be able to add new attachments through the WinForms interface. I can't seem to locate any information on how to insert or select attachment data with .N...

How do I migrate a database from Microsoft Access to mySQL?

I'm designing a web application for a team that is currently tracking all of their data in a Microsoft Access database. The new database will be stored in mySQL, but I don't know enough about Microsoft Access to be certain that I'm doing things correctly. Is there a tool or procedure that exists that will quickly create all the proper t...

access db, select group by having max problem

in Access DB... I need to extract the itemcode / desc combination for each itemcode in the following table where the desc has been used most frequently. most frequently could possibly mean that there was only one version (see added record for pear) in the case of itemcode 777, I'll have to decide later which description version to use....

username and password prompt when trying to do SQL queries when connecting Microsoft Access to Delphi 7

As part of my university coursework, I was asked to design and create an HCI for a shop. Part of it is to connect Delphi 7 to MS Access and run SQL queries. I have the database connected to Delphi, but when I run the program and enter the query it prompts me to enter a username and password to access the database. Does anyone have any id...

how to create a dll linked to access db with encrypted connection strings in c# 3.0?

hi guys, i'm a totally newbie when it comes to the world of .net. but what i'm trying to do here is to create a dll with some public functions which can be called by another program to access some data inside an password protected access database. for now i'm keeping the password in the connection string and using the code below to en...

Is there any reason to use ENUM's in VBA ?

I have tried to use ENUMS in my code for Access 2007. But it's very uncomfortable. May be it's better to use collections ? My code isn't working is such way I thought it would be useful. Public Function GetEnumId(Name As String, ReferenceTable As String) As Long Dim rs As DAO.RecordSet Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenReco...

Access DB update one table with value from another

I'm trying to update all records in one table with the values found in another table. I've tried many versions of the same basic query and always get the same error message: Operation must use an updateable query. Any thoughts on why this query won't work in Access DB? UPDATE inventoryDetails as idet SET idet.itemDesc = ( ...

How to Insert Data?

How i can insert data into more than one table of an Access database which have a join of inner by using C#? ...

How to bypass startup form in Access 2007?

Hi I want to get to the VB modules in Access 2007. Normally I would do it by Alt+F11, but it doesn't work. Thanks, nikolz ...

How to set the default value of an Access 2003 field using SQL?

How can I set the default value for a field using SQL in MS Access? I tried this but got a syntax error: CREATE TABLE HELLO ( MUN INTEGER NOT NULL, ADD CHAR(50) DEFAULT'16 asd ST.' ) ...

Compact and Repair Database programatically

How can I call Access's Compact and Repair Database utility from within C++? I'm already using ADO and ADOX, so a solution using either of those would be handy. ...

"Could not delete from specified tables" error only on published ASP.NET web site

I have written a simple delete query delete from mails While I execute I get no problem and the query runs fine, but when I publish the website I get an error stating: "Could not delete from specified tables" What might be the problem? I am getting this error when placed in IIS but when i run it in local drive through visu...

Deploying Access as a client-server application

I'm using Access (2003 format) as a front-end with a SQL Server 2008 backend. Each user already has Access 2003 or 2007 installed. I'm curious as to the best deployment configuration to use for efficiency and maintainability. Should I put the .MDB file on the server and place a shortcut to it on each machine? (There will only be two ...

Link tables issue for Compiled Access (mde) file.

I have an old compiled Access Application mde file. This appication has linked tables to network shared folder. I tried to upgrade main database using upsizing wizard on main database and everything went well. Then when the aplication starts it gives error message that 'microsoft jet database engine cannot find the input table or query ...

Convert TSQL to MS-Access SQL

TSQL (as used in MS SQL Server 2000 and 2005) allows multiple JOIN clauses, one right after the other, no commas or parentheses needed. Try this in Access and it throws a fit: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression ... " From what I have been able to gather out in Google-land, Access SQL wants parentheses to group the JOIN...

Access DB Data Interchange

I'm currently building what is more or less a survey app in MS Access 2003. I want data access to be decentralized - users are operating on local data, not centrally stored data. Users need to be able to send some subset of the survey to another user to be filled out and returned. Users also need to be able to post the survey (as a fil...

F# and ADO.NET to Connect To Access 2007

I am very new to F#, and I was trying to find the simplest way to connect to Access 2007 using System.Data.OleDb. I have done this with C#, but I cannot figure out how to convert the syntax to F#. The following is what I know so far: #light open System.Windows.Forms open System.Data.OleDb open System.Data let ADOCon = new OleDbConnec...

Transferring Rich Text data from Access to Word

I've been saddled with supporting an old Access 2003 database (with SQL backend) produced by a now out-of-business contractor. The database includes several 'unconventional' reports. They all use Automation through VBA to output fields directly to a Word document. Kind of like this (pseudo code): for each row{ output(; ...

trouble importing csv files to mysql from vbs and access

I am using the following code, based on from previous posts and answers by Remou and Anthony Jones. Dim db: db = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\hom\Anwendungsdaten\BayWotch4\baywotch.db5" Dim exportDir: exportDir = "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\hom\Desktop" Dim exportFile: exportFile=NewFileName(exportDir) Dim cn: Set cn = Create...

Generate a Fire Register report

Hello, I am stuck figuring out a working SQL Query for the fallowing: I need to generate a Fire Register report (how many people are still inside the building) based on an Access database that records login/logout events along with some metadata. The Access DB looks like this: +----+---------------------+---------+---------+------+ | i...