
How to update an access field w/the date everytime a change is made to its row?

Hi and thanks for your help, Note: I am using Access 2002 I am trying to update my "LastUpdatedDate" field with the NOW() date/time stamp if there is a change on its row. Right now, I have followed the instructions that Doanair gave another guy trying to figure this out: DATETIME to the table e.g. named LastUpdatedDate that indicat...

Why is my query demanding more fields in my Group By?

Problem: I originally had a query that was working great but I'm now having to change it to pull more fields. When I try run the new query it picks a field name and says that I haven't included it as part of the aggregate function. Each time I get this error I can add the field the error specifies to the Group By statement and the error ...

Join on multiple booleans

I have two tables, each with three boolean (ms-access "Yes/No") columns. Table 1: A1, B1, C1 Table 2: A2, B2, C2 I would like the rows from Table 2 given a specific row from Table 1 that satisfy the following conditions: If A1 is true then only rows where A2 is true, if A1 is false then rows where A2 is true or false. If B1 is true t...

Rookie MS Access - Creating the Front End MDE

ok guys. here are some rookie questions for you: I created a database for tracking metrics, with some automation tricks (email, .doc,.ppt presentations, etc) with a very large Main-table, and lots of forms/GUI. This is the first time I have ever I worried about an MDE/front-end for the thing. So if you would be so kind to answer a few q...

JSP result set from MS Access - how to get the location name?

I have a table called "form" in ms access which have following fields: formno, location, status. I want to create a report which calculates: the total no of forms(columns) at each location the total no of forms(columns) with status= "pending" at each location. I tried to do it with this query: select count(formno) as totalforms fro...

MS Access 2003 - VBA for getting user name from LAN sign on

Is there a way to set up a function that will get the user name of the user's LAN sign on, to use for the =(getusername) within Access? Is there some general vb that will work for this idea? thanks! ...

How can I import a database schema into MS Access 2003 from sql text file?

I chave a db schema generated in a text file (DDL - MS Access compliant). Where is the option in MS Acces to import that damn schema into na empry database ? ...

Does anyone know if Hibernate and java will work effectively with Access?

I have a small project that doesn't require much disk space, so i considered using an access database. I was wondering if anyone used a Spring + Hibernate + access combination, if so can they post the connection properties. thanks guys ...

How to access properties of Access Database Table using C# ADOX?

I have created MS Access Database using C# ADOX library. I have created one table with several columns. What I want to achieve is when I insert date in one column, the date format should be YYYY-MM-DD and not MM-DD-YYYY. I know its just display format, but I want to access the property which we set when we open access table in design mod...

How to check if the files exist on the FTP server ?

I have a ms-access application, now I need to check if that file had already uploaded before and then change the status of that record, is any tools or command we can use to check if the file exists? Or even some other appliaction I can use on windows and be able to update the records in the SQL server database. Environment: Ms-Access ...

Data macros in Access2010: triggers?

I've heard on the grapevine that the forthcoming Access2010 has a Data Macros feature which will for the first time add trigger-like functionality to Access data engine tables. Does anybody have an further details on this? For example, can they created in code (ACEDAO, SQL DDL, etc)? Does the Data Macro run if the data is modified from o...

Bringing back only one row in a joined table using MS Access

Hi All I know there are similar postings out there, but when I have tried to use any of them in my own query I can not get it working. Basically, I have 3 tables that I want to query in ACCESS using the SQL view. Initially though and for this example I am trying to do it with just the 2. tb1 name: Tasks tb1 fields wanted: Task ID Ta...

MS Access 03 - Normalizing Data from an excel spreadsheet

Hey guys I have a question about a method to break something apart. I get this excel spreadsheet that provides me with data that I need to do one report. Its pretty simple and straight forward, however there is one particular part of it that is giving me some grief. In the excel spreadsheet there is a column that lists "parties envolved...

Opening a MS Access database from VB that is being used by another user.

Is there a way to open a MS Access database from VB 6.0 that is being used by another user. I have a service that is updating a .mdb file. I want to monitor this DB by reading some parameters from it periodically. If I try to simply open the DB (which works if the DB is not used) like this: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim CurrentDBFileNam...

First week date to be added in VBA

Hi , I need to add automatically current weeks first date into a table and a text box of a vba form. could anyone help if any functions are available ?? ...

Need Help with queries (views) in Microsoft Access

I have an application that records weight of a bin holding items in inventory into a Microsoft Access Table Like so: Id(AutoNumber) Timestamp Weight ------------------------------------- 1 Jan 1 1 2 Jan 2 1 3 Jan 3 2 4 Jan 4 2 5 ...

"Null" value in Queries

I'm trying to run code that will copy fields into a new table, moving them from a _New table to the original table. The VBA code that does this works as such: SQLStatement = CStr("INSERT INTO " & TName & " SELECT * FROM " & TName & "_New") Log.WriteLine "Running query with string """ & SQLStatement & """ " QueryTimer = Timer DoCmd.RunS...

A better SSMS?

I have a database that I need to edit a lot of fields on, but SSMS doesn't quite seem to be up to the task. First problem is that I can't seem to insert multiple lines of text into a field. Second is that any time I happen to have the Shift key held down when I press the space bar, SSMS immediately enters the data. Is there a better ...

MS Access 03 - muliplte "ifs" in one field of update query's criteria??

Can I run an update query and in one single field run multiple updates like: "joe doe" updated to 334 & "barry davis" updated to 456, etc basically I want to convert the name to number (in my case it would be the employee ID#), and I have about 500 employees so one at a time is a little out of the question. the table is import from exc...

Can you upgrade Access 2.0 to Access 2000 or later Access project?

Due to a merger, we have inherited a couple of legacy apps which run on Access 2.0. Ideally we would like to re-write them as intranet web apps but due to other priorities this is not going to happen anytime soon. Our main concern is to get the data off of the client machines and preferably into SQL Server. Is there a way to upgrade 2....