
vba sql problem

Below query is showing error Please help : DoCmd.RunSQL ("insert into tbltesting (IsDiff)values ('Yes') where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'") ...

Access 2007 Emtpy Query Quirk

I have an Access 2007 DB in which I want to display a split-view form (half form, half datasheet) with a data source of a query. However, there is a chance that the query could be empty. In the event that the query has zero rows, none of the form controls are displayed. Is there any way to make sure all the form controls are displayed...

VBA update query

Below query is resulting zero rows updated but i am sure that there is a record to update DoCmd.RunSQL (" Update tbltesting set IsDiff ='Yes' " & _ "where empid= " & Me.txtEmpId.Value & _ " and testid= " & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & ";") Please help!! ...

How do you get a list of MS Access data types?

Hello! I am trying to list data types from Microsoft Access 2000-2007 (depending on the MS Access database version) in a combobox for a C# program. How can I achieve such a thing? ...

MS Access - OLE Server Error....HELP!!

So I developed this access database application (just the back end), on a lap top, and now I have tried to move it onto a network drive. The purpose of this thing is to track data for metrics, so there is a lot of data (700k rows at 15 fields for main table), and it runs these top N queries that it builds charts with... so i put it all ...

Convert Access queries to SQL Server views when using DTS

I'm using DTS to import data from an Access database to SQL Server 2005. It seems that DTS imports Access queries as tables instead of views, which won't work for me. Is there any way around that? ...

What are the differences between Access and Oracle?

I'd like to know what are the differences between Access and Oracle. ...

VBA select not returning any rows

Below query is not returning any rows into the listbox.There is no error message: lstDiff.RowSource = "select TestScenario,TestId from tblTesting where empid= '" & Me.txtEmpId.Value & "' and testid= '" & Me.txtAutoNumber.Value & "'" Could anyone help? ...

Adding external attachment an mailing from Access

Hi, I am trying to send e-mail from MS Access using VBA but cannot use the sendobject function as this doesn't support external file attachment. Does anyone know how I can do this? Thanks ...

MS Access VBA Listbox with row colouring?

Hi there, I'm trying to put together a little list box, populated from a query, that would have the background colour of its rows as different colours depending on a certain status. I've done some googling around the subject and it doesn't seem possible using the standard controls that the Access form designer provides. There are some A...

In MS Access is there a way to allow forms to update while maintaning Read Only

I have several forms linked tables via queries. The form pull data such as sales and ratios by selecting a product from the main's form's combo box. I am however having to issues: 1- I would ultimately prefer the combo box to be a free entry; however by just entering in the box and hitting enter (not a button called “enter on a scree...

How can I get all the data types specific for a certain version of MS Access or/and every versions of MS Access?

Hello! I am trying to list data types from Microsoft Access 2000-2007 (depending on the MS Access database version) in a combobox for a C# program. I want my program to be capable of opening MS Access 2000-2007 databases. If I open a MS Access 2003 I wish my program to be capable of using the datatypes of any data specific to MS Access 2...

What's a Solution or Formula to export a text field with padded spaces in Access 2003, to a txt file

Hello Im using Access2003 database, with 2 tables, and a single query, a macro to view the files, and a macro to export the files (delimited, not fixed), and a form. The Main table is built as follows: "Employee Name" ;data type: text ,field size:22. "Employee ID" ;data type: text ,field size:22. "RT #" ;data type: text , fi...

I need to write an Access 97 .mdb file

I need to export data from a SQL server 2005 DB to an Access 97 .mdb file. The client that needs it, needs it to be Access 97 because the system that they're importing it into requires Access 97 file format (don't get me started). Any suggestions how to write an old-timey Access file from SQL or .Net (or VB6 or Ruby or Python..)? Thanks...

classic asp connecting to access database, file not found

I am having to work in classic ASP for a small job. I am trying to get the site running on my computer to test. I am running Windows 7 and IIS 7. I get an error when running from local host and on checking the logs I get the error: 80004005 | Could_not_find_file_'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\sc\website\data\si.mdb' My code is like so dim objCon...

Questions about splitting Access Database into Front/Back-end

Okay so I split my access database, and now I have a backend: If I started a brand new table, a brand new query, and a brand form for a different purpose within the db_be.mdb would it appear in the connect "front end" db as I saved it in the backend, or do I have to import it up? If I do have to import the above, the how do I make th...

Any way to import multiple (csv) files to an Access db

I have multiple csv files with the same scheme, and I want to import them in one step. A solution could be to use the "import wizard", but I can only import one file with it. Oh, and it would be the best to work in msaccess2003. THX ...

MS Access: Avoiding "Lost Updates"

We've inherited a rather large Access DB that has some very strange (and unsettling) behaviour: Some updates to the database are lost. What can we do to avoid this? Are there any settings in Access to provide better transactional control? Here are some more details: We have one access user that has write access (shared by a very limit...

MS Access 2003 + linked tables to SQL Server 2005 + Windows Authentication = slow

Our MS Access application with linked tables to SQL Server 2005 is slow when using Windows Authentication from Windows XP clients. We've been running it successfully using SQL Server authentication, but now we want to move to Windows Authentication for better security control. Setup: Database server: Windows 2003 Server, SQL Server...

How can I make a network connection with Visual Basic from Microsoft Access?

We have a Visual Basic application inside of Microsoft Access and we need to make a network connection. With VB6, there was a handy little control called WinSock that made this possible, but I can't find anything similar for the stripped down VB version that exists inside of Microsoft Access. Any ideas? Since I'm not getting any answers...