
MS Access - Output Data in Windows folder, can be deleted after procedure?

Not sure if this question is going to make sense or not be here goes: So I have a some VB that outputs data from some queries. It simply export that resulting dataset from the query out as excel into an excel file, and there are several that do this. These all trip automatically (open and close events on forms) as a part of a little aut...

Where is acedao.dll?

I want to know if Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Dao.dll version 12 is the same thing as acedao.dll. If not where can I find acedao.dll and add a reference to it in a C# WPF project? ...

How to change column names from VBA

I am creating an Excel spreadsheet in Access vba code. I need to change the column names from A, B, C, etc to a meaningful name. I have looked high and low but cannot find a way. ...

Access 2003: Datasheet and Listbox have different results when using same query

I am writing an Access 2003 form to get a listing of all people currently in a facility. I have a saved query that gives me the results I expect when I look at the Datasheet view (listing of all names with the associated account number). If I use that same saved query as my ListBox.RowSource, I get the same list of names, but only ~10%...

Splitting a Server Hosted Access Database

I am looking into building an access database that will replace a very frightening combination of excel spreadsheets that are linked together. The files for the current spreadsheet system are located on our Windows Storage Server, which has a mapped drive to the directory they use. Multiple users access this system as it host inventory, ...

How to condition branch (if - else) with the value from Form.Recordset

I have a project with MS-Access (Front End) + MySQL (BackEnd) There are STATUS and DEL_FLG columns in a table called TB_STATUS strSQL = "SELECT * FROM TB_STATUS" rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then Set Form.Recordset = rs rs.Close End If User Interface is |text||valid||invalid| A ...

creating a server project in vb6 and ms-access

Hi guys, i am making a project in visual basic 6 and ms-access. Its about college management system and is a server based application. Clients can access the system in the server. But the main problem is how can i make my client use the access file located in the server computer.?? if my database file is already opened in the server com...

accdb vs mdb. Which is faster/better?

Does anyone have any experience of using Access 2007 with the prior versions of Access (i.e. mdb files). We have been upgraded, but are still using the mdb format. Some of our code (in particular Docmd.TransferDatabase acImportReport) are now incredibly slow. I tried an initial test and converted our client mdb to accdb and the above T...

How do continuously update data to an asp page?

Hi, I have an asp page based on a very simple database. It references a single table of probably 30 records and maybe 12 data fields and everything works great as I am only uploading a new database every week or so. I have a special circumstance where I would like upload new data to the database and display automatically on the page ev...

MS Access 2003 - Creating a Dashboard - Return Values to a form?

So this is something that I have never tried, but I think I want to create a Metrics Dashboard in my MS Access database. So I think the first question that I need to ask is how can I return a value to a form? If I ave aggregate queries that are top 10 total sales, how can I specify not only the query that I want the top result to come f...

How to distiguish between MS Access Fullversion with Access Run-Time.

My application is built to scan MS Access database in 2005. Problem: MS Access DB is opening when Access Run-Time (But no Full version of MS Access) is installed in the system as well. But showing error while scanning through our Tool. Solution: Need only Full version of MS Access. Suggestion: To Identify, whether the requi...

Access 2007 DAO VBA Error 3381 causes objects in calling methods to "break".

---AFTER FURTHER INVESTIGATION--- "tblABC" in the below example must be a linked table (to another Access database). If "tblABC" is in the same database as the code then the problem does not occur. Hi, We have recently upgraded to Office 2007. We have a method in which we have an open recordset (DAO). We then call another sub (Updati...

access 2007 to exe

Good day, made a database in ms access 2007 with forms, I need to create a stand alone exe file from access, is it possible? if yes. how? thanks a mil ...

Are there limitations in writing to a Foxpro database with Access 2007?

I have a foxpro database that we are trying to write to using MS Access 2007 via a VFP ODBC driver (The driver is version 6.x) Are there limitations in doing this? No matter what we try we are not able to write to the foxpro data tables. We are using ODBC It is the MS VFP driver The Foxpro and access DBs are on the same system The OD...

What are the best tools for optimizing queries in VBA and why?

I'm fairly new to programming and I was wondering; What are the best ways to time and optimize my code? The code I'm currently wanting to time is a series of queries in VBA for MS-Access, but I would also like to time code in VB.NET and ASP.NET as well. So to reiterate, what is the best way to time code and optimize it for each languag...

How can I switch an Access database between shared and exclusive mode?

I'm working on a program that needs to edit some objects in an Access database. It also runs a subprogram (long story) that tries to access the underlying JET database while Access still has it open via ODBC. The problem is that as soon as I start editing Form objects using VBA - for example, using Application.LoadFromText - Access cha...

How to retrieve the odbc database name of tables in ms-access VBA

I have a ms-access database and several ODBC linked tables in it. As I have 2 set of ODBC database ,one is for production the other is for development, they have different names Development and Production. How can I get the odbc info of the linked tables by using VBA? ...

MS Access Inner Join doesn't recognize difference between small and capital letters?

As title says, this issue happens in MS Access 2003 SP1. Does anyone know what could be solution for this problem? Pseudo query select * from a inner join b on ...

Trying to use the "Use Specific Printer" option in Access 2007

I am trying to set a report to use a specific printer. I go into design mode, click on the page setup ribbon, click the page setup bottun, go into the page tabt, click the option to choose a specific printer, and then click the printer button to choose the printer I want to use. I save the steps and exit out of the report, but it sti...

c# and ms access database (Updating)

Good Day created Windows form application in c#, created a data source in c# from the my MS Access database 'inspro' on the form I coded for the save button: try { this.Validate(); this.entitiesBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.entitiesTableAdapter.Update(this.iNSPRODataSet.Entities); ...