
How do I overwrite files without prompt in Access 2007?

I am trying to output multiple tables to excel files. Every time I run the macro it prompts me to overwrite the old file. I am looking for a method that doesn't involve send keys because it locks the keyboard and mouse until the macro completes. What would the best solution be? ...

Input Mask without Year for date

Could anyone help me in inserting a input mask formula for date in a access form textbox that shouldnot take year which only take date and month in the below format : DD/MM Not in DD/MM/YY Thanks for help in advance ...

How to use VBA to move a page within a PDF document

Using MS Access, I need to open a PDF file, move the last page of the file to the first, and save it. But the error (see below) keeps getting in my way. (I'm good with VBA, but this is my first attempt at manipulating PDF with VBA). Note: I'm using AcroRd32.DLL Option Compare Database Option Explicit Sub x() Dim PDFdoc As...

Securing MS Access Front End application with Forms Authentication

Is it possible to use forms authentication to secure access to an application front end built in MS-Access 2007. My current application front end is built in Microsoft Access 2007 with the data residing in SQL Server 2008 Express Edition. I am in the process of porting this application to I intend to use ASP.NET form...

Accessing Field2 in Access 2007

I'm trying to write a simple little routine to email an attachment stored in an Access 2007 database. For some reason I cannot get the simplest part of it to work. I get an error saying "User-defined type not defined" on the following line: Dim attachmentField As DAO.Field2 Now up to this point I haven't accessed any DAO objects yet,...

MS-Access 2003 - Expression in a Text Box on a form

just wondering when using an expression on a form in a text box, to return a value from a table, can the expression have multiple tables in the expression to return the value? the tables are linked and I can return the value in a query, so I figured that Access would be able to do it with this method as well???? =DSum("[tblMain]![Reve...

Prepared Statement Failing (With an Error Message!)

I am getting this error when trying to insert data into a data table Error Saving data. [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect I looked at the appropriate data table and there does not exist a field called COUNT either hidden or not hidden. Is this some SQL terminology that I should be familiar with? An Extens...

VBA for altering PowerPoint 2003 Presentations- Active not new

If I set up a template on PowerPoint slides, that contain all the text boxes I need, the what Visual Basic do I use to enter text that I want into those text boxes? It is easier for me to use a template, because these ppt briefs contain (or need to contain) a lot of data: how do I enter text into those text boxes how do you alter the ...

Strange field assignment issue in DAO with Access 2007

This is a follow-up on my previous question. Once I got the problem with the reference sorted out, I ran into another pretty strange issue. Basically, I have the following behind a button on a form: Dim attachmentField As DAO.Field2 attachmentField = Recordset("Att") I have now linked the reference, placed a break point on the secon...

MS access table as centralised location for storing data

Is it possible to make my MS access tables as a centralised location for storing data I have an mdb access file to store data into a table using a form. Is it possible to enter data to a centralised location? this mdb file copies are used by five user at same time Please help ! ...

Query after splitting access database

I have splitted my ms access mdb file into front end and backend Now i have the backend in the shared folder and frontends in users PC i havent specified the network path anywhere in the front end to push data to the backend file Could anyone tell me where i have to specify network path ??? ...

c# and ms access database updating more than 1 table

I created a database in ms access2007, created data source in c# from the my MS Access database. I needed fields from two different tables on one form. On the form I coded for the save button: try { this.Validate(); this.entitiesBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.product_DetailsBindingSou...

Validation in text box vba

i have vba textbox where i can take the validation which should only take number and accept UPTO 8 character length how can i put a validation which will take only this? ...

Export To Text With Column Headings

Does anyone know how to export an Access table ("Active Table" in the scenario below) to a .txt file with the Column Headings? The scenario is below: Swithcboard Functions: 1. Users add rows or edits rows. 2. The users will click on "View Selected Day", and enter the Day e.g.3 (In the background, the View Macro runs and query filters...

Reading Access Database Records from an HTML and Javascript File

I have been toying around with the idea of enabling an html and javascript file to read MS Access database records. I understand that the database will have to sit on the client for the html/JS file to read it. However, after some successful tests, I notice that just the front-end of the Access database has to be available on the clien...

Access 2003 forms: dropdown navigation

I have a form with a dropdown for quicker navigation of records in a form. It is based on the table the form is bound to. When the value is changed (i.e. click on dropdown, select an entry), it should then jump to the correct record. Access 2007 has the action 'SearchForRecord' which does what I want. However, Access 2003 does not have ...

Problems connecting to an Access MDB file through PowerShell

Hello, I am attempting to connect to an Access 2000 database file (*.mdb), but I am having just a tad few issues. Here is the screenplay thus far, 1) Googled how to connect to a database using powershell which resulted in the following as a source code baseline. $adOpenStatic = 3 $adLockOptimistic = 3 $objConnection = New-Object -co...

MS Access autonumber problem

A client of mine accidentally deleted about 500 records from an access table that has a primary ID field which was created as "autonumber". By turning off the autonumber column (changing back to a integer), I was able to restore the missing 500 records from a backup, but now of course the autonumber cannot be turned back on... What are ...

How to change the "Required" property of a column in Access?

In an access table I have a column which has the "Required" property set to "True". I need a query which would change it to "False". I tried the following without success: ALTER TABLE [MyTbl] ALTER COLUMN [MyCol] VARCHAR(30) NULL; ...

Copy tables between access databases

I have two access databases and would like to find a way to copy tables from one database to the other. The copied table has to keep the same strucure and data. I already tried to fiddle around with sqlBulkcopy but all information i can found about it is using sqlBulkCopy to tranfer tables to sql server. Can I use sqlBulkCopy to copy t...